今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 148-50を参照。
903. | Had I remembered what the instructor told me, I would have finished the examination with plenty of time to spare. | |
教師の言ったことを覚えていたら、私は充分な時間のゆとりをもって試験を終えたことでしょう。 | ||
904. | Of all the people, she was the last person I would accuse of doing such mischief. | |
彼女こそ、そのような迷惑行為の非難が最も当たらない人物であった。 | ||
906. | Wherever the job takes us, we must be prepared to go without complaining, or else we'll lose our job. | |
仕事でたとえどこへ行こうが、文句を祝時に行く準備はしておかねばならない。さもないと失職することになる。 | ||
908. | He could see little less than the shadowy darkness outside, but something in that darkness caught his attention. | |
彼の目に映るのは、ほとんど外の暗闇に過ぎなかった。しかしその暗闇の中の何かが彼の注意を引いた。 | ||
913. | "My father is dead set against my seeing you", said Mary. "Do you mean that you don't love me any more?" John demanded to know. | |
メアリーは言った。「父は私があなたに会うのは絶対に反対なのよ。」「つまり、俺に愛情をもう感じていないという訳」とジョンは強く迫った。 | ||
918. | At dinner, Nancy looked at the stranger who sat across from her. Odd, he hadn't touched any of his food. | |
夕食時、ナンシーは彼女の真向かいに座っている男を見つめた。奇妙なことに、彼は食べ物のどれにも手を付けていなかった。 | ||
919. | After a quick look around, the scout got to his feet and headed for a clump of trees draped with lush vines. | |
斥候は素早く辺りを見回すと、立ち上がり繁茂した蔦の絡まる木立へ向かった。 | ||
922. | The brakes shrieked loudly and the tires squealed to a halt. The truck driver saw a little boy standing alone in the blinding beams. | |
ブレーキが大きな悲鳴を上げ、タイヤが軋んで止まった。トラックのドライバーは、目も眩むヘッドライトの光の中に小さな男の子が一人立っているのを見た。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 112-の同格構文について*1。
He was picking cherries in a cherry-tree, when a branch broke, and he head over heels to the ground. | |
彼は桜の木でさくらんぼを採っていた。そのとき枝が折れ、彼は真っ逆さまに地面に落ちた。 | |
People's faces the same both sides. Their eyebrows are different, and their mouths one side and their noses aren't really straight. | |
人間の顔は両側とも同じという訳ではない。眉毛が違うし、口の片側が釣り上がっていたりする。鼻筋も本当に真っすぐだとは言えない。 | |
We it sailr fashion. | |
我々は船員式のやり方でそれをやった。 | |
Stars were diamond , and there was no dew. | |
星々はダイヤモンドのように輝き、露は降りていなかった。 | |
The patient is, if anything, a shade today. | |
患者は、今日はどちらかと言えば少しは良い方である。 | |
The country would be a heap off without fools like you. | |
お前たちのような馬鹿がいない方がはるかに国のためになる。 | |
His claim is every bit good yours. | |
彼の主張はどの点から見てもあなたのものと同じく妥当である。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
municipal | [mjuːˈnɪsɪpl] | connected with or belonging to a town, city or district that has its own local government | 意味発音 |
dormitory | [ˈdɔːmətri] | 1. (also informal dorm) a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school or other institution2. (also dorm, residence hall) (all North American English) (British English hall of residence, hall) a building for university or college students to live in | 意味 |
stiff | [stɪf] | 1. difficult to bend or move2. when a person or a part of their body is stiff, their muscles hurt when they move them3. thick; difficult to stir (= move around with a spoon)4. more difficult or severe than usual5. (of a person or their behaviour) not friendly or relaxed6. (informal) costing a lot or too much7. [only before noun] strong; containing a lot of alcohol | 意味 |
drape | [dreɪp] | 1. [transitive] drape something around/over/across, etc. something to hang clothes, materials, etc. loosely on somebody/something2. [intransitive] (of clothes or materials) to hang loosely3. [transitive] drape somebody/something in/with something to cover or decorate somebody/something with material4. [transitive] drape something around/round/over, etc. something to allow part of your body to rest on something in a relaxed way | 意味 |
attentively | [əˈtentɪvli] | 1. carefully, in a way that shows a lot of interest2. helpfully, making sure people have what they need | 意味 |
dew | [djuː] | the very small drops of water that form on the ground, etc. during the night | 意味 |