





 今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)

PP. 131-のIt...that...について*1

7.3 例題(2)   The Englishman learns by his mistakes, when once he is convinced of them; but it is only the brutal evidence of hard facts which will convince him, and, until these hard facts hit him in the face, his doggedness will make him hold on. It has been said that the English lose all battles and win all the wars; and it is only after he has lost a certain number of battles that the Englishman changes his tactics.

  The Englishman learns by his mistakes, when once he is convinced of them;
  but it is only the brutal evidence of hard facts which will convince him, and, until these hard facts hit him in the face, his doggedness will make him hold on.
  It has been said that the English lose all battles and win all the wars; and it is only after he has lost a certain number of battles that the Englishman changes his tactics.

7.3 例題(3)   It is generally accepted that every intelligent person should know something about the history of the country - and if possible of the world - in which he lives, of the literature which he reads, of the trade or profession which he follows, of the religion he believes in. Why not, therefore, of the language which he speaks? It is in the belief that there is a real necessity for this, and that one of the most certain ways to ensure an intelligent use of any language is to study it historically, that the present book has been written.

  It is generally accepted that every intelligent person should know something about the history of the country - and if possible of the world - in which he lives, of the literature which he reads, of the trade or profession which he follows, of the religion he believes in.
  Why not, therefore, of the language which he speaks?
  It is in the belief that there is a real necessity for this, and that one of the most certain ways to ensure an intelligent use of any language is to study it historically, that the present book has been written.




brutal [ˈbruːtl] 1. violent and cruel

2. direct and clear about something unpleasant; not thinking of people’s feelings
doggedness [ˈdɒɡɪdnəs] the quality of being determined and not giving up easily 意味
reversal [rɪˈvɜːsl] 1. [countable, uncountable] reversal (of something) a change of something so that it is the opposite of what it was

2. [countable] a change from being successful to having problems or being defeated

3. [countable, uncountable] an exchange of positions or functions between two or more people
peripheral [pəˈrɪfərəl] 1. (formal) not as important as the main aim, part, etc. of something

2. (specialist) connected with the outer edge of a particular area

3. (computing) (of equipment) connected to a computer
consistent [kənˈsɪstənt] 1. (approving) always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards, etc.

2. happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time

3. consistent with something in agreement with something; not contradicting something

4. (of an argument or a set of ideas) having different parts that all agree with each other
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