今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 71-74を参照。
426. | He was well educated, and a dedicated clergyman, able to quote an insightful precept to suit virtually any situation. | |
彼は教養のある献身的な聖職者で、事実上どのような場面にもぴったりの洞察に富む教訓を引用できた。 | ||
428. | A sociopath is a person who has no empathy for the suffering of others, and seems willing to do anything without any pangs of conscience. | |
反社会的な人物とは、他人の苦しみに何の感情移入も持たず、一切の良心の呵責なしに、どのような事もいとわずにやるような人である。 | ||
431. | The basketball coach was known for his disciplined approach to the game, but he finally had a player who had enough talent and sufficient judgment to be given free rein. | |
そのバスケットボールのコーチは競技に対する厳格な姿勢で有名であったが、遂に本人の自由裁量に任せられる才能と判断力を備えた選手を獲得した。 | ||
434. | In early twentieth century America, laws were passed to prohibit explicitly the exploitation of children in the work force. | |
20世紀初頭の米国で、働き手である子供の搾取をはっきりと禁止する法律が議会を通過した。 | ||
435. | The Army camp was very large, with many stores and restaurants, numerous offices and the soldiers' living quarters. | |
その群の野営地はとても広く、多くの店やレストラン、数多くの事務所、そして兵士の居住区を備えていた。 | ||
441. | Although it is relatively easy to learn, compiling a proper bibliography of reference materials is a task that requires close scrutiny and precise training. | |
覚えるのは比較的容易ではあるが、参考資料の正確な著書目録を編纂することは綿密な精査と細心の訓練を要する仕事である。 | ||
442. | The pyramids, ironically, are not really monuments to the immorality of the pharaohs, but to the contrary, they symbolize the brevity of life and the absurdity of human vanity. | |
皮肉にも、真の意味で、ピラミッドは古代エジプト国王の永遠の生命の記念碑ではなく、反対に命の短さと人間の虚栄心の愚かしさを象徴している。 | ||
447. | Dr Albert Schweitzer spent many years in Africa, working for the betterment of the living conditions of the native population. | |
アルベルト・シュヴァイツァー博士はアフリカで多くの歳月を過ごし、現地の住民の生活状態を改善するために働いた。 | ||
448. | One disappearing feature of Japanese companies is the once-touted security of lifelong employment. | |
日本の会社の消えつつある1つの特徴は、昔は称賛された終身雇用がもたらす安全である。 | ||
449. | An accident involving one of the roller coasters at Disneyland was attributed to a flaw in the mechanism that keeps the train on the tracks.. | |
ディズニーランドのローラーコースターの1つを巻き込んだ事故は、台車を軌道上に固定しておく機械装置の中の或る欠陥が原因だった。 | ||
450. | Parents who send their children to private, denominational schools, have argued that the federal government should also provide some subsidies to help lower the tuition costs. | |
子供を私立の宗派立学校に通わせている親たちは、授業料を下げる手助けとして、連邦政府のある程度の助成金を出すべきだと主張している。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 86-87の倒置形について*1。
5.2 例題(1) Perhaps even more interesting than the number of women employed in American business and industry is the fact that they own 70 to 80 per cent of all national wealth. These figures are accounted for in part by the fact that women survive men.
Perhaps even more interesting than the number of women employed in American business and industry is the fact that they own 70 to 80 per cent of all national wealth. | |
もしかしたら米国企業や産業に雇用されている女性の数よりもずっと興味深いのは、国富の70%から80%は女性たちが所有しているという事実だ。 | |
These figures are accounted for in part by the fact that women survive men. | |
これらの数字は女性の方が男性よりも長生きしていることにより部分的には説明できる。 |
5.2 例題(2) Originally poetry and music were not separated from each other and from the art of bodily motion, dancing. The father of song, music. and dancing was that savage who first clapped hands leapt and shouted in time at some festival of his tribe. From the clapping has been evolved the whole art of instrumental music, down to the entrancing complexities of the modern symphony. From the shout has proceeded the whole art of vocal music down to the modern opera. From the savage leap has descended every variety of dancing.
Originally poetry and music were not separated from each other and from the art of bodily motion, dancing. | |
元来、詩と音楽は相互に関係があり、身体動作の技術、すなわち舞踊と分離していなかった。 | |
The father of song, music. and dancing was that savage who first clapped hands leapt and shouted in time at some festival of his tribe. | |
歌謡と音楽そして舞踊の父は、部族の祭事のときにはじめて手を叩き飛び跳ねて叫ぶ未開人であった。 | |
From the clapping has been evolved the whole art of instrumental music, down to the entrancing complexities of the modern symphony. | |
手を叩くことから器楽芸術の全体が進化していき、人を恍惚とさせるほどの複雑さを持つ現代交響曲が生まれた。 | |
From the shout has proceeded the whole art of vocal music down to the modern opera. | |
叫ぶことから現代オペラへと昇華していく声楽芸術の全体が生じた。 | |
From the savage leap has descended every variety of dancing. | |
未開人の飛び跳ねからあらゆる種類の舞踊が生まれていった。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
dedicated | [ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd] | 1. working hard at something because it is very important to you2. [only before noun] designed to do only one particular type of work; used for one particular purpose only | 意味 |
clergyman | [ˈklɜːdʒimən] | a male priest, minister or religious leader, especially in the Christian Church | 意味 |
precept | [ˈpriːsept] | a rule about how to behave or what to think | 意味 |
genial | [ˈdʒiːniəl] | friendly and cheerful | 意味 |
magnanimous | [mæɡˈnænɪməs] | kind, generous and forgiving, especially towards an enemy or competitor | 意味 |
virtue | [ˈvɜːtʃuː] | 1. [uncountable] (formal) behaviour or attitudes that show high moral standards2. [countable] a particular good quality or habit3. [countable, uncountable] an attractive or useful quality | 意味 |
humility | [hjuːˈmɪləti] | the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people; the quality of being humble | 意味 |
bridle | [ˈbraɪdl] | a set of leather bands, attached to reins, which is put around a horse’s head and used for controlling it | 意味 |
rein | [reɪn] | 1. [countable, usually plural] a long narrow leather band that is attached to a metal bar in a horse’s mouth (= a bit) and is held by the rider in order to control the horse2. reins [plural] (British English) a pair of long narrow pieces of cloth or other material worn by a small child and held by an adult in order to stop the child from walking off and getting lost3. the reins [plural] the state of being in control or the leader of something | 意味 |
exploitation | [ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn] | 1. (disapproving) a situation in which somebody treats somebody else in an unfair way, especially in order to make money from their work2. the use of land, oil, minerals, etc.3. (disapproving) the fact of using a situation in order to get an advantage for yourself | 意味 |
exhortation | [ˌeɡzɔːˈteɪʃn] | exhortation (to do something) an act of trying very hard to persuade somebody to do something | 意味 |
scrutiny | [ˈskruːtəni] | careful and complete examination | 意味 |
laudable | [ˈlɔːdəbl] | deserving to be praised or admired, even if not really successful | 意味 |
refinement | [rɪˈfaɪnmənt] | 1. [countable] a small change to something that improves it2. [countable, uncountable] a thing that is an improvement on an earlier, similar thing; the quality of being improved in this way3. [uncountable] the process of improving something or of making something pure4. [uncountable] the quality of being polite and well educated and able to judge the quality of things; the state of having the sort of manners that are considered typical of a high social class | 意味 |
brevity | [ˈbrevəti] | 1. the quality of using few words when speaking or writing2. the fact of lasting a short time | 意味 |
betterment | [ˈbetəmənt] | the process of becoming or making something/somebody better | 意味 |
flaw | [flɔː] | 1. a mistake in something that means that it is not correct or does not work correctly2. flaw (in somebody/something) a weakness in somebody’s character3. flaw (in something) a fault or small break in something that makes it less attractive or valuable | 意味 |
denominational | [dɪˌnɒmɪˈneɪʃənl] | belonging to a particular branch of the Christian Church; belonging to a particular religious | 意味 |