今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 95-98を参照。
553. | He was a good neighbour when anyone was in need, but he kept his distance, in the time-honoured American tradition of respecting the privacy of others. | |
誰かが困っているときは、彼は良き善人であったが、他人のプライバシーを尊重するという昔ながらの米国の伝統に沿って、他人と距離を置いた。 | ||
554. | Martha was only reluctantly admitted as the first woman medical student at that college, but she graduated with flying colors in the top ten per cent of her class. | |
マーサはその大学に、初めての女子医学生としてしぶしぶ入学を許可されたが、クラスの上位10%に入る成績で堂々と卒業した。 | ||
555. | As a career soldier, he came through three wars safe and sound, but in the end got run over by a bus. | |
職業軍人として、彼は3つの戦争を無事にやり遂げたが、結局バスに轢かれた。 | ||
557. | He dropped out of high school before graduating and now has trouble finding a decent job that pays him enough to make ends meet. | |
彼は高校を卒業しないで退学した。そして今、収入内でやっていけるだけの給料を払ってくれる世間並みの仕事を見つけるのに苦労している。 | ||
560. | Some birds seem especially sensitive to weather conditions and their behaviour can often be linked to particular variations in the weather. | |
鳥の中には天候条件にとりわけ敏感らしいのがいて、そのような鳥の行動はしばしば天候の著しい変動に関連していることがある。 | ||
563. | Economists have noted that countries in temperate weather zones are usually far more affluent than tropical countries. This is probably due to the ability of these countries to produce more abundant and more varied types of food. | |
温帯気候の国はたいてい熱帯地域の国よりもはるかに豊かであるということに経済学者は言及してきた。このことはおそらく、こうした豊かな国は、よりたくさんの種類も豊富な食物を生産できるという事に起因しているのであろう。 | ||
565. | Some of the most tragic and disturbing events of modern life are the millions of murdered and displaced people of various African nations. | |
現代生活の最も悲劇的で心乱される出来事の中に、様々なアフリカの国々の何百万という数の殺害された人々や流民のことがある。 | ||
566. | A mirage is really an optical illusion, usually caused by physical and mental stress on a person stranded in the desert or on the open sea. | |
蜃気楼は本当に目の錯覚であって、通常、砂漠や広々とした海で途方に暮れた人に起こる肉体的および精神的ストレスが原因である。 | ||
567. | Most mathematicians would concur that, statistically speaking, intelligent life on other planets than earth is extremely unlikely. | |
統計学的に言って、地球以外の惑星に知的生命体の存在する可能性は極めて低いというのが大部分の数学者の一致した見解であろう。 | ||
569. | There are still many areas in Asia so far removed from the twenty-first century that the inhabitants' lifestyle seems medieval. | |
住民の生活様式が中世時代と思えるほどに、21世紀から極めてかけ離れた地域がアジアにはまだ多数存在する。 | ||
570. | In the writings of Sartre and Camus, existentialism is postulated as a response to the alternated condition of modern humanity. | |
サルトルやカミュの著作では、実存主義は現代人類の阻害された状況に対する反応として当然のことだとされる。 | ||
572. | The basic premise of evolution is that in nature there are few finished products; things are continuously in flux. | |
進化の基本的前提は、自然界に完成品はほとんど存在しないという事である。事物は絶え間なく変化しているのである。 | ||
574. | Folk medicine may be filled with superstition, but certainly traditional societies have learned a lot about the medicinal value of plants. | |
民間療法は迷信に満ちているかもしれないが、伝統的社会が植物の薬効性について多くのことを習得したことは間違いない。 | ||
575. | "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" implies that even someone of moderate talents can achieve greatness if he or she works hard enough. | |
「天才は1%のひらめきと99%の努力である」という言葉は、波の才能の持ち主でも懸命に努力すれば、卓越したことが達成できるという事を示唆する。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 94-95の倒置形について*1。
"Are you pressed for money?" "So, ." | |
「君は金に困っているのか。」「仰る通りです。」 | |
The understanding of infectious disease is entirely due to scientific advance. So, to take a very recent happening, of the basis of nutrition. | |
伝染病に関する理解は完全に科学的な進展による。ごく最近に起こった例を述べれば、栄養の基礎に関する理解も同様である。 | |
Today youth is discontented. So it . | |
今日、青年は不満を抱いている。そうであるのが当然である。 | |
So hard he that his friends were greatly concerned at his haggard face. | |
彼は一生懸命勉強したので友達は彼のやつれた顔を見て非常に心配した。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
outrageous | [aʊtˈreɪdʒəs] | 1. offensive and unacceptable2. very unusual and intended to shock people slightly | 意味 |
proficient | [prəˈfɪʃnt] | able to do something well because of training and practice | 意味 |
decent | [ˈdiːsnt] | 1. of a good enough standard or quality2. (of people or behaviour) honest and fair; treating people with respect3. acceptable to people in a particular situation4. (informal) wearing enough clothes to allow somebody to see you | 意味 |
docile | [ˈdəʊsaɪl] | quiet and easy to control | 意味発音 |
dormant | [ˈdɔːmənt] | not active or growing now but able to become active or to grow in the future | 意味 |
migratory | [ˈmaɪɡrətri] | connected with, or having the habit of, regular migration | 意味 |
temporal | [ˈtempərəl] | 1. (formal) connected with the real physical world, not spiritual matters2. (formal) connected with or limited by time3. (anatomy) near the temple(s) at the side of the head | 意味 |
disoriented | [dɪsˈɔːriənteɪtɪd] | 1. unable to recognize where you are or where you should go2. feeling confused and unable to think clearly | 意味 |
mirage | [ˈmɪrɑːʒ] | 1. an effect caused by hot air in deserts or on roads, that makes you think you can see something, such as water, which is not there2. a hope or wish that you cannot make happen because it is not realistic | 意味 |
concur | [kənˈkɜː(r)] | to agree | 意味発音 |
intelligible | [ɪnˈtelɪdʒəbl] | intelligible (to somebody) that can be easily understood | 意味 |
thrive | [θraɪv] | to become, and continue to be, successful, strong, healthy, etc. | 意味 |
sterile | [ˈsteraɪl] | 1. (of humans or animals) not able to produce children or young animals2. completely clean and free from bacteria | 意味 |
postulate | [ˈpɒstʃəleɪt] | postulate something / postulate that… to suggest or accept that something is true so that it can be used as the basis for a theory, etc. | 意味 |
temperament | [ˈtemprəmənt] | 1. [countable, uncountable] a person’s or an animal’s nature as shown in the way they behave or react to situations or people2. [uncountable] the fact of tending to get emotional and excited very easily and behave in an unreasonable way | 意味 |
perspiration | [ˌpɜːspəˈreɪʃn] | 1. drops of liquid that form on your skin when you are hot2. the act of perspiring | 意味 |
haggard | [ˈhæɡəd] | looking very tired because of illness, worry or lack of sleep | 意味 |