今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 141-43の意味上の主語について*2。
8.1 例題(2) Men can usefully undertake and properly accomplish a common task only when one of them continually directs the activities of all towards the same end. This is self-evident when actions which must follow a rhythm are involved. It would be useless for a gang of men laying rails or a rowing-crew to exert themselves if a foreman or a coxswain did not control their movements. Every non-directed collective action turns rapidly into confusion and disorder.
Men can usefully undertake and properly accomplish a common task only when one of them continually directs the activities of all towards the same end. | |
人は、そのうちの一人がすべての活動を同じ目的に向けて継続的に指導してはじめて効率的に遂行し共通のことを適正に達成する。 | |
This is self-evident when actions which must follow a rhythm are involved. | |
リズムに従って行われなければならない活動においては自明である。 | |
It would be useless for a gang of men laying rails or a rowing-crew to exert themselves if a foreman or a coxswain did not control their movements. | |
レールを敷いている一団の労働者やボートの漕ぎ手が努力しても、職長や艇長が彼らの活動を統率しなければ無駄であろう。 | |
Every non-directed collective action turns rapidly into confusion and disorder. | |
指導を欠いた集団活動はすべて即座に混乱と混沌に陥る。 |
Economic affairs enter into the life of every one of us, the most important economic activity in the life of the ordinary man the way he earns his living. | |
経済活動は私たち全員の生活に入り込んでいるが、普通の人の生活において最も重要な経済活動は生計を立てる方法である。 | |
Scientific progress is made step by step, each new point that is reached a basis for further advances. | |
科学的進歩は段階的になされ、それによる新しい到達点はそれぞれ更なる発展の基礎になる。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
dovish | [ˈdʌvɪʃ] | preferring to use peaceful discussion rather than military action in order to solve a political problem | 意味 |
decelerate | [ˌdiːˈseləreɪt] | 1. [intransitive, transitive] decelerate (something) to reduce the speed at which a vehicle is travelling2. [intransitive, transitive] decelerate (something) to become or make something become slower | 意味 |
bode well/ill (for somebody/something) | [bəʊd] | (formal) to be a good/bad sign for somebody/something | 意味 |
counterbalance | [ˌkaʊntəˈbæləns] | counterbalance something to have an equal but opposite effect to something else | 意味 |
self-evident | [ˌself ˈevɪdənt] | obvious and needing no further proof or explanation | 意味 |
exert | [ɪɡˈzɜːt] | 1. exert something to use power or influence to affect somebody/something2. exert yourself to make a big physical or mental effort | 意味 |
gang | [ɡæŋ] | 1. an organized group of criminals2. a group of young people who spend a lot of time together and often cause trouble or fight against other groups3. (informal) a group of friends who meet regularly4. an organized group of workers or prisoners doing work together | 意味 |
foreman | [ˈfɔːmən] | 1. a male worker who is in charge of a group of other factory or building workers2. a man who acts as the leader of a jury in court | 意味 |
coxswain | [ˈkɒksn] | 1. the person who is in charge of a lifeboat and who controls its direction2. (also cox) the person who controls the direction of a rowing boat while other people are rowing | 意味発音 |
scorn | [skɔːn] | 1. scorn somebody/something to feel or show that you think somebody/something is stupid and you do not respect them or it2. (formal) to refuse to have or do something because you are too proud | 意味 |
tedious | [ˈtiːdiəs] | lasting or taking too long and not interesting | 意味 |
incur | [ɪnˈkɜː(r)] | 1. incur something if you incur something unpleasant, you are in a situation in which you have to deal with it2. incur something if you incur costs, you have to pay them | 意味 |
ambiguity | [ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːəti] | 1. [uncountable] the state of having more than one possible meaning2. [countable] a word or statement that can be understood in more than one way3. [uncountable, countable] the state of being difficult to understand or explain because of involving many different aspects | 意味 |
stain | [steɪn] | 1. [countable] a dirty mark on something, that is difficult to remove2. [uncountable, countable] a liquid used for changing the colour of wood or cloth3. a stain on something (formal) something that damages a person’s reputation, so that people think badly of them | 意味 |
pest | [pest] | 1. an insect or animal that destroys plants, food, etc.2. (informal) an annoying person or thing | 意味 |
を基に文法を勉強中(前者は冒頭から。後者から末尾から。)。前者はPP. 7-10と後者はPP. 229-30を勉強。
Ils dînent chez nous. | |
彼らは私たちの家で夕食を取る。 | |
Nous arriverons à l'avance en prenant un taxi. | |
タクシーに乗れば、私たちが早めに着く。 | |
Elle a maigri en mangeant beaucoup de fruits et de légumes tous les jours. | |
たくさんの果物と野菜を毎日食べたので、彼女は痩せた。 | |
Ils ont gagné beaucoup d'argent en vendant leur appartement. | |
アパルトマンを売って彼らはたくさんのお金を稼いだ。 |
語彙 |
意味・内容 |
à l'avance | 前もって、早めに |
maigrir | 痩せる |
tous les jours | 毎日、日常 |