776. | The media failed to press President Bush and Prime Minister Blair to explain their claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. | |
メディアはブッシュ大統領とブレア首相にイラクにおける大量破壊兵器の存在があるとする根拠を説明するよう迫るのをし損ねた。 | ||
777. | Massive air assaults were used to cover the infantry troops as they charged the enemy positions. | |
敵の陣地に侵攻しようとしている歩兵隊を援護するために大規模な空からの攻撃が実行された。 | ||
779. | Young people are often confused over the difference between freedom and license. | |
若い人は自由と奔放の違いを巡ってよく混乱する。 | ||
782. | No one can imagine what difficulties the average American had during the years of the Great Depression. | |
大恐慌時代に一般の米国人が味わった窮乏状態を想像することは誰にもできない。 | ||
784. | He had to put his camera on a tripod to get a good picture in the dim light of the gathering dusk. | |
彼は迫りくる夕闇の中のぼんやりとした光の中で良い写真を撮るためにカメラを三脚に載せなければならない。 | ||
785. | We went to the party intending to relax but we ended up doing nothing but talking shop. | |
私たちはパーティに行ってリラックスしようと思っていたが、結局は自分の仕事のことを話すだけで終わってしまった。 | ||
788. | I met her only a few days ago, but I can't remember what she said her name was. | |
彼女に会ったのはたった数日前なのだが、彼女が自分の名前が何と言っていたか思い出すことができない。 | ||
791. | A barely audible sigh escaped her lips as she picked up the photograph of her recently deceased husband. | |
最近亡くなった夫の写真を取り上げたとき、やっと聞こえるくらいかすかな溜息が彼女の口から洩れた。 | ||
792. | When my sister started to tire easily and became short-winded after the least bit of exercise, she decided to have a medical check-up. | |
私の姉は、ほんのちょっとの運動でもすぐに疲れて息切れするため、健康診断を受けることを決意した。 | ||
793. | Thebank president was highly respected until he admitted that he had embezzled millions of dollars from customers' private accounts. | |
その銀行の頭取は、顧客の個人口座から何百万ドルというお金を横領したことを認めるまで、大いに尊敬されていた。 | ||
797. | After attending the open-air concert, his head hurt for several hours. He thought he had breathed in cigarette smoke too much. | |
野外コンサートに行った後、彼は数時間頭が痛かった。タバコの煙を吸い過ぎたかなと思った。 | ||
799. | Although she had given him her phone number, he didn't want to seem over-anxious. However, in fact, he was aching to ask her out. | |
彼女は自分の電話番号を彼に伝えたが、彼はあまりうれしそうに見られたくなかったようだ。しかし実際は、彼は彼女を連れ出したくてしょうがなかったのだった。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
massive | [ˈmæsɪv] | 1. very large, heavy and solid2. extremely large or serious3. (informal) very successful or important | 意味 | |
infantry | [ˈɪnfəntri] | soldiers who fight on foot | 意味 | |
tripod | [traɪpɒd] | a support with three legs for a camera, telescope, etc. | 意味 | |
dusk | [dʌsk] | the time of day when the light has almost gone, but it is not yet dark | 意味 | |
embezzle | [ɪmˈbezl] | embezzle (something) to steal money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer | 意味 | |
accommodate | [əˈkɒmədeɪt] | 1. [transitive] accommodate somebody to provide somebody with a room or place to sleep, live or sit2. [transitive] accommodate somebody/something to provide enough space for somebody/something3. [transitive] accommodate something (formal) to consider something such as somebody’s opinion or a fact and be influenced by it when you are deciding what to do or explaining something4. [transitive] accommodate somebody (with something) (formal) to help somebody by doing what they want5. [intransitive, transitive] accommodate (something/yourself) to something (formal) to change your behaviour so that you can deal with a new situation better | 意味 | |
brace | [breɪs] | [countable] a device that holds things together or holds and supports them in position | 意味 |
forgive, allow, permitの相違
- およびの意味
forgive | [fəˈɡɪv] |
[transitive, intransitive] to stop feeling angry with somebody who has done something to harm, annoy or upset you; to stop feeling angry with yourself | |
[transitive] used to say in a polite way that you are sorry if what you are doing or saying seems rude or silly | |
[transitive] forgive (somebody) something (formal) (of a bank, country, etc.) to say that somebody does not need to pay back money that they have borrowed | |
allow | [əˈlaʊ] |
to let somebody/something do something; to let something happen or be done | |
allow somebody/yourself something to let somebody have something | |
[usually passive] to let somebody/something go into, through, out of, etc. a place | |
to make something possible | |
allow something (for somebody/something) to make sure that you have enough of something for a particular purpose | |
(formal) to accept or admit something; to agree that something is true or correct | |
permit | [pəˈmɪt] |
[transitive, often passive] to allow somebody to do something or to allow something to happen | |
[intransitive, transitive] to make something possible |
- およびの類義語 いずれもto decide or say that sb may do sth or receive sth, or that sth may happenの意味である。
to decide or say that sb may do or have sth, or that sth may happen or be done | ||
to allow sb to do sth or allow sth to happen without trying to stop it * When it means 'allow' let is not used in the passive. | ||
(rather formal) to agree to give sb what they ask for, especially formal or legal permission to do sth | ||
(formal) to allow sb to do sth; to allow sth to happen | ||
to give sb the right to have or do sth | ||
to give official permission for sth, or for sb to do sth | ||
/ | to give sb official permission to do, own or use sth; to give official permission for sth to be done | |
to have the right to do or receive sth; to give sb this right | ||
(informal) to officially agree to sth or allow it to happen | ||
(formal) to give permission for sth to happen | ||
(formal) to give sb the power or authority to do sth | ||
to give official approval for sth to be done; to give official permission for a person, ship, plane or goods to leave or enter a place, or for a person to be given special work or see special papers |
- の類義語 いずれもto accept sb's mistake or bad behaviour, or to stop being angry with sb who has made a mistake or behaved badlyの意味である。
(especially spoken) to stop feeling angry with sb who has done sth to harm, annoy or upset you; to stop feeling angry with yourself | ||
(rather formal, spoken) used to say in a polite way that you are sorry if what you are doing or saying seems rude or silly | ||
(often used in negative sentences) (rather formal) to accept behaviour that is morally wrong or to treat it as if it were not serious | ||
(especially AmE, especially spoken) used to ask sb not to be angry with sb, for example for not being polite or making a small mistake |
*In formal spoken English forgive can be used to say in a polite way that you are sorry if what you are doing or saying seems rude or silly.
*You cannot condone a person; you can only condone (of refuse to condone) behaviour.