今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 165-6の関係詞について*1。
9.1 例題(2) A schoolmaster recently said that out of the 250 pupils he taught the ones who watched TV were undoubtedly the most intelligent,
We all know the people who sit through any and every programme night after night because they are drugged by TV. But I have yet to meet the child who, allowed to watch as much as he likes, fails to show discrimination.
A schoolmaster recently said that out of the 250 pupils he taught the ones who watched TV were undoubtedly the most intelligent, | |
ある先生が最近、自らが教えている250人の生徒のうち、テレビを見ている子が一番知恵が進んでいるのは確かだと言った。 | |
We all know the people who sit through any and every programme night after night because they are drugged by TV. | |
我々は皆、テレビ中毒に陥っているから大人が夜な夜なあらゆるテレビ番組を終始見続ける大人のことは知っている。 | |
But I have yet to meet the child who, allowed to watch as much as he likes, fails to show discrimination. | |
しかし私は、好きなだけテレビを観ることを許された子で、番組に対する識別力を見せなかった子に未だ出会ったことが無い。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
schoolmaster | [ˈskuːlmɑːstə(r)] | a male teacher in a school, especially a private school | 意味 |
drug[verb] | [drʌɡ] | 1. drug somebody/something to give a person or an animal a drug, especially to make them unconscious, or to affect their performance in a race or competition2. drug something to add a drug to somebody’s food or drink to make them unconscious or sleepy | 意味 |
discrimination | [dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn] | 1. [uncountable] the practice of treating somebody or a particular group in society less fairly than others2. [uncountable] (approving) the ability to judge what is good, true, etc.3. (formal) [uncountable, countable] the ability to recognize a difference between one thing and another; a difference that is recognized | 意味 |
を基に文法を勉強中。前者はPP. 46-7と後者はPP. 8-11を勉強。
語彙 |
意味・内容 |
un,-e marchand,-e | 商人、販売業者 |
une semaine | 1. 週2. 1週間3. 平日4. (特別の活動に充てる)週間、…週間 |
un conseiller | 1. 助言者、忠告者、顧問、カウンセラー2. (県・市町村の)議員、(国家機関の)評議員、参事官3. (破棄院・控訴院などの)裁判官 |