今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 123-4のIt...that...について*1。
He thought it odd I should live by myself. | |
彼は私が一人で暮らしているのを奇妙だと思っていた。 | |
At the outset let it be acknowledged freedom in reading is a fine thing. | |
はじめに読書の自由が素晴らしいものであると認めて頂きたい。 | |
You must ascribe it to my forbearance I have put up with his rudeness so long. | |
これほどまでに長い間彼の無礼な態度に耐えてきたのは、私が寛容だからだと考えてもらわなければ困ります。 | |
Gradually I taught myself to feel that it did not matter I spoke well or ill. | |
徐々に修練を積んだことで私は、自分が話し上手であろうと口下手であろうとも大した問題ではないと感じるようになった。 | |
It may seem at first sight that it is quite obvious the desirable qualities in a man are. | |
人にあって望ましい性質が何であるかは実に明らかであると当初は思うかもしれない。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
at the outset | - | at or from the beginning of an event or process | 意味 |
ascribe to | [əˈskraɪb] | ascribe something to somebody to consider or state that a book, etc. was written by a particular personascribe something to somebody/something(formal) 1. to consider that something is caused by a particular thing or person2. to consider that somebody/something has or should have a particular quality | 意味 |
forbearance | [fɔːˈbeərəns] | the quality of being patient and kind towards other people, especially when they have done something wrong | 意味 |
expedient | [ɪkˈspiːdiənt] | an action that is useful or necessary for a particular purpose, but not always fair or right | 意味 |
formidable | [fəˈmɪdəbl] | if people, things or situations are formidable, you feel fear and/or respect for them, because they are impressive or powerful, or because they seem very difficult | 意味 |
vigorous | [ˈvɪɡərəs] | 1. very active, determined or full of energy2. strong and healthy | 意味 |
esteem | [ɪˈstiːm] | great respect and approval; a good opinion of somebody | 意味 |
habitual | [həˈbɪtʃuəl] | 1. [only before noun] usual for or typical of somebody/something2. (of an action) done, often in a way that is annoying or difficult to stop3. [only before noun] (of a person) doing something that has become a habit and is therefore difficult to stop | 意味 |
impaired | [ɪmˈpeəd] | 1. (of a part or function) not working as it normally would or as it does in most people2. (sometimes offensive) (of a person) having a particular kind of disability | 意味 |