今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 167-8の関係詞について*1。
Sometimes, for several years running, I have been to the same part of the seashore - but each year a new shape of pebble has caught my eye, which the year before, though it was there in hundreds, I never . | |
私は何年か続けて、時折同じ海岸地方を訪れているが、毎年新しい形の小石が目に留まる。そうした形の小石は、前の年にも数百とそこにあったのだが、私の眼には入らなかったのである。 | |
The quality in Smith which his friends his finest was the quality of human sympathy. | |
スミスの気質で彼の友人たちが最大の長所と考えていたのは人間らしい心の温かさであった。 | |
Parenthood is capable of producing the greatest happiness that life to offer. | |
親であることは、人生がもたらし得る最大の幸福を与え得る。 | |
Say nothing which you would not put in the daily paper. | |
新聞に載せて欲しくないことは何も言うな。 | |
The children showed good manners which it would certainly have surprised their parents to see. | |
子供たちは、親が見たらきっと驚くであろうような行儀の良さを見せた。 | |
The few Japanese films that we in Britain have so far had a chance to have earned high praise. | |
我々英国人がこれまでに鑑賞する機会のあった少数の日本映画は絶賛されてきた。 | |
Open-mindedness should be one of the qualities that education aims at . | |
偏見の無い心を有することは、教育が作り出すことを目指す気質の1つであるべきだ。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
reward [noun] | [rɪˈwɔːd] | 1. [countable, uncountable] a thing that you are given because you have done something good, worked hard, etc.2. [countable] an amount of money that is offered to somebody for helping the police to find a criminal or for finding something that is lost | 意味 |
reward [verb] | [rɪˈwɔːd] | to give something to somebody because they have done something good, worked hard, etc. | 意味 |
consistent | [kənˈsɪstənt] | 1. (approving) always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards, etc.2. happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time3. consistent with something in agreement with something; not contradicting something4. (of an argument or a set of ideas) having different parts that all agree with each other | 意味 |
repatriation | [ˌriːˌpætriˈeɪʃn] | 1. (formal) the act of sending or bringing somebody back to their own country2. (business) the act of sending money or profits back to your own country | 意味 |
obvious | [ˈɒbviəs] | 1. easy to see or understand2. that most people would think of or agree to3. (disapproving) not interesting, new or showing imagination; unnecessary because it is clear to everyone | 発音 |
heir | [eə(r)] | 1. heir (to something) / heir (of somebody) a person who has the legal right to receive somebody’s property, money or title when that person dies2. a person who is thought to continue the work or a tradition started by somebody else | 意味発音 |
upturn | [ˈʌptɜːn] | upturn (in something) a situation in which something improves or increases over a period of time | 意味 |
awkward | [ˈɔːkwəd] | 1. making you feel embarrassed2. difficult to deal with3. not convenient4. difficult or dangerous because of its shape or design5. not moving in an easy way; not comfortable | 意味 |
pebble | [ˈpebl] | a smooth, round stone that is found in or near water | 意味 |
を基に文法を勉強中。前者はPP. 47-52と後者はPP. 8-11を勉強。
Ne salissez pas la salle de classe. | |
教室を汚さないでください。 | |
Vous vendez votre maison. | |
貴方は家を売る。 | |
Elles réussissent toujours. | |
彼女らは常に成功する。 |
語彙 |
意味・内容 |
faire du vent | 風がある |
une salle | 1. (住宅内の共用)部屋、…室2. (公共施設などの)…室、会場、ホール3. 映画館、劇場4. (カフェなどの)店内5. (集合的に)観客、聴衆 |
un bruit | 1. 音、物音2. 騒音、騒ぎ3. 噂、評判 |
un arrêt | 1. 停車2. 停留所3. (機能・活動などの)停止、休止4. 留め具 |
bientôt | 間もなく |
constamment | 常に、いつも、しょっちゅう |
lentement | ゆっくりと、のろのろと、徐々に |