今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 51-4を参照。
277. | The action came in a brief but violent spurt, three hours of intense fighting, then eerie silence for the rest of the day. | |
短いが激しい突然の動きで交戦が始まった。3時間の猛烈な戦闘だった。それからあとは終日不気味な静けさが続いた。 | ||
279. | The dispute that had upset the whole neighbourhood could only be resolved by calling in a surveyor to determine clearly the legal boundaries of each person's property. | |
全近隣を動転させたその紛争は、測量士を呼び個々の人の所有地の法的境界線をはっきり決めることで解決するしかなかった。 | ||
284. | An increasingly higher proportion of those favouring a stronger American military consider themselves Republicans. | |
より強い米国の軍事力に賛成する人たちの中で、ますます高い割合の者が、自分たちは共和党員であると思っている。 | ||
285. | He wasn't really an immoral man, but her certainly lacked s strong sense of propriety. | |
彼は本当は非道徳的な人物ではなかったが、確かに強い礼節感に欠けていた。 | ||
289. | The boys' mother tries to keep them under her thumb but they are still known to bully other children in their neighbourhood. | |
その少年たちの母親は彼らを押さえつけておこうとするが、彼らは依然として近所の子供たちをいじめていることが分かっている。 | ||
293. | There is a lot more to becoming more international in outlook than simply having friends from other countries. | |
単に外国の友人がいることよりも、より国際的なものの見方ができるようになることの方がはるかに意義がある。 | ||
294. | Certainly he was a very popular American president, but he is unlikely to have the stature of a great stateman in the eyes of history. | |
確かに彼は非常に人気のある米国大統領であったが、歴史の目から見て、偉大な政治家の名声は得られそうもない。 | ||
295. | No matter how well a car is made, it will eventually break down under the wear and tear of daily use. | |
車はどんなに良く作られていても、日常の仕様による損耗でついには故障を起こす。 | ||
298. | The Chinese, like the French, are obsessed with their national cuisine, and go to immense trouble to see that it is prepared properly. | |
中国人は、フランス人と同様に、自国料理に強い執念を持っていて、正しく調理がされるように大変手間を掛ける。 | ||
300. | Although he often stopped by our home unannounced, we never considered his visits an intrusion, since he was considered a part of the family. | |
彼は我が家に前触れなく突然立ち寄ることが良くあったが、彼を家族の一員と考えていたので、彼の訪問を邪魔だとは決して思わなかった。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 78-80の倒置形について*1。
- 否定文において強意のために否定辞(など)が文頭に出た場合、後続する文は語順が変わる。
I never dreamed of it. | |
did I dream of it. |
What is an idea? It is not a word, nor a string of words. | |
観念とは何か。それは単語でなければ、単語の連なりでもない。 | |
Rarely a man with his soul, as a woman does. | |
女性がするように全身全霊をかけて愛することは、男性にはほとんどない。 | |
Not once I , from my earliest recollections, hearing mother raise her voice to us in anger. | |
一番遠い記憶をたどってみても、母が怒って声を上げたことは一度も思い出せない。 | |
Never in all the history of mankind a nation such a stride as Japan then did. | |
あらゆる人類史上、当時の日本ほどの進歩をした国家は存在しない。 | |
Not until all attempts at negotiation had failed the men to go on strike. | |
交渉の試みがすべて失敗してはじめて、人々はストライキに訴えることを決断した。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
spurt | [spɜːt] | 1. [intransitive, transitive] (of liquid or flames) to burst out or pour out suddenly; to produce sudden, powerful streams of liquid or flames2. [intransitive]to increase your speed for a short time to get somewhere faster | 意味 |
eerie | [ˈɪəri] | strange, mysterious and frightening | 意味 |
surveyor | [səˈveɪə(r)] | 1. a person whose job is to examine and record the details of a piece of land2. (British English) a person whose job is to examine a building to make sure it is in good condition, usually done for somebody who is thinking of buying it | 意味 |
propriety | [prəˈpraɪəti] | 1. [uncountable] moral and social behaviour that is considered to be correct and acceptable2. the proprieties [plural] the rules of correct behaviour | 意味 |
propensity | [prəˈpensəti] | a natural desire or need that makes you tend to behave in a particular way | 意味 |
palm | [pɑːm] | 1. a straight tree with a mass of long leaves at the top, growing in tropical countries. There are several types of palm tree, some of which produce fruit.2. the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and the fingers | 意味 |
statute | [ˈstætʃuːt] | 1. [countable, uncountable] a law that is passed by a parliament, council, etc. and formally written down2. [countable] a formal rule of an organization or institution | 意味 |
stature | [ˈstætʃə(r)] | 1. the importance and respect that a person has because of their ability and achievements2. a person’s height | 意味 |
descendant | [dɪˈsendənt] | 1. a person’s descendants are their children, their children’s children, and all the people who live after them who are related to them2. something that has developed from something similar in the past | 意味 |
forefather | [ˈfɔːfɑːðə(r)] | a person (especially a man) in your family who lived a long time ago | 意味 |
obsess | [əbˈses] | 1. [transitive, usually passive] to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not reasonable or normal2. [intransitive] obsess (about something) to be always talking or worrying about a particular thing, especially when this annoys other people | 意味 |
immense | [ɪˈmens] | extremely large or great | 意味 |