今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 152-3の意味上の主語について*1。
I want to satisfy myself about their able to meet this demand. | |
彼らがこの要求に応じることができるのか確かめてみたい。 | |
The first proof of man's one of the inmost secrets of the universe was the making and using of a horrible weapon of mass destruction. | |
人類が宇宙の内奥の秘密の一つを発見したことの最初の証明は恐怖の大量破壊兵器を製造し用いることであった。 | |
One of the most familiar incidents of daily life is that of a child to speak. | |
日々の生活において最も普通にある出来事の1つは子供が話し方を覚えることである。 |
8.3 例題 By dint of repeating that this generation lacks leisure, people have induced themselves to believe that it does. The falseness of it might be held to be proved by its being repeated with so little real regret; by no man's pausing to consider how the lost leisure could be recovered.
By dint of repeating that this generation lacks leisure, people have induced themselves to believe that it does. | |
現代人には余暇が足りないと繰り返すことによって、そのことが正しいと信じるようになってきている。 | |
The falseness of it might be held to be proved by its being repeated with so little real regret; | |
それが誤りであることは、実際にはほとんど残念がっていないのにそう繰り返す姿から証明されると考えても良いだろう。 | |
by no man's pausing to consider how the lost leisure could be recovered. | |
またどうすれば失われた余暇を取り戻すことができるかについて誰も一息ついてゆっくりと考えてみようとはしないことによっても証明されるであろう。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
inmost = innermost | [ˈɪnməʊst] | most private, personal and secret | 意味 |
by dint of something/of doing something | (formal) by means of something | 意味 | |
chronic | [ˈkrɒnɪk] | 1. (of a disease) lasting for a long time; difficult to cure2. having had a disease for a long time3. (of a problem) lasting a long time; difficult to solve4. (British English, informal) very bad | 意味 |