





 今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 63-66を参照。


  354. Muhammad Ali refused to join the American Army as a conscientious objector to the Viet Nam War.
  356. Volcanoes are created by powerful forces at work beneath the earth's surface, where molten rock, or lava, is being forced upwards until it breaks through the earth's crust in an eruption.
  359. Precautions should be taken to protect visitors to many tropical countries from diseases like malaria and dengue fever.
  360. School officials and medical personnel are concerned that the levels of physical fitness of American youth are substantially below par.
  361. A very unlikely craze of the 1950s and 1960s was the hoola hoop, which made its inventor a millionaire.
  364. My father went into the hospital for a routine operation, but complications made his recovery much more difficult than anyone expected.
  365. In the last stage of a trial, both the defense and the prosecutor are allowed to make a summation to the jury.
  366. When we ran out of money so far from home we had no recourse but to find temporary jobs.
  370. Just as it appeared that medical science was on the verge of finding a cure for AIDS, we discovered that the virus is more complex than we realized.
  373. More and more Japanese baseball players are gaining the distinction of becoming big stars in the Major League.
  374. Slowly but surely, conventional means of communication, like letters, are giving way to the Internet and communication through e-mail and voice mail.


 今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)

P. 82の倒置形について*1

5.1 例題(2)   The Japanese love of flowers is equaled by their love of poetry and painting. Not until one has seen the inside of a Japanese home, we are told, can one realize how important art is to them. Their simple homes are arranged beautifully. All those who can afford it try to win prints of famous paintings.

  The Japanese love of flowers is equaled by their love of poetry and painting.
  Not until one has seen the inside of a Japanese home, we are told, can one realize how important art is to them.
  Their simple homes are arranged beautifully.
  All those who can afford it try to win prints of famous paintings.






proliferation [prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃn] the sudden increase in the number or amount of something; a large number of a particular thing 意味
conscientious [ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs] taking care to do things carefully and correctly 意味
crust [krʌst] 1. the hard outer surface of bread

2. a layer of pastry, especially on top of a pie

3. the outer layer of rock that forms the surface of the earth or another planet

4. a hard layer or surface, especially above or around something soft or liquid
convent [ˈkɒnvənt] 1. a building in which a Christian community of nuns (= members of a female religious community) live together

2. (also convent school) a school run by nuns
precondition [ˌpriːkənˈdɪʃn] precondition (for/of something) something that must happen or exist before something else can exist or be done 意味
precaution [prɪˈkɔːʃn] 1. precaution (against something) something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger

2. precautions [plural] a way of referring to contraception
precondition [ˌpriːkənˈdɪʃn] precondition (for/of something) something that must happen or exist before something else can exist or be done 意味
insanity [ɪnˈsænəti] 1. [uncountable] (formal, law or old-fashioned, often offensive) the state of being insane

2. [uncountable] (also insanities [plural]) actions that are very stupid and possibly dangerous
complication [ˌkɒmplɪˈkeɪʃn] 1. [countable, uncountable] a thing that makes a situation more complicated or difficult

2. [countable, usually plural] (medical) a new problem or illness that makes treatment of a previous one more complicated or difficult
complexity [kəmˈpleksəti] 1. [uncountable] the state of being formed of many parts; the state of being difficult to understand

2. complexities [plural] the features of a problem or situation that are difficult to understand
complexion [kəmˈplekʃn] 1. the natural colour and condition of the skin on a person’s face

2. [usually singular] the general character of something
formality [fɔːˈmæləti] 1. [countable, usually plural] a thing that you must do as a formal or official part of a legal process, a social situation, etc.

2. [countable, usually singular] a thing that you must do as part of an official process, but that has little meaning and will not affect what happens

3. [uncountable] correct and formal behaviour
fringe [frɪndʒ] 1. [countable, usually singular] (British English)(North American English bangs [plural]) the front part of somebody’s hair that is cut so that it hangs over their forehead

2. [countable] a narrow border of hanging threads attached to the edge of something to decorate it

3. [countable] a narrow area of trees, buildings, etc. along the edge of something

4. [countable] the outer edge of an area or a group

5. [singular](usually the fringe) groups of people, events and activities that are not part of the main group or activity
bald [bɔːld] 1. having little or no hair on the head

2. without any of the usual hair, marks, etc. covering the skin or surface of something

3. without any extra explanation or detail to help you understand or accept what is being said
discrimination [dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn] 1. [uncountable] the practice of treating somebody or a particular group in society less fairly than others

2. [uncountable] (approving) the ability to judge what is good, true, etc.

3. (formal) [uncountable, countable] the ability to recognize a difference between one thing and another; a difference that is recognized
transmission [trænzˈmɪʃn] 1. [uncountable] the act or process of passing something from one person, place or thing to another

2. [uncountable] the act or process of sending out an electronic signal or message or of broadcasting a radio or television programme

3. [countable] a radio or television message or broadcast

4. [uncountable, countable] the system in a vehicle by which power is passed from the engine to the wheels
formality [fɔːˈmæləti] 1. [countable, usually plural] a thing that you must do as a formal or official part of a legal process, a social situation, etc.

2. [countable, usually singular] a thing that you must do as part of an official process, but that has little meaning and will not affect what happens

3. [uncountable] correct and formal behaviour
formalization [ˌfɔːməlaɪˈzeɪʃn] 1. the act of making an arrangement, a plan or a relationship official

2. the act of giving something a fixed structure or form by introducing rules
formation [fɔːˈmeɪʃn] 1. [uncountable] the action of forming something; the process of being formed

2. [countable] a thing that has been formed, especially in a particular place or in a particular way

3. [uncountable, countable] a particular arrangement or pattern

protester, objectorの違い

protester a person who makes a public protest
objector objector (to something) a person who objects to something
protest the expression of strong dislike of or opposition to something; a statement or an action that shows this
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