154. | Conservative governments are often criticised for failing to appropriate sufficient funds to help the poorest segment of the society cope with poverty. |
保守的な政府は、最も困窮している社会層の人々が貧困を克服するのに十分な資金援助を行っていないとして、しばしば批判される。 | |
155. | No one was surprised when the sumo wrestler was promoted to the rank of grand champion, but many did not expect it to happen so soon. |
その力士が横綱に昇進したときは誰も驚かなかったが、多くの人はそんなに早く実現するとは予想はしていなかった。 | |
157. | Although we agreed with the mayor's goal of reducing crime, we could not approve of his methods. |
市長の犯罪を減らすという目標に私たちは賛成だったものの、彼のやり方には賛同できなかった。 | |
158. | Even though I explained the reason I was speeding, the policeman still pulled out his pen and began to write me a ticket. |
速度を出していたことの理由を説明したにもかかわらず、警官は依然としてペンを取り出すと、私に違反切符を切り始めた。 | |
161. | Enclosed are the application forms you requested via email last week. Please fill them out and submit them before the end of the month. |
貴下が先週Eメールで請求された応募用紙を同封致します。用紙に記入の上、今月末までに提出して下さい。 | |
163. | Most of the world's newspapers carried headlines reporting a major earthquake in Mexico City. |
世界中の殆どの新聞はメキシコ市で起こった大きな地震を報道する見出しを付けていた。 | |
172. | Since only a few of us were familiar with downtown Chicago, we arranged to meet in the lobby and go out to eat together. |
シカゴのダウンタウンに通じている者はほんの数人しかいなかったので、私たちはロビーで会って一緒に食事に出掛けようと取り決めていた。 | |
173. | After he had been listed as missing in action for almost a year, his parents were actually relieved to hear he was being held as a prisoner of war. |
彼は1年近く戦闘中行方不明としてリストに載っていたが、戦争捕虜として拘束されていることを聞くと、彼の両親はほっとしていた。 | |
174. | An esteemed professor of the philosophy of science ascribed the development of the scientific method in the West to the ancient Greeks and their respect for logic. |
科学哲学の高名な教授は、西洋における化学方式の発達は古代ギリシア人とその論理尊重によるものであるとした。 | |
175. | The structure of proportion can be represented mathematically in the formula 2:8 = 16:64, or verbally as the number two is to eight as sixteen is to sixty-four. |
非零の構造は数学的には2:8=16:64の式で表すことができる、あるいは言葉にすると、2対8は16対64に相当するということである。 |
またはを引いています。語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
interrupt | [ˌɪntəˈrʌpt] | to say or do sth that makes sb stop what they are saying or doing/to stop sth for a short time | 意味 | |
interrogate | [ɪnˈterəɡeɪt] | to ask sb a lot of questions over a long period of time, especially in an aggressive way/to obtain information from a computer or other machine | 意味 | |
unanimously | [juˈnænɪməsli] | by everyone in a particular group | 意味 | |
appropriate | [əˈprəʊpriət] | to take or give sth, especially money for a particular purpose | 意味 | |
inquire | [ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)] | to ask sb for some information | 意味 | |
depict | [dɪˈpɪkt] | 1. to show an image of sb/sth in a picture/2. to describe sth in a words, or give an impression of sth in words or with a picture | 意味 | |
retain | [rɪˈteɪn] | to keep sth/to continue to hold or contain sth | 意味 | |
detain | [dɪˈteɪn] | to delay sb or prevent them from going somewhere | 意味 | |
conserve | [kənˈsɜːv] | to use an little of sth as possible so that it lasts a long time | 意味 | |
loiter | [ˈlɔɪtə(r)] | to stand or wait somewhere especially with no obvious reason | 意味 | |
banquet | [ˈbæŋkwɪt] | a formal meal for a large number of people, usually for a special occasion, at which epeeches are often made/ a large impressive meal | 意味 | |
esteem | [ɪˈstiːm] | 1. to respect and admire sb/sth very much/2. esteem somebody/something + noun (old-fashioned, formal) to think of sb/sth in a prticular way | 意味 | |
inscribe | [ɪnˈskraɪb] | to write or cut words, your name, etc. onto sth | 意味 | |
ascribe to | [əˈskraɪb] | to consider that sth is caused by a particular thing or person/to consider that sb/sth has or should have a particular quality | 意味 | |
enclose | [ɪnˈkləʊz] | 1. [usually passive] to build a wall, fence, etc. around something2. enclose something (especially of a wall, fence, etc.) to surround something3. [usually passive] (in England in the past) to build a wall or fence around common (= public) land and make it private property4. enclose something (with something) to put something in the same envelope, package, etc. as something else | 意味 | |
arouse | [əˈraʊz] | 1. arouse something to make sb have a particular feeling or attitude2. arouse somebody to make somebody feel sexually excited | 意味 | |
verbally | [ˈvɜːbəli] | in spoken words and not in writing or actions | 意味 |