今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 67-70を参照。
376. | The tornado developed quickly and raced through several Midwestern states, obliterating everything in its path. | |
その竜巻は急速に発達すると、その通り道にあるすべてのものを消し去りながら、中西部の数州を駆け抜けていった。 | ||
384. | Although the cure for cancer has not been found yet, successful treatments for many kinds of cancer have made great strides. | |
癌の特効薬はまだ発見されていないが、数多くの種類の癌に有効な様々な治療法は大きな進歩を遂げた。 | ||
386. | When I first moved to my apartment, it was bounded on one side by a woodland, but now the view has been totally blocked by a new high rise office building. | |
私が今のアパートに最初越してきたとき、片側は森林地に接していたが、今は新しい高層オフィスビルにより、その眺めは完全に遮断されてしまった。 | ||
387. | In the 14th century Malacca was an important port of call for ships wanting to trade with cities along the coast of the Melaka Straits. | |
14世紀、マラッカは、メラカ海峡の沿岸沿いの諸都市と交易を望む船舶にとり大切な寄航港であった | ||
389. | The buses weren't running, and paying for a taxi was out of the question, so we decided to walk. | |
バスは運航しておらず、タクシー代を払うことなど問題外だったので、我々は歩くことにした。 | ||
391. | Holley Cole is a Canadian jazz singer, whose unique rendition of traditional blues songs have earned her many fans. | |
ホリー・コウルはカナダのジャズ歌手である。伝統的なブルース調の歌を彼女の独特な手法で演奏し多くのファンを獲得した。 | ||
394. | At the front of the parade were the baton twirlers, then came the kids dressed as Disney characters, and finally, the musicians brought up the rear. | |
行列の先頭にはバトントワラー達がいて、それからディズニーのキャラクターに扮した子供たちが続き、最後に楽士たちがしんがりを務めた。 | ||
396. | By the time we got to the party it was in full swing, so we had a lot of catching up to do. | |
我々がパーティに着くころには宴たけなわであった。それで、我々は大いに遅れを挽回することになった。 | ||
399. | The debate was going well for Bob, but toward the end he lost his composure and fell apart completely. | |
討論はボブに有利に展開していたが、終わりごろになると、彼は冷静さを失い完全に支離滅裂状態となった。 | ||
400. | Despite more open markets in Japan, it is still hard to procure many of the basic ingredients needed to prepare foreign foods, such as fresh coconut for Southeast Asian curries and Indo style rice. | |
日本の更に開かれた市場にもかかわらず、外国料理を調理するのに必要な基本的素材の多く、たとえば東南アジアのカレーに欠かせない新鮮なココナッツやインド風の米などは入手するのが今もって困難である。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
P. 83-84の倒置形について*1。
Peculiar to America certain customs by which a man shows respect to a woman. He opens the door for her and lets her precede him through it. | |
男性が女性への敬意を示す特定の習慣には米国に特有のものがある。男性は女性のためのドアを開けて女性を先に通らせる。 | |
More important than the invention of new machines, the creation of new mental attitude. | |
新しい機械を発明するよりも重要なのは、精神の新しい態度を創造することである。 | |
Among the greatest works in European literature the oldest of them all, the . | |
欧州文学の傑作において、その中のすべての内で最も古いのはイリアドである。 | |
At a quarter of a mile from the point at which the highway issued from between the banks, a stone post, marking the spot where three roads met and united in one. | |
公道が堤防の間から出ている地点から4分の1マイルの所に石標があり、3つの道が合流し1つになる地点を示していた。 | |
the man and his wife. | |
男とその妻は外へ飛び出した。 | |
The door opened, and in a little girl with a red ribbon on her hair. | |
ドアが開き、赤いリボンを髪に着けた少女が入ってきた。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
obliterate | [əˈblɪtəreɪt] | obliterate something to remove all signs of something, either by destroying or covering it completely | 意味 |
passage | [ˈpæsɪdʒ] | 1. [countable] a long narrow area with walls on either side that connects one room or place with another2. [countable] a tube in the body through which air, liquid, etc. passes3. [countable] a short section from a book, piece of music, etc.4. [singular] the passage of time (literary) the process of time passing5. [singular] a journey from one place to another by ship6. [singular] a journey from one place to another by ship7. [singular] a passage (through something) a way through something8. [uncountable] (formal) the action of going across, through or past something9. [uncountable, countable, usually singular] passage (+ adv./prep.) the permission to travel across a particular area of land | 意味 |
blockbuster | [ˈblɒkbʌstə(r)] | something very successful, especially a very successful book or film | 意味 |
absurd | [əbˈsɜːd] | 1. extremely silly; not logical and sensible2. the absurd noun [singular] things that are or that seem to be absurd | 意味 |
composure | [kəmˈpəʊʒə(r)] | the state of being calm and in control of your feelings or behaviour | 意味 |
procure | [prəˈkjʊə(r)] | 1. [transitive] (formal) to obtain something, especially with difficulty2. [transitive, intransitive] procure (somebody) to provide somebody to have sex with another person in exchange for money | 意味 |