
一流の大人(ビジネスマン、政治家、リーダー…)として知っておきたい、教養・社会動向を意外なところから取り上げ学ぶことで“気付く力”を伸ばすブログです。データ分析・語学に力点を置いています。 →現在、コンサルタントの雛になるべく、少しずつ勉強中です(※2024年1月21日改訂)。





 今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)

PP. 130-1のIt...that...について*1

  It was not until the shadow of the forest had crept far across the lake and the darkening waters were still that we rose reluctantly to put dishes in the basket and start on our homeward journey.
  It is not what people eat, but what they digest, that makes them strong.
  It is not by prayer that you cause things to go as you wish, but by acquiring a knowledge of natural laws.
  Science may tell us that in the struggle for life it is the fittest who survive, but we who have lived through two great wars have seen with our eyes that it is the bravest, the noblest and the best who perish.




creep [kriːp] 1. [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) (of people or animals) to move slowly, quietly and carefully, because you do not want to be seen or heard

2. [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) (North American English) to move with your body close to the ground; to move slowly on your hands and knees

3. [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) to move or develop very slowly

4. [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) (of plants) to grow along the ground or up walls using long

5. [intransitive] creep (to somebody) (British English, informal, disapproving) to be too friendly or helpful to somebody in authority in a way that is not sincere, especially in order to get an advantage from them
darken [ˈhəʊmwəd] towards home 意味
struggle [ˈstrʌɡl] 1. [intransitive] to try very hard to do something when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems

2. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move somewhere or do something with difficulty

3. [intransitive] to fight against somebody/something in order to prevent a bad situation or result

4. [intransitive] to fight somebody or try to get away from them

5. [intransitive] to compete or argue with somebody/something, especially in order to get something
wordiness [ˈwɜːdinəs] the use of too many words, especially formal ones 意味
err [ɜː(r)] to make a mistake 意味
triteness [ˈtraɪtnəs] the fact of being boring because it has been expressed many times before 意味
recast [ˌriːˈkɑːst] 1. recast something (as something) to change something by organizing or presenting it in a different way

2. recast somebody (as something) to change the actors or the role of a particular actor in a play, etc.
monotony [məˈnɒtəni] boring lack of variety 意味
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