今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 55-58を参照。
306. | It is one thing to rub shoulders with people related to your personal life or career. It is quite another to do so in a crowded Tokyo train at rush hours. | |
私生活あるいは仕事で関係ある人々と交わるのと、ラッシュ時に混んだ東京の電車内で互いに接触するのとは全く別のものである。 | ||
308. | Perhaps the major challenge to young parents is learning to distinguish parental love and concern from indulgence. | |
おそらく若い親にとって大きな挑戦は、親としての愛情および関心と甘やかしとを区別することを身に付けることであろう。 | ||
310. | Automobile engineers have developed the ability to improve not only reliability, but to increase several-fold a car's gas milage. | |
自動車魏氏は車の信頼性を向上する能力のみならず、車のガソリン消費量当たりの走行距離を数倍伸ばす能力を身に付けた。 | ||
311. | Long before it was actually measured by verifiable methods, a few Greek and Arab thinkers had a fairly accurate idea of the Earth's circumference. | |
地球の円周が実証的な方法で実際に測定されるようになるはるか前、何人かのギリシアおよびアラブの思索家たちはそれについてかなり正確な知識を持っていた。 | ||
313. | The knowledge that the moon is a lump of rock and dust orbiting the Earth does not dispel traditional romantic notions of the moon in popular songs and films. | |
月が地球の周りを廻っている岩石と砂塵の塊だと分かったからと言って、大衆的な歌や映画の中で月に対する伝統的ロマンティックな考えが消え去るわけではない。 | ||
314. | Although John is my best friend, I really had no idea he would ask Caroline to marry him. | |
ジョンは私の親友だが、私は彼がキャロラインに求婚するとは本当に知らなかった。 | ||
316. | One of the essential conditions for democratic government is wide tolerance of different political and religious viewpoints. | |
民主主義政治にとっての必須条件の1つは、異なる政治的および宗教的な考えに対する広い寛容精神である。 | ||
317. | Although many nonhuman animals, like monkeys and apes, can communicate with symbols, it is not clear this merits the name "language" in its human sense. | |
猿や類人猿のように、多くの人間以外の動物がシンボルを使って意思を伝えることができるが、このことが人間が用いる意味での「言語」という名に値するか明白ではない。 | ||
318. | When I joined the U.S. Navy, I realized very quickly that, in that capacity, I was a square peg in a round hole. | |
海軍に入隊してすぐ、海軍の一員として、私は不適格者だと分かった。 | ||
322. | The new pilot chief began his career by walking a beat in a dangerous neighbourhood in the Bronx. | |
その新任警察署長は、ブロンクスの危険地帯の巡回区域を歩くことで警察官としてのスタートを切ったのであった。 | ||
323. | In some languages, the part of speech of a word can be determined by looking at its inflections; in other languages, one must look at the word's function in a longer piece of discourse. | |
言語によっては、ある単語の品詞はその語形変化を見て決められるものがある。また長い文面中の語の働きを見なければならない言語もある。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 80-1の倒置形について*1。
At time so perfect as in early autumn. | |
初秋ほどその平原が素晴らしく見えるときはない。 | |
Until less than a hundred years ago, most Japanese belonged to the military class or to the farmers, and in neither class rationalism . | |
100年足らず前まで、大半の日本人は武士階級かもしくは農民であり、いずれの階級でも合理的な態度が良いとされることはなかった。 | |
Only after a century and a half of confusion the royal authority . | |
1世紀半の混乱の後、ついに国王の権威が回復された。 | |
Only when we use our ingenuity and energies to give happiness to others regardless of reward we happiness ourselves. | |
報酬を気にせずに他人を幸せにすべく創意工夫し精力を掛けてはじめて、自分の幸せが達成され得るのである。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
delinquency | [dɪˈlɪŋkwənsi] | bad or criminal behaviour, usually of young people | 意味 |
tedious | [ˈtiːdiəs] | lasting or taking too long and not interesting | 意味 |
deprivation | [ˌdeprɪˈveɪʃn] | the fact of not having something that you need, like enough food, money or a home; the process that causes this | 意味 |
indulgence | [ɪnˈdʌldʒəns] | 1. [uncountable] (usually disapproving) the state or act of having or doing whatever you want; the state of allowing somebody to have or do whatever they want2. [countable] something that you allow yourself to have even though it is not essential3. [uncountable] (formal) the quality of being willing to ignore the weaknesses in somebody/something | 意味 |
interdependence | [ˌɪntədɪˈpendəns] | interdependence (between/among somebody/something) the fact of depending on each other; the fact of consisting of parts that depend on each other | 意味 |
notation | [nəʊˈteɪʃn] | a system of signs or symbols used to represent information, especially in mathematics, science and music | 意味 |
endurance | [ɪnˈdjʊərəns] | the ability to continue doing something painful or difficult for a long period of time without giving up | 意味 |
tolerance | [ˈtɒlərəns] | 1. [uncountable] tolerance (of/for somebody/something) the quality of being willing to accept or tolerate somebody/something, especially opinions or behaviour that you may not agree with, or people who are not like you2. [countable, uncountable] tolerance (to something) the ability to suffer something, especially pain, difficult conditions, etc. without being harmed3. [countable, uncountable] (specialist) the amount by which the measurement of a value can vary without causing problems | 意味 |
desalination | [ˌdiːˌsælɪˈneɪʃn] | the process of removing salt from seawater | 意味 |
dwelling | [ˈdwelɪŋ] | a house, flat, etc. where a person lives | 意味 |
heinous | [ˈheɪnəs] | morally very bad | 意味 |
servitude | [ˈsɜːvɪtjuːd] | the condition of being a slave or being forced to obey another person | 意味 |
inflection | [ɪnˈflekʃn] | 1. a change in the form of a word, especially the ending, according to its grammatical function in a sentence2. a change in how high or low your voice is as you are speaking | 意味 |