今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 137-9の意味上の主語について*1。
不定詞の意味上の主語は、 ... _ の形で表される。このときに注意すべき点が3点ある。
Here is a book for a student. | |
学生のための本がある。 | |
Here is a book for a student in this class. | |
クラスにいる学生のための本がある。 | |
Here is a book for a student . | |
学生が読むべき本がある。 |
- ... _ という用法が常に連続して現れるとは限らない。
It is a plain and simple duty for those who wish to act rightly, and who have realised their limitations, great positions humbly and seriously, if they know that they will be unequal to them. | |
もし自らが高い地位に相応しくないと分かっているのであれば、その地位を謙虚かつ真摯に固辞するのは、正しく行動するのを望み自らの限界に気付いた者の単純明白な義務である。 | |
The secret of success in life is for a man ready for his opportunity when it comes. | |
人生における成功の秘訣は、機会が生じたときにそれを掴む準備ができていることである。 | |
There are opportunities for the boys and girls a great many useful things outside of the regular school work. | |
少年少女には決まった学校の課題の他にも多数の有用なことをする機会がある。 | |
While the others still lay she went into the kitchen and lit the fire and made water hot for her husband and for her mother [tex;:to\ drink] when they woke. | |
他の家人がまだ寝ている間に彼女はキッチンに行き火をつけて、夫と母親が起きてから飲めるように湯を沸かした。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
humbly | [ˈhʌmbli] | 1. in a way that shows you do not think you are as important as other people2. humbly born born into a low social position | 意味 |
shade | [ʃeɪd] | 1. [uncountable] an area that is dark and cool under or behind something, for example a tree or building, because the sun’s light does not get to it2. [countable] a thing that you use to prevent light from coming through or to make it less bright3. material that covers a window, often consisting of a roll of cloth that is fixed at the top of the window and can be pulled up and down4. [countable] a particular form of a colour, that is, how dark or light it is5. [uncountable] the dark areas in a picture, especially the use of these to produce variety6. [countable, usually plural] shade of something a different kind or level of opinion, feeling, etc.7. a shade [singular] a little; slightly8. shades [plural] (informal) sunglasses (= a pair of glasses with dark glass in them that9. [countable] (literary) the spirit of a dead person; a ghost | 意味 |
awesome | [ˈɔːsəm] | 1. very impressive or very difficult and perhaps rather frightening2. (especially North American English, informal) very good, great fun, etc. | 意味 |