今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 47-50を参照。
256. | To enjoy a Beethovan symphony, you don't have to be capable of composing music yourself. By the same token, you need not be a scientist yourself to appreciate the achievements of science. | |
ベートーベンの交響曲を楽しむのに自分自身が作曲できる必要はない。同じ理由で、科学の成果を享受するのに自分自身が科学者である必要はない。 | ||
257. | When Detective Ferguson recovered the bullet that had apparently killed two victims, he had it sent to ballistics for verification. | |
二人の犠牲者を倒したと思える銃弾を捜し出すと、ファーガソン刑事はそれを検証のため鑑識に送った。 | ||
261. | When the old man was found wandering in the streets, the only piece of identification to be found on his person was an expired VISA card. | |
その老人が通りをさ迷い歩いているのが見つかったとき、身に付けていた唯一の身分を証明するものは期限切れのVISAカードであった。 | ||
264. | We didn't want our parents to hear us; so we waited till we got out of earshot to start talking. | |
親たちに話を聞かれたくなかった。それで、私たちは待って、聞こえないところに行き話し始めた。 | ||
268. | When I asked a clerk at the front desk of my hotel for the telephone number of the national museum, he just handed me the directory without a word. | |
ホテルのフロント係にその国立博物館の電話番号を尋ねると、彼はただ黙って私に電話帳を渡した。 | ||
269. | Many argue that much of the proceeds from cigarette sales should be directed toward treatment of diseases associated with smoking. | |
煙草の売上収入の多くを喫煙と関連のある病気の治療に向けるべきだと多くの者が言う。 | ||
271. | Even after thousands of dollars and weeks of lying on his analyst's couch, his mental condition remains unstable. | |
精神分析医の寝椅子に何週間も横になり何千ドルも金を使った後でさえ、彼の精神状態は依然として不安定である。 | ||
275. | It seems like every few weeks cell phone manufacturers announce some new features of cell phone technology, which is evolving at a rapid pace. | |
数週間ごとに携帯電話の製作者は携帯電話技術の何かしらの新しい特徴を発表しているようである。そして、この技術は急速度で進化している。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
P. 75での用法について*1。
4.3 例題(3) One still hears the foolish claim that a child of German ancestry ought to be able to learn German more easily than some other language. Our experience discredits this. An infant of whatever race learns whatever language it hears, one about as easily as another. Complete adaptability confers the gift of survival. Children do not depend on particular culture but fit themselves to the one into which they are born, and that culture in turn is one that is maintaining itself in a not always friendly universe. Whatever success it has is largely due to the understanding and cooperation that language makes possible.
One still hears the foolish claim that a child of German ancestry ought to be able to learn German more easily than some other language. | |
ドイツ人を先祖に持つ子供が他の言語よりもドイツ語の方をより容易に習得できるはずだという愚かな主張が未だに聞かれることがある。 | |
Our experience discredits this. | |
経験上、この主張は誤りである。 | |
An infant of whatever race learns whatever language it hears, one about as easily as another. | |
如何なる人種の幼児であっても、自らの耳に入ってくる言語が何であれ、その言語を習得する難度に変わりはない。 | |
Complete adaptability confers the gift of survival. | |
完璧な適応力により生き延びることができる。 | |
Children do not depend on particular culture but fit themselves to the one into which they are born, and that culture in turn is one that is maintaining itself in a not always friendly universe. | |
子供は特定の文化に依存しているのではなく自らの生まれた文化に適応するのであって、そうした文化の方も自らに対して常に友好的だとは限らない世界の中で存続を続けている。 | |
Whatever success it has is largely due to the understanding and cooperation that language makes possible. | |
その文化がどのような成功を収めるにしても、その大部分は言語によって可能となる理解や協力に基づいている。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
ballistics | [bəˈlɪstɪks] | the scientific study of things that are shot or fired through the air, such as bullets and missiles | 意味 |
concession | [kənˈseʃn] | 1. [countable, uncountable] something that you allow or do, or allow somebody to have, in order to end an argument or to make a situation less difficult2. [uncountable] concession (of something) (to somebody/something) the act of giving something or allowing something; the act of conceding3. [countable, usually plural] (British English) a reduction in an amount of money that has to be paid; a ticket that is sold at a reduced price to a particular group of people4. [countable] a right or an advantage that is given to a group of people, an organization, etc., especially by a government or an employer5. [countable] the right to sell something in a particular place; the place where you sell it, sometimes an area that is part of a larger building or store | 意味 |
proceeding | [prəˈsiːdɪŋ] | 1. [countable, usually plural] the process of using a court to settle an argument or to deal with a complaint2. proceedings [plural] an event or a series of actions3. proceedings [plural] the official written report of a meeting, etc. | 意味 |
confer | [kənˈfɜː(r)] | 1. [intransitive] confer (with somebody) (on/about something) to discuss something with somebody, in order to exchange opinions or get advice2. [transitive] confer something (on/upon somebody) to give somebody an award, a university degree or a particular honour or right | 意味・発音 |