第2次大戦まで北海道根室市と北方領土の国後島を結んでいた通信用海底ケーブルの中継拠点「根室国後間海底電信線 陸揚りくあげ 施設」で9日、市などによる調査が行われ、ケーブルの一部が地中から発見された。施設は近く国の登録有形文化財となる見通しで、市はケーブルの一般公開を検討している。(・・・中略・・・)ケーブルは、根室市から国後島を経由して択捉島まで延びていたが、旧ソ連が占領後に切断したという。
1. ソ連と北海道
I received your message with “General Order No. 1.” In the main I do not object to the content of the order. With this, one has in mind that Liaodong Peninsula is a constituent part of Manchuria. However, I propose to introduce the following amendments to “General Order No. 1”:
1. Include all of the Kurile Islands, which, according to the decision of the third powers in the Crimea must pass into the possession of the Soviet Union, into the region of surrender by
Japanese armed forces to Soviet forces.2. Include the northern half of the island of Hokkaido, which adjoins in the North the Laperouse Strait, located between Karafuto and Hokkaido, into the region of surrender by Japanese armed forces to Soviet forces. The demarcation line between the northern and southern halves of the island of Hokkaido is to be drawn along the line, extending from the town of Kushiro on the eastern coast of the island until the town of Rumoe [sic] on the western coast of the island, including the said towns in the northern half of the island.
- 「一般命令第1号」には概ね同意する。しかし以下の修正を提案する:
- (1) クリミアにおける三極間における決議(註:ヤルタ会談のこと)によれば千島列島全島はソ連に明け渡されなければならない。
- (2) 宗谷海峡の北部を加えた北海道の北半分はソ連に明け渡されなければならない。半分を規定する境界は釧路から留萌までを結んだ線(両都市を含む)である。
Dear Mr. Molotov:
I have just received the following message from the President [the word “President” crossed out by Stalin in blue pencil] to Generalissimus Stalin:
“Replying to your message of August 16, I agree to your request to modify General Order Number 1 to include all the Kurile Islands in the area to be surrendered to the Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Forces in the Far East. However, I should like it to be understood that the United States Government desires air base rights for land and sea aircraft on some one of the Kurile Islands, preferably in the central group, for military purposes and for commercial use. [underlined by Stalin] I should be glad if you would advise me that you will agree to such an arrangement, the location and other details to be worked out through the appointment of special representatives of our two Governments for this purpose.
“Regarding your suggestion as to the surrender of Japanese forces on the Island Hokkaido [underlined by Stalin] to Soviet forces, it is my intention and arrangements have been made for the surrender of Japanese forces on all the islands of Japan proper, Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, to General MacArthur.
“General MacArthur employs for temporary occupation of Japan proper selected allied armed forces, which, of course, will include Soviet forces, insomuch as he considers it necessary [underlined by Stalin] in order to accomplish our Allied surrender terms.”
Will you please transmit this message to the Generalissimus.
Sincerely Yours, W.A. Harriman
His Excellency
2. 北海道を巡る米国とソ連