今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 157-9を参照。
977. | The strange markings were not letters, as far as the archaeologist could tell, nor numbers, nor drawings of any kind. | |
それらの奇妙な記は、その考古学者の知る限り、いかなる種類の文字でもなければ数字でもなく、また絵でもなかった。 | ||
979. | In hot pursuit, two police officers ran after the suspect over the bridge, finally seizing him in an abandoned factory yard. | |
激しい追跡戦を展開しながら、二人の警察官は橋を越え容疑者を追った。そしてついに廃屋となった工場の敷地で彼を捕まえた。 | ||
983. | There has been little change in the patient's condition since he was moved to the intensive care unit. | |
患者の容体は、集中治療室に移されて以来、ほとんど変化していない。 | ||
988. | At our campsite, the school flag is hoisted in the morning and taken down at night by the students on duty. | |
我々のキャンプ地では、当番の学生により、朝、校旗が掲げられ、そして夜に降ろされる。 | ||
989. | Those of us who have a family history of heart disease should make yearly appointments with our doctors. | |
我々の中で心臓病の家族曆がある者は、毎年かかりつけの医師と予約をした方がよい。 | ||
997. | In an attempt to justify her actions, the reporter said that she had been unaware that the documents were forged. | |
その報道記者は、自分の行動を正当化しようとして、それらの書類が偽物だとは知らなかったと言った。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 119-20のIt...that...について*1。
It everyone at the bar knew Sonny. | |
バーにいる全員がソニーを知っていると分かった。 | |
One day it to a man named John Gutenberg if the letters of a text could be made each one separate, they might be used over and over again. | |
ある日、ヨハン・グーテンベルグという名前の男がテキストの活字を一つ一つバラバラに分解しすれば、何度も使うことができると気が付いた。 | |
everyone understook to form all his own opinions and to seek for truth by isolated paths, it would no considerble number of men would ever unite in any common belief. | |
誰もがあらゆることに対する自らの意見を持ち孤立した道を辿って真理を求めようとするならば、相当な数の人が共通の信念に結合することは決して無いという事になるだろう。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
figurine | [ˌfɪɡəˈriːn] | a small statue of a person or an animal | 意味 |
intensive | [ɪnˈtensɪv] | 1. involving a lot of work or activity done in a short time2. complete and extremely detailed; done with a lot of care3. (of methods of farming) aimed at producing as much food as possible using as little land or as little money as possible | 意味 |
campsite | [ˈkæmpsaɪt] | 1. a place where people on holiday can put up their tents, park their caravan, etc., often with toilets, water, etc.2. a place in a campground where you can put up one tent or park one camper, etc. | 意味 |
hoist | [hɔɪst] | to raise or pull something up to a higher position, often using ropes or special equipment | 意味 |
thereby | [ˌðeəˈbaɪ] | used to introduce the result of the action or situation mentioned | 意味 |
therewith | [ˌðeəˈwɪð] | 1. with or in the thing mentioned2. soon or immediately after that | 意味 |
tamper | [ˈtæmpə(r)] | tamper with something to make changes to something without permission, especially in order to damage it | 意味 |
forge | [fɔːdʒ] | 1. [transitive] forge something to put a lot of effort into making something successful or strong so that it will last2. [transitive] forge something to make an illegal copy of something in order to cheat people3. [transitive] forge something (from something) to shape metal by heating it in a fire and hitting it with a hammer; to make an object in this way4. [intransitive] + adv./prep. (formal) to move forward in a steady but powerful way | 意味 |