253. | After only a few years of practicing law, it was clear he did not really belong in that profession | |
数年援護詞をしただけで彼が本当にはその職業に相応しくないことが明らかになった。 | ||
256. | At first we were just having fun joking with the children, but we realized we had carried it too far when they began to cry. | |
最初、我々は単にその子供たちとふざけて楽しんでいただけだったのだが、彼らが無き初めてやり過ぎだったことに気付いた。 | ||
258. | The ghost suddenly stopped, as if suspended in mid-air, and then flitted out of the room. | |
幽霊はまるで空中に吊るされているかのように、突然止まった。そして軽やかに部屋から飛び去って行った。 | ||
261. | Not wanting to be overheard, we had to lessen our voices when we spoke about official policy matters. | |
人に聞かれたくなかったので、我々は職務上のポリシーに関することを話すときは声を潜めなければならなかった。 | ||
262. | The terrible accident bereaved him of his wife for thirty years. | |
酷い事故で彼が奪われてから30年経った。 | ||
265. | After ten years without a real vacation, the company president decided to take some time off. | |
ちゃんとした休暇も取らずに10年間働き続けたので、その会社の社長は暫く休みを取ることに決めた。 | ||
266. | It was clear from the children's symptoms that they had eaten something that didn't agree with them. | |
子供たちの症状から察するに、何か体に合わないものを食べたのは明らかだった。 | ||
267. | Marilyn Monroe was revered as a beauty but all she really wanted was for the public to take her seriously as an actress. | |
マリリン・モンローは美人としてちやほやされていたが、彼女が本当に欲していたのは、大衆に女優として真剣に受け止めてもらうことであった。 | ||
271. | As the sun broke out of the clouds, suddenly a large black and white butterfly came fluttering through the trees. | |
太陽が雲から顔を出すと、突然、大きな黒と白の蝶が木々の間を羽ばたきながら飛んできた。 |
またはを引いています。語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
smug | [smʌɡ] | looking or feeling too pleased about sth you have done or achieved | 意味 | |
snide | [snaɪd] | (informal)criticizing sb/sth in an unkind and indirect way | 意味 | |
procure | [prəˈkjʊə(r)] | 1. (formal) to obtain sth, especially with difficulty2. procure (somebody) to provide somebody to have sex with another person in exchange for money | 意味 | |
revere | [rɪˈvɪə(r)] | (formal)to feel great respect or admiration for sb | 意味 | |
swear to | [sweə(r)] | 1. [intransitive] to use rude or offensive language, usually because you are angry2. [transitive, no passive] to make a serious promise to do something | 意味 | |
outnumber | [ˌaʊtˈnʌmbə(r)] | to be greater in number than sb/sth | 意味 |