今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 83-86を参照。
476. | When the young man knocked on Mary's door and asked for Sally, she was stunned to realize that he had mistaken her apartment for an establishment of ill repute. | |
その若者がメアリ―の戸口をノックしてサリーを出してくれと言ったとき、メアリーは彼が彼女のアパートを売春宿と勘違いしていたと知って愕然とした。 | ||
477. | One of my students is well-known for her laziness, but I reluctantly admired her ingenuity in devising clever excuses for not doing her work on time. | |
私の学生の一人は怠け癖で有名であるが、時間通りに自分の議題を終えないための様々な上手な言い訳を作り出す彼女の発明の才には渋々ながら私は感嘆した。 | ||
478. | When it was learned that Nazi Germany had a terrible new weapon in the making, it hastened the American decision to build an atomic bomb as quickly as possible. | |
ナチスドイツが恐ろしい新兵器を製造中だと分かると、できるだけ敏速に原子爆弾を作ろうという米国の決断が早まった。 | ||
479. | My brush with death at the hands of brutal gangster was far too close for comfort. | |
残虐なギャングの一員に殺された私の体験はあまりにも身近すぎて不愉快なものであった。 | ||
480. | While antipathy toward the South grew in the early years before the American Civil War, anti-slavery sentiments were mixed, even in the North. | |
南北戦争前の初期の頃、南部に対する嫌悪感が高まる一方で、北部においてさえ、奴隷制度反対の感情は様々に入り混じったものであった。 | ||
485. | My father was so stubborn that talking to him about some subjects was like talking to a wall. | |
私の父はとても頑固だったため、彼と何かを話題にして話をするのはまるで壁に向かって話をするようなものであった。 | ||
486. | In the United States there are federal laws, which are enforced by the central government, and state laws, over which only a particular state has jurisdiction. | |
合衆国には連邦法と州法があり、連邦法は中央政府が行使し、州法は個々の州のみが司法権を有する。 | ||
489. | He enjoyed inviting friends to his private residence but he preferred meeting his business associates in public places or at his office. | |
彼は友人を喜んで私宅へ招くが、仕事仲間には公的な場所や彼のオフィスで会いたがった。 | ||
490. | He was willing to spend all his money and overcome any hardship to obtain redress for the humiliation he had suffered. | |
彼は自分が受けた屈辱への償いを得るためには、喜んで、有り金全てを使い、そしていかなる困難も克服していくつもりであった。 | ||
491. | After receiving an honourable discharge from U.S. Navy, he entered Harvard University, where he earned a degree in American literature. | |
米国海軍から名誉除隊を受けた後、彼はハーバード大学に入り、そこで米文学で学位を得た。 | ||
495. | Marx's socialist ideology interprets history as little more than the continuous struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie for an equal share of the world's wealth. | |
マルクスの社会主義イデオロギーに基づく解釈では、歴史は、世界の富の公平な分け前を求めての無産階級による有産階級に対する絶え間ない闘争に過ぎない。 | ||
496. | What I remember most from my Catholic upbringing is sitting six days a week in narrow wooden pew for the religious rite called "Mass". | |
私のカトリック教徒としての養育から私が最も覚えていることは、「ミサ」と呼ばれる宗教儀式のため、1週間に6日、教会の狭い座席に座っていたことである。 | ||
497. | When institutions, such as schools or churches, base their policies on conventions rather than reasoned principles, a decline in equality is a virtual certainty. | |
学校とか教会のような公の機関が、その政策を理性に根差した原則よりむしろ従来の慣習に根拠を置くと、質の低下は実質的に確実なものとなる。 | ||
499. | Unlike a visual image, which can communicate an idea or feeling almost instantly, poetic images are conveyed by words arranged in sequence and, to a large extent, processed chronologically. | |
視覚映像は考えあるいは感情をほとんど瞬時に伝えられるが、それと違い詩的映像は整然と並べた語によって伝達され、そしてかなりの程度、起きた順に処理される。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 90-91の倒置形について*1。
What I have begun I am prepared to go on . | |
一度始めたことは続ける覚悟である。 | |
We change and change vitally, as the years go on. Things we thought we wanted most intensely we realize we don't care . | |
私たちは年月を経るにつれて、根本的に変化を重ねていった。かつて自分が最も強く欲していると思っていたものをどうでも良いと思っていることに気付いた。 |
5.3 例題(1) The outstanding characteristic of the English people is good humour, and that, however adverse circumstances are, we seem able to maintain. It is a great strength.
The outstanding characteristic of the English people is good humour, and that, however adverse circumstances are, we seem able to maintain. | |
英国人の顕著な特徴はユーモアに富んでいることで、どんな逆境に遭っても、我々はそれを維持できるように見える。 | |
It is a great strength. | |
それは大きな長所だ。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
repute | [rɪˈpjuːt] | the opinion that people have of somebody/something | 意味 |
impunity | [ɪmˈpjuːnəti] | the fact of not getting punished for something | 意味 |
ingenuity | [ˌɪndʒəˈnjuːəti] | the ability to invent things or solve problems in clever new ways | 意味 |
ignominy | [ˈɪɡnəmɪni] | public shame and loss of honour | 意味 |
brutal | [ˈbruːtl] | 1. iolent and cruel2. direct and clear about something unpleasant; not thinking of people’s feelings | 意味 |
solace | [ˈsɒləs] | solace somebody to make somebody feel better or happier when they are sad or disappointed | 意味 |
antipathy | [ænˈtɪpəθi] | antipathy (between A and B) / antipathy (to/toward(s) somebody/something) a strong feeling of dislike | 意味 |
sensation | [senˈseɪʃn] | 1. [countable] a feeling that you get when something affects your body2. [uncountable] the ability to feel through your sense of touch3. [countable, usually singular] a general feeling or impression that is difficult to explain; an experience or a memory4. [countable, usually singular] very great surprise, excitement, or interest among a lot of people; the person or the thing that causes this surprise | 意味 |
sentiment | [ˈsentɪmənt] | 1. [countable, uncountable] (formal) a feeling or an opinion, especially one based on emotions2. [uncountable] (sometimes disapproving) feelings of sympathy, romantic love, being sad, etc. which may be too strong or not appropriate | 意味 |
sensibility | [ˌsensəˈbɪləti] | 1. [uncountable, countable] the ability to experience and understand deep feelings, especially in art and literature2. sensibilities [plural] a person’s feelings, especially when the person is easily offended or influenced by something | 意味 |
illegitimacy | [ˌɪləˈdʒɪtəməsi] | 1. the fact of being born to parents who are not married to each other2. (formal) the fact of not being allowed by a particular set of rules or by law | 意味 |
pedigree | [ˈpedɪɡriː] | 1. [countable] the parents, grandparents, etc. of an animal that are all of the same breed (= type); an official record showing this2. [countable, uncountable] a person’s family history or the background of something, especially when this is impressive | 意味 |
comrade | [ˈkɒmreɪd] | 1. a person who is a member of the same communist or socialist political party as the person speaking2. (also comrade-in-arms) (old-fashioned) a friend or other person that you work with, especially as soldiers during a war | 意味 |
redress | [rɪˈdres] | redress something to correct something that is unfair or wrong | 意味 |
humiliation | [hjuːˌmɪliˈeɪʃn] | a feeling of being ashamed or stupid and having lost the respect of other people; the act of making somebody feel like this | 意味 |
peril | [ˈperəl] | 1. [uncountable] serious danger2. [countable, usually plural] peril (of something) the fact of something being dangerous or harmful | 意味 |
convey | [kənˈveɪ] | 1. to make ideas, feelings, etc. known to somebody2. convey somebody/something (from…) (to…) (formal) to take, carry or transport somebody/something from one place to another | 意味 |