378. | As the old man told his story, he closed his eyes, creating a tale woven out of images and feelings from his youth. | |
その老人は話をしながら、目を閉じた。若いころのイメージや感情の織り成す話を作り出しながら。 | ||
380. | The early missionaries to Japan naively dreamed of converting the native people to Christianity. | |
日本に来た初期の宣教師はそこに住んでいた人々をキリスト教に帰依させようという甘い夢を見ていた。 | ||
382. | After the witness took the stand, the judge instructed her to tell the court the complete truth. | |
承認が証人席に立つと、裁判官は法廷にてすべて真実を述べるようにと指示した。 | ||
383. | He may not be easy to get to know, but if he promises you something, you know he means it. | |
彼は近づきになるのに決して容易な方ではないものの、もし彼が何か君に約束したとしたら本気である。 | ||
390. | Those who are well off and have always been so, simply cannot understand the true meaning of poverty. | |
現在裕福である者、またずっとそうであったものは、困窮の本当の意味を理解することが全くできない。 | ||
392. | The younger generations may not be able to sustain the kind of hardships suffered by former generations; they have become so soft and lazy. | |
若い世代の人たちは前世代が体験した困難に耐えることができないかもしれない。彼らはとても軟弱で怠惰になってしまった。 | ||
393. | Before leaving the press conference, the reporters from the New York Times posed several tough questions to the President. | |
記者会見を離れる前に、ニューヨークタイムズ紙の記者は大統領にいくつかの手厳しい質問をした。 | ||
394. | His career really took off after he was able to land that big contract for our company to produce fighter jets for the U.S. military. | |
我々の会社が米軍のジェット戦闘機を生産するという大きな契約を獲得することができたときから彼のキャリアは本当に始まった。 | ||
396. | If you aren't well steeped in the latest developments in astrophysics, you will have a very hard time following his lecture. | |
もし天体物理学における最新のニュースに余り足を踏み入れていないならば、彼の講義についていくのに非常な苦労をするだろう。 | ||
398. | That company has the reputation of always meeting its contractual obligations on time. | |
あの会社はいつも時間通りに契約上の義務を果たすという定評がある。 | ||
399. | Even during the blackout, the public remained calm and law-abiding; no one tried to loot or plunder unattended shops. | |
停電の間でさえ、人々は穏やかで法を守っていた。誰も人のいない店から略奪したり荒らしたりすることは無かった。 | ||
400. | It is true that the general population is gullible, but perhaps not as much as the politicians would have us believe. | |
一般大衆が騙されやすいのは事実だろう。しかし政治家が我々を信じ込ませるほどではないであろう。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
2.2. 例題(2) We tend to think of this great invention of the sewing machine as being of use chiefly in the home. It was not this, however, that made the sewing machine of such value to the progress of mankind. Its greatest value came from its use in factories. Women became free when they and their husbands and children could go to stores and buy everything they wore ready-made.
We tend to think of this great invention of the sewing machine as being of use chiefly in the home. | |
人はミシンというこの偉大な発明を主に家庭で役立つと見なしがちである。 | |
It was not this, however, that made the sewing machine of such value to the progress of mankind. | |
しかしミシンが人類の進歩に対するこのような価値をもたらしたのは家庭においてではない。 | |
Its greatest value came from its use in factories. | |
ミシンの最大の価値は工場において利用されたことから生まれた。 | |
Women became free when they and their husbands and children could go to stores and buy everything they wore ready-made. | |
女性がその夫と子供がデパートに行き自らの着るものすべてを既製品で買うことができるようになったとき、自由になったのだった。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
(go to) stores | (英国では既製品を大量に陳列した)デパート | 意味 | ||
sow | 1. to plant or spread seeds in or on the ground2. to introduce or spread feelings or ideas, especially ones that cause trouble | 意味 | ||
sew | [səʊ] | 1. to use a needle and thread to make stitches in cloth2. to make, repair or attach something using a needle and thread | 意味 | |
take the stand | take the witness stand | 意味 | ||
diameter | 1. a straight line going from one side of a circle or any other round object to the other side, passing through the centre | 意味 | ||
radius | [ˈreɪdiəs] | 1. a straight line between the centre of a circle and any point on its outer edge2. a round area that covers the distance mentioned from a central point | 意味 | |
circumference | a line that goes around a circle or any other curved shape; the length of this line | 意味 | ||
consistently | 1. (approving) always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards, etc2. happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time3. in agreement with sth4. having different parts that all agree with each other | 意味 | ||
embezzle | [ɪmˈbezl] | to steal money that you are responsible for or that belongs to your employer | 意味 | |
hardship | a situation that is difficult and unpleasant because you do not have enough money, food, clothes, etc | 意味 | ||
retain | 1. to keep sth; to continue to have sth2. to continue to hold or contain sth | 意味 | ||
pose a question | (formal) to ask a question, especially one that needs serious thought | 意味 | ||
law-abiding | obeying and respecting the law | 意味 | ||
loot | [luːt] | to steal things from shops | 意味 | |
gullible | [ˈɡʌləbl] | too willing to believe or accept what other people tell you and therefore easily tricked | 意味 | |
impunity | [ɪmˈpjuːnəti] | (formal, disapproving)1. a substance that is present in small amounts in another substance, making it dirty or of poor quality2. the state of being dirty or not pure | 意味 | |
convey | [kənˈveɪ] | 1. to make ideas, feelings, etc. known to somebody2. convey somebody/something (from…) (to…) (formal) to take, carry or transport somebody/something from one place to another | 意味 |