今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 115-11を参照。
702. | On the morning of the election, a clamorous crowd surrounded the Governor's mansion and greeted him on his way to the polls. | |
選挙の朝、騒々しい群衆が知事の邸宅を囲み、投票所に向かう知事に挨拶した。 | ||
703. | When one tries to understand the vastness of the universe, both in time and space, we can only feel astounded . | |
時間と空間において、宇宙の広大さを理解しようとすると、我々はただ肝をつぶす程の驚きを感ずるのみである。 | ||
704. | For centuries inventors have tried to make a perpetual motion machine, but this seems to defy the basic laws of physics. | |
何世紀もの間、発明家たちは永久運動の機械を作ろうと試みたが、このことは物理学の基本法則に公然と逆らっているように思える。 | ||
705. | All but one member of the jury thought the defendant was guilty, but the decision had to be unanimous for him to be convicted. | |
陪審団の一人を除いて全員が被告が有罪と思ったが、彼を有罪にするには評決が全員一致でなければならなかった。 | ||
706. | When asked what music he preferred, he responded that he had always been partial to Mozart. | |
どんな音楽が好きかと聞かれて、彼はいつもモーツァルトが特に好みだったと答えた。 | ||
707. | She dressed suggestively and played up to him but he paid her only scant attention. | |
彼女は挑発的な服装をして彼に媚びへつらったが、彼は彼女に僅かな関心を示したに過ぎなかった。 | ||
709. | When Tommy was still an adolescent school boy, he was making his own money as a pianist in a local restaurant. | |
まだ青春期の学生だった頃、トミーは地元のレストランでピアノを弾いて自分の金を稼いでいた。 | ||
710. | Juvenile delinquency is on the increase not only in North America but also in Asia. | |
青少年犯罪は北米だけでなく、アジアでも増加している。 | ||
712. | The man had been in and out of prison all his life, mostly due to his surly nature, which often led to violence. | |
その男は、粗っぽい性格のため、よく暴力沙汰を引き起こしたが、終生刑務所を出たり入ったりしていた。 | ||
713. | She was not what I would call highly intelligent but very shrewd when it came to getting what she wanted out of people. | |
彼女は私に言わせるとそれほど頭の良い女性ではなかったが、欲しいものを人から手に入れることにかけては非常に抜け目が無かった。 | ||
714. | My brother was the kind of kid who always seemed completely heedless of any danger. He would try anything. | |
私の弟はどんな危険にもいつも全くもって無頓着に思えるような子供であった。彼は何でもやろうとした。 | ||
715. | No matter how bleak things got, the little girl always seemed blithe and free from care. | |
どのようにがっくりする事態になっても、その少女はいつも陽気で心配がないように見えた。 | ||
718. | Stalin shattered the hopes of the Communist Revolution with his brutal treatment of any and all dissenters. It is said that millions of Russians were slaughtered. | |
スターリンはありとあらゆる反体制者を残虐に扱って共産主義革命の期待を打ち砕いた。何百万人というロシア人が虐殺されたと言われる。 | ||
719. | The wires in this machine are color-coded to designate their different functions. | |
この機会の中の敗戦は、それぞれの異なる働きを示すため色付けして区別してある。 | ||
720. | Understanding the basic human genome is considered indispensable to many kinds of genetically-based medical research. | |
基本的な人のゲノムを理解することは、多くの種類の遺伝子に基づく医療研究に必要不可欠である。 | ||
722. | Neon is an element that will not combine easily with other elements; therefore, it is considered an inert element. | |
ネオンはほかの元素と容易に結合することのない元素である。そのため不活性元素と考えられている。 | ||
723. | He was very sociable and loved to spend his evenings in congenial conversation with friends. | |
彼はとても交際好きで夕暮れ時を友達との楽しい語らいで過ごすのが好きだった。 | ||
724. | His room was so cluttered with dirty clothes, books and toys, that his mother couldn't even open his door to collect the laundry. | |
彼の部屋は汚れた衣類、本およびおもちゃで足の踏み場もないほど散らかっていたので、彼の母親が洗濯物を集めようとしてもドアを開けることさえできなかった。 | ||
725. | Education did not become compulsory in America until 1918. | |
米国では1918年まで教育は義務ではなかった。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
P. 103の同格構文について*1。
In all the history of the human race there have been only few thousand real men. And the of us—what are we? Teachable animals. | |
人類の全史において真の人間はわずか数千人しかいなかった。では残りの人間—すなわち我々は何なのか。教えると学ぶ動物である。 | |
that can discern the loveliness of things, we call him a poet. | |
ものの美しさを認めることのできる人間、そうした人のことを詩人と呼ぶ。 | |
Good and , and a to help others, all play a big part in making happiness and prosperity. | |
健康で丈夫な体、快活さと他人を助けたいと思う願望、これらすべてが幸福と繁栄を生むのに大きな役割を担う。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
hushed | [hʌʃt] | 1. (of a place) quiet because nobody is talking; much quieter than usual2. [usually before noun] (of voices) speaking very quietly | 意味 |
clamorous | [ˈklæmərəs] | 1. (especially of a lot of people or animals) making a loud noise2. (of a lot of people) making demands for something | 意味 |
apathetic | [ˌæpəˈθetɪk] | showing no interest or enthusiasm | 意味 |
vastness | [ˈvɑːstnəs] | the extremely large area, size or amount of something | 意味 |
astounded | [əˈstaʊndɪd] | very surprised or shocked by something, because it seems very unlikely | 意味 |
assuaged | [əˈsweɪdʒ] | assuage something to make an unpleasant feeling less severe | 意味 |
haphazard | [hæpˈhæzəd] | with no particular order or plan; not organized well | 意味 |
precarious | [prɪˈkeəriəs] | 1. (of a situation) not safe or certain; dangerous2. likely to fall or cause somebody to fall | 意味 |
perpetual | [pəˈpetʃuəl] | 1. [usually before noun] continuing for a long period of time without stopping or being interrupted2. [usually before noun] frequently repeated, in a way that is annoying3. [only before noun] (of a job or position) lasting for the whole of somebody’s life | 意味 |
unanimous | [juˈnænɪməs] | 1. if a decision or an opinion is unanimous, it is agreed or shared by everyone in a group2. unanimous (in something) if a group of people are unanimous, they all agree about something | 意味発音 |
anomalous | [əˈnɒmələs] | different from what is normal or expected | 意味 |
scant | [skænt] | hardly any; not very much and not as much as there should be | 意味 |
scarce | [skeəs] | if something is scarce, there is not enough of it and it is only available in small quantities | 意味 |
sparse | [spɑːs] | only present in small amounts or numbers and often spread over a large area | 意味 |
spontaneous | [spɒnˈteɪniəs] | 1. not planned but done because you suddenly want to do it2. often doing things without planning to, because you suddenly want to do them3. (specialist) happening naturally, without being made to happen4. done naturally, without being forced, practised or organized in advance | 意味 |
adolescent | [ˌædəˈlesnt] | a young person who is developing from a child into an adult | 意味 |
adolescent | [ˌædəˈlesnt] | a young person who is developing from a child into an adult | 意味 |
disgressive | [dī-ˈgre-siv] | haracterized by digressions, the act or an instance of leaving the main subject in an extended written or verbal expression of thought : the act or an instance of digressing in a discourse or other usually organized literary work | 意味 |
retrogressive | [ˌretrəˈɡresɪv] | returning to old-fashioned ideas or methods instead of making progress | 意味 |
sleazy | [ˈsliːzi] | 1. (of a place) dirty, unpleasant and not socially acceptable, especially because sex is involved2. (of people) immoral or unpleasant | 意味 |
surly | [ˈsɜːli] | nfriendly and rude | 意味 |
stealthy | [ˈstelθi] | doing things quietly and secretly; done quietly and secretly | 意味 |
sagacious | [səˈɡeɪʃəs] | showing good judgement and understanding | 意味 |
shrewd | [ʃruːd] | 1. clever at understanding and making judgements about a situation2. showing good judgement and likely to be right | 意味 |
spiteful | [ˈspaɪtfl] | behaving in an unkind way in order to hurt or upset somebody | 意味 |
heedless | [ˈhiːdləs] | heedless (of somebody/something) not paying careful attention to somebody/something | 意味 |
bleak | [bliːk] | 1. (of a situation) not giving any reason to have hope or expect anything good2. (of the weather) cold and unpleasant3. (of a place) exposed, empty, or with no pleasant features | 意味 |
loathsome | [ˈləʊðsəm] | extremely unpleasant; disgusting | 意味 |
blithe | [blaɪð] | 1. (disapproving) showing you do not care or are not anxious about what you are doing2. (literary) happy; not anxious | 意味 |
introvert | [ˈɪntrəvɜːt] | a quiet person who is more interested in their own thoughts and feelings than in spending time with other people | 意味 |
shatter | [ˈʃætə(r)] | 1. [intransitive, transitive] to suddenly break into small pieces; to make something suddenly break into small pieces2. [transitive, intransitive] to destroy something completely, especially somebody’s feelings, hopes or beliefs; to be destroyed in this way3. [transitive] shatter somebody to make somebody feel extremely shocked and upset | 意味 |
querulous | [ˈkwerələs] | complaining; showing that you are annoyed | 意味 |
brutal | [ˈbruːtl] | 1. violent and cruel2. direct and clear about something unpleasant; not thinking of people’s feelings | 意味 |
pugnacious | [pʌɡˈneɪʃəs] | having a strong desire to argue or fight with other people | 意味 |
designate | [ˈdezɪɡneɪt] | 1. [often passive] to say officially that somebody/something has a particular character or name; to describe somebody/something in a particular way2. to choose or name somebody for a particular job or position3. [often passive] to show something using a particular mark or sign | 意味 |
indisputable | [ˌɪndɪˈspjuːtəbl] | that is true and cannot be disagreed with or denied | 意味 |
inviolable | [ɪnˈvaɪələbl] | that must be respected and not attacked or destroyed | 意味 |
inanimate | [ɪnˈænɪmət] | 1. not alive in the way that people, animals and plants are2. dead or appearing to be dead | 意味 |
inert | [ɪˈnɜːt] | 1. (formal) without power to move or act2. (chemistry) without active chemical or other properties (= characteristics) | 意味 |
clattered | [ˈklætə(r)] | 1. [intransitive] if hard objects clatter, they knock together and make a loud noise2. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move making a loud noise like hard objects knocking together | 意味 |
fettered | [ˈfetə(r)] | 1. fetter somebody (literary) to limit somebody’s freedom to do what they want2. fetter somebody to put chains around a prisoner’s feet | 意味 |
cluttered | [ˈklʌtəd] | cluttered (up) (with somebody/something) covered with, or full of, a lot of things or people, in a way that is untidy | 意味 |
urgent | [ˈɜːdʒənt] | 1. that needs to be dealt with or happen immediately2. showing that you think that something needs to be dealt with immediately | 意味 |
compulsory | [kəmˈpʌlsəri] | that must be done because of a law or a rule | 意味 |
forcible | [ˈfɔːsəbl] | involving the use of physical force | 意味 |