今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 43-6を参照。
226. | The investigation into the "dirty tricks" tactics of the Nixon administration showed that they served the administration's purposes by retaliating against its political opponents of the previous election. | |
ニクソン政権のいわゆる汚い手口を調べると、そうした手口が、前選挙時の政治上の敵対者に報復することで、同政権の目的に適っていることで判明した。 | ||
230. | In many countries around the world, a frequent opener to a conversation is some comment about the weather. | |
世界の多くの国で、しばしば会話のきっかけとなるのは、ちょっと天気を話題にすることだ。 | ||
231. | The ground-breaking ceremony for the new Clinton Library was held in Little Rock, Arkansas, last week. | |
新クリントン図書館の起工式が先週、アーカンソー州のリトルロックで行われた。 | ||
234. | As the girls walked by the theater they suddenly stopped and shrieked shrilly, thinking they had just caught a glimpse of Elvis leaving the building. | |
劇場の側を歩いていた時、少女たちは、その劇場から出て行くエルヴィスの姿を見かけたと思い、立ち止まると甲高い声で叫んだ。 | ||
235. | Taking hold of the child's hand, he helped her cross the busy street safely. | |
その子の手を掴むと、彼は交通の激しい通りを彼女が安全に向こう側まで渡るのを手助けした。 | ||
238. | Stacey had tried everything she knew to get her son to do his homework, but she had failed. She felt she was at her wit's end. | |
ステーシーは息子に宿題をやらせようと知る限りのことは何でもやってみたが、失敗に終わった。どうしてよいか途方に暮れた。 | ||
241. | He had to borrow some extra money from his father last week but he resolved not to make a habit of it. | |
先週、彼は父親から少し臨時の金を借りなければならなかったが、借金を癖にしないようにしようと決意した。 | ||
243. | We can all remember well the day he took the oath of office as President of the United States. Depending on your point of view, it was a great day or a terrible day for America. | |
我々は皆、彼がアメリカ合衆国大統領として就任の宣誓をした日をよく思い出すことができる。人それぞれの見方によるが、それは米国にとって偉大なる日、さもなければ恐ろしい日だった。 | ||
245. | She admitted that she was really the head of the household. Her husband was often gone and she had no choice. | |
実際には家の主は自分だと彼女は認めた。彼女の夫は家を空けることが多く、彼女にとって仕方のない事だった。 | ||
247. | Communists contemptuously dismiss God as a figment of man's imagination. | |
共産主義者は、神は人間の創造の産物に過ぎないとして軽蔑して退ける。 | ||
249. | Cutting down the trees is actually the simplest part of clearing land for farming. The really big job is removing the stumps. | |
木を切り倒すことは実際には農地の開墾作業の最も容易な部分である。本当に大変な仕事は切り株を取り除くことだ。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 72-5まででの用法について*1。
Whatever in dispraise of the telephone, who would willingly be without it. | |
電話を非難してどのようなことが言われようとも、進んで携帯電話を持たない人は殆どいない。 | |
Whatever way of life different people may , all enough to live on without being dependent on the charity of others. | |
人それぞれがどんな生活様式を選ぼうとも、誰でも他人からの情けに依存しないで生活していくだけのものは必要である。 | |
In our lives we distinguish thousands of different things, and we usually recognize them wherever they may be, or in whatever circumstances we may see them. | |
生活の中で我々は数千の異なったものを見分け、どこにあろうとも、またどんな機会にそれらを見ることになろうとも、大抵それが何か分かる。 |
4.3 例題(2) He was faced with that enormous and frightening question of conscience which has entered the lives of so many Americans in our times. He had to decide whether to maintain the principles of free speech and free thought in which he had always believed and take what consequences came from this; or whether to abandon these principles, rationalize them out of existence and thereby cling to security and comfort.
He was faced with that enormous and frightening question of conscience which has entered the lives of so many Americans in our times. | |
彼は、現代の実に多くの米国人の生活に入り込んでいる多数の恐ろしい良心の問題に直面していた。 | |
He had to decide whether to maitain the principles of free speech and free thought in which he had always believed and take what consequences came from this; or whether to abandon these principles, rationalize them out of existence and thereby cling to security and comfort. | |
彼は、自身が常に信奉してきた言論の自由と思想の自由という原則を堅持してこれにより生じる如何なる結果をも甘受すべきか、もしくはこれらの原則を破棄し理屈を付けてそれらを消滅させ、それにより安全で快適な生活を守りつけるのか否かを決断せざるを得なかった。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
retaliate | [rɪˈtælieɪt] | to do something harmful to somebody because they have harmed you first | 意味 |
leash | [liːʃ] | a long piece of leather, chain or rope used for holding and controlling a dog | 意味 |
shriek | [ʃriːk] | 1. [intransitive] to give a loud high shout, for example when you are excited, frightened or in pain2. [transitive] to say something in a loud, high voice | 意味 |
gaudy | [ˈɡɔːdi] | too brightly coloured in a way that lacks taste | 意味 |
reignite | [ˌriːɪɡˈnaɪt] | to start burning again; to make something start burning again | 意味 |
contemptuously | [kənˈtemptʃuəsli] | in a way that shows that you have no respect for somebody/something | 意味 |
figment | [ˈfɪɡmənt] | something that somebody has imagined and that does not really exist | 意味 |
parish | [ˈpærɪʃ] | 1. [countable] an area that has its own church and that a priest is responsible for2. (also civil parish) [countable] (in England) a small country area that has its own elected local government3. [countable + singular or plural verb] the people living in a particular area, especially4. [countable] (in the US state of Louisiana) a county | 意味 |
precinct | [ˈpriːsɪŋkt] | 1. (British English) a commercial area in a town where cars cannot go2. (North American English) one of the parts into which a town or city is divided in order to organize elections3. (North American English) a part of a city that has its own police station; the police station in this area4. [usually plural] (formal) the area around a place or a building, sometimes surrounded by a wall | 意味 |