今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 125-7のIt...that...について*1。
7.2 例題 It has become usual to indicate the close relation between the particular problems studied by the scientist and the social conditions and technical requirements of his age. This certainly helps to dispel the false impression that the "pure" scientist works in a vacuum, completely unrelated to the conditions of the external world. It serves to emphasize that the scientist, however abstract his subject, should be regarded as an element in the social picture of his time. It does not necessarily imply, what is obviously incorrect, that all the work done by scientists has resulted, however unconsciously on their part, from some pressing social need. It is clear from the number of major discoveries that have remained without possible application for many decades that the scientist's free spirit of inquiry frequently precedes the needs of the community in which he lives.
It has become usual to indicate the close relation between the particular problems studied by the scientist and the social conditions and technical requirements of his age. | |
科学者が研究する個々の課題と時代に求められる社会的状況および技術的要求の間には緊密な関係があることを指摘するのは普通のことになった。 | |
This certainly helps to dispel the false impression that the "pure" scientist works in a vacuum, completely unrelated to the conditions of the external world. | |
「純粋」科学者は真空状態で仕事をするのであって、外部世界の条件とは完全に無関係であるという誤った印象を払拭することに確かに貢献する。 | |
It serves to emphasize that the scientist, however abstract his subject, should be regarded as an element in the social picture of his time. | |
その研究内容が如何に抽象的であろうとも、科学者はその時代の社会的状況を描写する一要素であるべきであると強調するのに役立つ。 | |
It does not necessarily imply, what is obviously incorrect, that all the work done by scientists has resulted, however unconsciously on their part, from some pressing social need. | |
しかし、そう言ったからといって、科学者が成したあらゆる業績が、科学者の方では如何に無意識であったにしても、何らかの差し迫った社会的な要請から生じたというような明らかに誤っていることを意味するわけではない。 | |
It is clear from the number of major discoveries that have remained without possible application for many decades that the scientist's free spirit of inquiry frequently precedes the needs of the community in which he lives. | |
何十年も全くもって応用が生まれることなく留まっている大発見の数からも、科学者の自由な探求心が自らの生きている共同体で求められてることに度々先行するというのは明白である。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
indicate | [ˈɪndɪkeɪt] | 1. [transitive] to show that something is true or exists2. [transitive] to be a sign of something; to show that something is possible or likely3. [transitive] to mention something, especially in an indirect way4. [transitive] (formal) to make somebody notice somebody/something, especially by pointing or moving your head5. [transitive] indicate something (formal) to represent information without using words6. [transitive] (formal) to give information in writing7. [transitive] indicate something / indicate how much, how many, etc… (of an instrument for measuring things) to show a particular measurement8. [intransitive, transitive] (British English) to show that your vehicle is going to change direction, by using lights or your arm9. [transitive, usually passive] (formal) to be necessary or recommended | 意味 |
dispel | [dɪˈspel] | dispel something to make something, especially a feeling or belief, go away or disappear | 意味 |
vacuum | [ˈvækjuːm] | 1. a space that is completely empty of all substances, including all air or other gas2. [usually singular] a situation in which somebody/something is missing3. [usually singular] the act of cleaning something with a vacuum cleaner | 意味 |
inherent | [ɪnˈherənt] | inherent (in somebody/something) that is a basic or permanent part of somebody/something and that cannot be removed | 意味 |