602. | The unique, penetratingly sweet scent of durian hung over the tropical air of the night market. | |
独特な鼻をつんざくようなドリアンの甘い香りが夜の市場の熱帯の空気に立ち込めていた。 | ||
603. | Einstein was not considered an outstanding student throughout most of his formal education, but he still managed to distinguish himself as the greatest mind of his generation. | |
アインシュタインは正式な教育の殆どの期間傑出した生徒と思われなかったが、それでも彼は同世代の最高の知能を持つものとして有名になった。 | ||
604. | He knew he had to break off his engagement with the young lady, though he did so with very mixed feelings. | |
彼はその若い女性との婚約を破棄しなければならないと分かっていた。非常に複雑な感情を抱えながらそうしたのだが。 | ||
605. | The boss tried to persuade Professor Jameson from resigning, assuring him that the Department still needed his services badly. | |
上司はジェイムソン教授に辞めないよう説得しようとした。学部は彼の尽力をまだ大いに必要としていると説得しつつ。 | ||
607. | I tried hard to remember where I might have seen the woman who just walked past me, but I just couldn't place her. | |
私は今自分の所を通り過ぎた女性をどこかで見かけたか、一生懸命に思い出そうとしたが、どうしても彼女を思い出すことができなかった。 | ||
608. | When the police knocked on his door to question him, at first it didn't even cross his mind that he was also a suspect. | |
警察が尋問するため彼の家のドアを叩いたとき、最初、彼には自分も容疑者であるということなど全く心に浮かぶことが無かった。 | ||
609. | We enjoy our big picture window overlooking the lake but it is sad that birds sometimes break their necks crashing into it. | |
私たちは湖を臨む大きな見晴らし窓を楽しんでいるが、ときどき鳥がそれに衝突して首を折ってしまうのが悲しいことだ。 | ||
613. | To avoid being heard by enemy antiaircraft gunners, we killed our engines and let our aircraft glide silently under cover of darkness. | |
敵の対空砲撃者に聞こえないように、我々はエンジンを止めて暗闇に紛れて静かに航空機を滑空させた。 | ||
617. | It seems that many of the streets even in Tokyo are too narrow and were not made for modern traffic. | |
東京でさえも、多くの通りはとても狭く、現代の交通事情に合わせて作られてはいないように見える。 | ||
618. | Due to a bureaucratic mix-up, the suspect was released before the results of the fingerprinting check confirmed that hew was the culprit. | |
役所の手違いによって、その容疑者は、彼は犯人であることを確認する指紋調査の結果が出る前に釈放された。 | ||
619. | The things perfectly ordinary, decent men sometimes do in war may haunt them for the rest of their lives. | |
全く普通の、そして良識ある人間が戦争で行うことは、ときにその後の人生でずっと彼らに付き纏うものだ。 | ||
623. | By laying greater emphasis on research and development, the new president managed to revive the struggling company. | |
研究と開発を大いに強調することによって、新社長は何とかして悪戦苦闘している会社を立ち直らせた。 | ||
624. | From the start they considered her their leading candidate for the job but they still interviewed three other applicants to be sure. | |
最初から、彼らは彼女をその仕事の主要な候補と見なしていたが、それでも確信のために他に3人ほど面接した。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
In time of peace the Dutch are extremely individualistic; a striking example of this is that in the period between the two world wars there were over fifty political parties. | |
平時、オランダ人は極度に個人主義的であり、これの顕著な例として2つの大戦の間、50以上もの政党が存在していた。 | |
You are thinking that I am a rich man, but the truth is that I am only a poor farmer. | |
貴方は私を金持ちだと考えていますが、実は貧農に過ぎないです。 | |
I think we are all born with the gift for enjoying beautiful things, but that we are indifferent to many of them because our attention was never called to them in childhood. | |
我々は皆美しいものを楽しむように生まれてきたものの、その多くに無関心なのは子供時代にそれらへの関心を向けるようにされなかったからだ、と私は考えている。 | |
The middle-class American isn't, in his heart, sure that even the rebels are altogether wrong. Some, in fact, agreed that young people were not unduly critical of their country, and their criticism was actually needed. | |
米国人の中流層は反対派が揃って誤りだ心の底から思っている訳ではない。それどころか、若者は国家を無節操に否定している訳ではないこと、若者の批判は実際に必要であることに合意する者がいた。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
penetratingly | [ˈpenətreɪtɪŋ] | 1. (of somebody’s eyes or the way they look at you) making you feel uncomfortable because the person seems to know what you are thinking2. (of a sound or voice) loud and hard3. showing that you have understood something quickly and completely4. spreading deeply or widely | 意味 | |
bureaucratic | [ˌbjʊərəˈkrætɪk] | connected with a bureaucracy or bureaucrats and involving complicated official rules which may seem unnecessary | 意味 | |
decent | [ˈdiːsnt] | 1. of a good enough standard or quality2. (of people or behaviour) honest and fair; treating people with respect3. acceptable to people in a particular situation4. (informal) wearing enough clothes to allow somebody to see you | 意味 | |
defraud | [dɪˈfrɔːd] | to get money illegally from a person or an organization by tricking them | 意味 |
- 用法とコロケーション
to | get | to know/like sb / sth | |
grow | |||
come | |||
to | become | cold/warm/chilly | |
get | |||
grow | |||
to | become | fat/old | |
get | |||
grow | |||
to | become | angry/hungry/tired | |
get | |||
grow | |||
to | become | annoyed/confused/involved/worried | |
get | |||
to | become | used/ accustomed to sth | |
get | |||
grow | |||
to | become | engaged/pregnant | |
get | |||
to | become | red/white/blue, etc. | |
go | |||
turn | |||
to | become | blind/crazy/mad | |
go | |||
to | become | loose | |
come | |||
to | become | bad/sour | |
go |
- 各類語とそれぞれの意味
become | to start to be sth | |
get | to reach, or make sb/sth yourself reach, a particular state or condition; to reach the point at which you feel, know, are, etc, sth | |
go | to become different in a particular way, especially a bad way; to reach a particular state or condition. *Go is often used to talk about changes in colour and other, especially negative, changes. | |
grow | to begin to have a particular quality or feeling over a period of time; to gradually begin to do sth. *Grow is used to talk about changes that happen over a period of time rather than suddenly It is often used with comparative adjectives to show this gradual change. | |
come | to become; to reach a point where you realize, understand or believe sth | |
turn | to change into a particular state or condition; to make sth do this *Turn is used to talk about colours, changes in the weather and negative changes. |
- は共にある人の状態または条件が変化したことを表す。一般にはよりも格式的で、は口語体でより頻繁に利用される。しかしこれらのうち一方しか利用できない状況も存在する。 ①動詞+形容詞はいずれも可。 ②動詞+名詞はのみ可。 ③動詞+名詞+形容詞はのみ可 ④動詞++不定形はのみ可
- 自分かそれ以外の人の意図した行動の結果として得た変化を記述するにはを用いる。
- 他方でしか用いることのできない形容詞もまた存在する: ①能力()に関係する形容詞: ②知識に関係する形容詞: ③利用可能性に関する形容詞: ④明確さに関係する形容詞:
E.g. | 〇 | I became hungry/upset. | |
〇 | I got hungry/upset. | ||
E.g. | 〇 | She became Queen/ a teacher. | |
× | She got Queen/ a teacher. | ||
E.g. | × | Do not become your dress dirty. | |
〇 | Do not get your dress dirty. | ||
E.g. | × | It took me a long time to become to know her. | |
〇 | It took me a long time to get to know her. |
- をこの意味で用いるとき、形容詞もしくは不定詞のいずれか一方を伴う。
5. What's your name?
- 名前はプライベートに関わるものだが、一般に許容される質問である。
- よく知られているのは' ?だが、これは極めてそっけなく事務的である。
- より親しみのある聞き方は ?である。
- は「~か何か」、「~のようなもの」という意味を持つ。
E.g. | I read it in a book or something. | |
そのことは本か何かで読みました。 |