676. | Marsha called her new secretary into the office in order to dictate a speech she wanted her to type. | |
マーシャは自分がタイプしてもらいたい話を口述するためオフィスに新しい秘書を呼び入れた。 | ||
677. | In exasperation, the judge dismissed the prosecutor's case for lack of evidence. | |
腹を立てて、その判事は検事の持ち込んだ件を証拠不十分として却下した。 | ||
678. | I hope your ideas will lead to some improvement in the operation of the company. | |
貴方のアイディアが会社運営における何らかの改善につながることを期待する。 | ||
680. | The sophisticated motion sensor was designed to cause the detonation of a bomb as soon as anyone entered the room. | |
精緻なモーションセンサーは、誰かが部屋に入ってきたらすぐに爆弾を炸裂させるように設計されていた。 | ||
681. | Soldiers of East Germany standing guard along the Berlin Wall shot desperate refugees who tried to escape over the barrier. | |
ベルリンの壁に沿って番をしていた東独の兵士はその壁を乗り越えて逃げようとした死に物狂いの避難民を撃った。 | ||
683. | Little did they know that the house they had just bought was thought to be haunted and therefore, had very low resale value. | |
彼らは買ったばかりのその家が幽霊屋敷であると思われていて、そのために再販価格がとても低いという事をほとんど知らなかった。 | ||
685. | They boy was certainly gifted, but he was inexperienced and naïve, so he could not socialise comfortably with his more sophisticated classmates. | |
その少年は確かに才能に恵まれていたが、経験不足とナイーブだったため、もっと世慣れした級友たちと気軽に付き合うことができなかった。 | ||
688. | When we appeared before the school principal for disciplinary action, we were told at the start to watch our tongue. | |
懲戒処分で校長先生の所に行ったとき、私たちはのっけから言葉に気を付けるように言われた。 | ||
689. | After years of captivity, it was no longer necessary to restrain the convicts by chains or handcuffs. They were actually very meek. | |
何年にもわたる興隆の後は、囚人たちを鎖や手錠で拘束する必要は、最早なかった。彼らは実際、非常に大人しくなっていた。 | ||
690. | It is true that technology may lead to a less humane world in some ways, but few people mind the fact that new machines save human beings a great deal of mindless, back-breaking labour. | |
テクノロジーがある意味、より非人間的な世界につながることは事実だろうが、新しい機械が頭を使うことのない、体を酷使する労働から解放してくれるという事実に注意する人はあまりいない。 | ||
691. | Many people will not like the harsh measures that have been taken to restore the nation's prosperity, because they call for painful lifestyle sacrifices. | |
多くの人々は国の繁栄を取り戻すために取られてきた荒々しいやり方を好まないであろう。なぜならば、それらは痛みを伴う生活様式の犠牲を要求するからである。 | ||
692. | Truck drivers have to struggle to stay awake, let alone alert, after driving for ten to twelve hours without a rest. | |
トラック運転手は、10時間から12時間休みなく運転した後でも、注意を払うのはもちろん、眠らないでいられるように頑張らなくてはならない。 | ||
693. | Once the enemy had overrun the camp, there was no organised resistance; it was every man for himself. | |
敵がキャンプを侵略してからは、もう組織的な抵抗は無かった。すなわち自分は自分という事だった。 | ||
696. | We realized that the $200 we had brought with us for the trip would have to go a long way. We needed to economize as much as possible. | |
私たちは旅行に持ってきた200ドルを長持ちさせる必要があることに気が付いた。できる限り節約する必要があった。 | ||
700. | When she called me in a panic, it took five minutes before I could understand what her conversation was all about. | |
彼女がパニック状態で私を呼んだ時、彼女の言っていることが一体何であるのかを理解するまで5分は掛かった。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
exasperation | [ɪɡˌzæspəˈreɪʃn] | the feeling of being extremely annoyed, especially because you cannot do anything to improve a situation}意味 | ||
detonation | [ˌdetəˈneɪʃn] | an explosion; the action of making something explode | 意味 | |
captivity | [kæpˈtɪvəti] | the state of being kept as a prisoner or in a space that you cannot escape from | 意味 | |
harsh | [hɑːʃ] | 1. cruel, severe and unkind2. (of weather or living conditions) very difficult and unpleasant to live in3. too strong and bright; ugly or unpleasant to look at4. unpleasant to listen to | 意味 | |
meek | [miːk] | 1. quiet, gentle, and always ready to do what other people want without expressing your own opinion2. the meek noun [plural] people who are meek | 意味 | |
overrun | [ˈəʊvərʌn] | the act of taking more time or money than was intended | 意味 | |
ruthless | [ˈruːθləs] | (of people or their behaviour) hard and cruel; determined to get what you want and not caring if you hurt other people | 意味 | |
ultimatum | [ˌʌltɪˈmeɪtəm] | a final warning to a person or country that if they do not do what you ask, you will use force or take action against them | 意味 |