今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 67-70を参照。
401. | Although I like to eat cakes occasionally, I've never had much of a sweet tooth. | |
私は時々ケーキを食べるのが好きだが、甘いものはたいして好きではなかった。 | ||
404. | Her mother had her heart set on her daughter becoming a famous ballet dancer, but her daughter preferred modern dance. | |
彼女の母親は娘を有名なバレエダンサーにしたいと思ったが、娘はモダンダンスを選んだ。 | ||
406. | Original Bush Administration's estimates of the cost of defeating and rebuilding Iraq fell far short of the mark. | |
イラク打倒と再興に要するブッシュ政権の最初の費用算定は目標に遥かに達しないものであった。 | ||
409. | Police were working day and night to put an end to a series of murders and to arrest the guilty party. | |
警察は一連の殺人事件を終わらせ犯人を逮捕しようと、日夜仕事を続けた。 | ||
412. | He disliked the kid right off the bat, He thought he perceived an insolent expression on the boy's face. | |
彼はその子供が直ちに嫌いになった。その少年の顔に生意気な表情を感じ取ったと彼には思えたのだった。 | ||
415. | Even twenty years after quitting smoking, she has the urge to smoke after eating dinner. | |
禁煙後20年経っても、彼女は食後に煙草を吸いたい衝動に駆られる。 | ||
417. | The U.S. military arsenal is continuously growing in strength due to huge expenditures for military operations. | |
米軍の軍需物資保有量は、軍事作戦に膨大な出費をしているため、絶え間なくますます強大になりつつある。 | ||
420. | Of course, the airlines felt the need to reduce their prices but more than ever before, safety was given top precedence. | |
もちろん、各航空会社は価格を下げる必要を感じていたが、以前にも増して安全が最優先事項となった。 | ||
422. | Tom's mother was alarmed when her son seemed unwilling to settle down in his mid twenties, but his father just assured her that Tom was just sowing his wild oats. | |
トムの母親は息子が20代半ばで落ち着く様子が無いと心配になったが、父親は、トムは単に若気の至りで道楽をしているだけだと言って、彼女を安心させようとした。 | ||
423. | Seismologists have noted that a major earthquake seemed to strike the Kanto area every 75 years, leading to predictions that another one may already be overdue. | |
地震学者は大地震が75年ごとに関東地域を襲うようだと注目している。そして次の大地震の時期は既に始まっているとしている。 | ||
425. | The Chinese economy has surged ahead by leaps and bounds, but some point to the defects of the economic system. | |
中国経済は急速に成長したが、経済制度の欠点を指摘する者もいる。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 84-85の倒置形について*1。
At the foot of the hill country the great northern plains, stretching two thousand miles. | |
山地のふもとに、2,000マイルに渡って広がる北部の大平原がある。 | |
There must be a nice balance in the use of human and other resources. In fact, upon this balance very largely whether or not civilisation will long endure. | |
人的資源とその他の資源の活用には上手く釣り合っていないといけない。それどころか、この釣り合いが取れるか次第で文明が長続きするか否かが大いに決まるからである。 | |
From a study of the productions of the various presses of different countries , more or less accurately, the general requirements of the reading public. | |
各国の刊行物を調べると、その国の読者層の一般的な要求が大体正確に推定できる。 | |
His health was never good at any time of his life, and coupled with this the fact that all his life he was poor in financial circumstances. | |
彼は生涯常に健康がすぐれなかった。これに加え、生涯を通して彼は経済面で貧しかったという事実があった。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
controversial | [ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃl] | causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement | 意味 |
perceive | [pəˈsiːv] | 1. to understand or think of somebody/something in a particular way2. to notice or become aware of something | 意味 |
insolent | [ˈɪnsələnt] | extremely rude and showing a lack of respect | 意味 |
insoluble | [ɪnˈsɒljəbl] | 1. (of a problem, mystery, etc.) that cannot be solved or explained2. insoluble (in something) (of a substance) that does not dissolve in a liquid | 意味 |
vocation | [vəʊˈkeɪʃn] | 1. [countable] a type of work or way of life that you believe is especially suitable for you2. [countable, uncountable] vocation (for something) a belief that a particular type of work or way of life is especially suitable for you3. [countable, uncountable] a belief that you have been chosen by God to be a priest or nun | 意味 |
harshly | [ˈhɑːʃli] | 1. in a cruel, severe and unkind way2. in a way that is too strong and bright; in a way that is ugly or unpleasant to look at3. in a way that is unpleasant to listen to4. in a way that is too strong and rough and likely to damage something | 意味 |
urgency | [ˈɜːdʒənsi] | 1. the quality of needing to be dealt with or happen immediately2. the feeling or belief that something needs to be dealt with immediately | 意味 |
precedence | [ˈpresɪdəns] | precedence (over somebody/something) the condition of being more important than somebody else and therefore coming or being dealt with first | 発音 |
prevalence | [ˈprevələns] | the fact of existing or being very common at a particular time or in a particular place | 意味 |
seismologist | [ˌsaɪzˈmɒlədʒɪst] | a scientist who studies earthquakes | 意味 |
premonition | [ˌpreməˈnɪʃn] | a feeling that something is going to happen, especially something unpleasant | 意味 |
flock | [flɒk] | [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of sheep, goats or birds of the same type | 意味 |