今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 79-82を参照。
457. | Despite efforts to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons, eventually more and more countries are sure to acquire them. | |
核兵器の拡散を止めようと努力しても、結局は、ますます多くの国がそうした武器を入手することは確実だ。 | ||
459. | The basic premise of many fundamentalist Islamic governments is that the only acceptable government is one based on the word of God, which can be found only in the Koran. | |
多くのイスラム教原理主義政府の基本的前提は、唯一の受諾可能な政府は神の言葉に基づく政府で、その言葉はコーランの中にのみ見出せるというものである。 | ||
460. | Many films rely on computer enhancement of many scenes to increase the sense of realism. | |
現実感を増すために、多くの映画はコンピュータ処理を施して多くの場面の見映えをよくする。 | ||
462. | Muscular dystrophy is an ultimately fatal disease which causes gradual degeneration of muscular strength and control. | |
筋ジストロフィーは、筋肉の力と制御を徐々に退化させる究極的には致命的な病気である。 | ||
463. | A linguistic purist is often obsessed with what he may suppose is the corruption of his "original" language. | |
言語の純粋主義者は、「本来あるべき姿の」言語の、彼の考えでは、不純化と称するものに憑りつかれている。 | ||
467. | The railway station cloakroom had two parts, one with a counter under the notice DEPOSITS and the other with a counter under the notice WITHDRAWALS. | |
その鉄道の駅の手荷物一時預かり所には2つ窓口があり、1つは「預かり窓口」という表示の下にカウンターがあり、もう一方は「引き取り窓口」という表示の下にカウンターがあった。 | ||
468. | The boys wore dirty clothes, so they could play in the ground to their hearts' content with no need to give their clothes a thought. | |
少年たちは汚れた服を着ていた。それゆえ、着ている服のことを気にする必要もなくグラウンドで思う存分遊ぶことができた。 | ||
469. | If you are paying monthly installments on something very expensive, you will spend less money or perhaps no money on some other unnecessary things. | |
何か非常に高価なものを月賦で支払っているときは、何か他の不必要なものには支払を少なくするか、または恐らく一切金を使わないであろう。 | ||
470. | Scientists are now looking for traces of life in space. Balloons have already brought back tiny bits of living matter - spores, pollens, mold - from 15 or more miles out. | |
科学者たちは今宇宙に生命の痕跡を探索中である。希求が既に15マイルあるいはそれ以上の距離の彼方から、胞子、花粉、カビと言ったような生命体の微小なかけらを持ち帰る。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 88-89の倒置形について*1。
Power—the greatest ever known on earth—man now in his hands. | |
力―地球上にかつてなかったほどの大きな力―を人は今や手中に収めている。 | |
He was honest, clean, and clever. But one very important quality in men of good position he had never , and that quality was politeness. | |
彼は正直で清潔であり賢かった。しかし高い地位にある人が持つ非常に重要な性質が決して身に付かなかった。その性質とは礼儀正しさであった。 | |
This study of languages we linguistics. | |
この種の言語研究は、言語学と呼ばれる。 | |
Whether we can win liberty, fate must ; but that we will be worthy of it we may ourselves . | |
自由を勝ち取ることができるか否かは運命が決めるに違いない。しかし自由に相応しい人になることは我々自身で決定できる。 | |
Those books which have made a lasting contribution to man's quest for truth, we great books. | |
人による真理の探究に永く貢献してきた書籍を良書と呼ぶ。 | |
Some of the things he said to me I shall never , though I know that he would not now recall having said them. | |
そのようなことを言ったのを彼は今や思い出すことは無いであろうと分かっているものの、彼が私に言ったことの中には、私が決して忘れないことがある。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
testimony | [ˈtestɪməni] | 1. [uncountable, singular] testimony (to something) (formal) a thing that shows that something else exists or is true2. [countable, uncountable] a formal written or spoken statement saying what you know to be true, usually in court | 意味 |
recess | [ˈriːses] | 1. [countable, uncountable] a period of time during the year when the members of a parliament, committee, etc. do not meet2. [countable] a short break in a trial in court3. (North American English)(British English break, break time)[uncountable] a period of time between lessons at school4. [countable] a part of a wall that is set further back than the rest of the wall, forming a space5. [countable, usually plural] the part of a place that is furthest from the light and hard to see or get to | 意味 |
proliferation | [prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃn] | the sudden increase in the number or amount of something; a large number of a particular thing | 意味 |
promulgation | [ˌprɒmlˈɡeɪʃn] | 1. the act of spreading an idea, a belief, etc. among many people2. the act of officially or publicly announcing a new law or system | 意味 |
gestation | [dʒeˈsteɪʃn] | 1. [uncountable, countable] the time that the young of a person or an animal develops inside its mother’s body until it is born; the process of developing inside the mother’s body2. [uncountable] (formal) the process by which an idea or a plan develops | 意味 |
restraint | [rɪˈstreɪnt] | 1. [countable, usually plural] restraint (on somebody/something) a rule, a fact, an idea, etc. that limits or controls what people can do2. [uncountable] the act of controlling or limiting something because it is necessary or sensible to do so3. [uncountable] the quality of behaving calmly and with control4. [uncountable] (formal) the use of physical force to control somebody who is behaving in a violent way5. [countable] (formal) a type of seat belt or safety device | 意味 |
digression | [daɪˈɡreʃn] | an act of talking about something that is not connected with the main point of what you are saying | 意味 |
desegregation | [ˌdiːˌseɡrɪˈɡeɪʃn] | the act or process of ending the policy of segregation in a place in which people of different races have been kept separate in public places, etc. | 意味 |
degeneration | [dɪˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn] | the process of becoming worse or less acceptable in quality or condition | 意味 |
perfectionist | [pəˈfekʃənɪst] | a person who likes to do things perfectly and is not satisfied with anything less | 意味 |
allotment | [əˈlɒtmənt] | 1. [countable] (British English) a small area of land in a town that a person can rent in order to grow fruit and vegetables on it2. [countable, uncountable] (formal) an amount of something that somebody is given or allowed to have; the process of giving something to somebody | 意味 |
installation | [ˌɪnstəˈleɪʃn] | 1. [uncountable, countable] the act of fixing equipment or furniture in position so that it can be used2. [countable] a piece of equipment or a machine that has been fixed in position so that it can be used3. [uncountable] the act of putting a new program onto a computer4. [countable] a place where specialist equipment is kept and used5. [uncountable] the act of placing somebody in a new position of authority, often with a ceremony6. [countable] (art) a piece of modern sculpture that is made using sound, light, etc. as well as objects | 意味 |
installment | [ɪnˈstɔːlmənt] | 1. one of a number of payments that are made regularly over a period of time until something has been paid for2. one of the parts of a story that appears regularly over a period of time in a newspaper, on television, etc. | 意味 |
spore | [spɔː(r)] | one of the very small cells that are produced by some plants and that develop into new plants | 意味 |
dissect | [dɪˈsekt] | 1. dissect something to cut up a dead person, animal or plant in order to study it2. dissect something to study something closely and/or discuss it in great detail3. dissect something to divide something into smaller pieces, areas, etc. | 意味 |
cadaver | [kəˈdævə(r)] | a dead human body | 意味 |