今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 87-90を参照。
501. | Before the spread of literacy, communication in written form was reserved for the elite few, while popular culture was an exclusively oral medium. | |
読み書きの能力が普及する前は、文書形式での意思伝達は少数の特権階級のためのものであった。一方、庶民文化はもっぱら口頭を媒介とした。 | ||
502. | When the foreman of the jury pronounced the verdict of "guilty", the accused slumped back in his seat in a state of shock. | |
陪審員団の陪審長が「有罪」の評決を告げると、被告人はショック状態で座席にへたり込んだ。 | ||
504. | The climate of political opinion in America seems to follow cycles that range from liberal to conservative but avoid long periods of either extreme. | |
米国の政治世論は、自由から保守に変動する周期に従っているように見えるが、いずれにせよ両極端が長期になるのは避けようとしているようだ。 | ||
507. | Everyone likes to see George getting drunk because that's when he starts buying rounds of drinks for everyone at the bar. | |
誰もがジョージが酔っぱらうのを見たがる。なぜならば、そのとき彼はバーに居合わせた皆に酒を買って振る舞い始めるからである。 | ||
511. | He had seen many times but he still got a big kick out of it. | |
彼は『オリエント急行殺人事件』は何度も既に観ていたが、今なおそれを観ると大いに興奮した。 | ||
512. | Although Senator Smith knew it was the only reasonable solution to their impasse, he believed that giving a tax cut only to the wealthy really went against the grain of American democracy. | |
上院議員のスミス氏は自分たちの難局を切り抜ける唯一の妥当な解決策だと分かっていたが、富裕層のみを対象に減税を行なうのは真に米国の民主主義の本質に反すると信じた。 | ||
514. | We buckled our safety belts and waited for the roller coaster to lurch forward. We were expecting the time of our lives. | |
私たちは安全ベルトの留め金を掛けてローラーコースターが前方に滑り出すのを待った。またとない楽しい時間がこれから起こるとわくわくしていた。 | ||
516. | The student had an appointment with the Dean at nine o'clock sharp, but had to cool his heels for an hour before he was invited into the office. | |
その学生は9時きっかりに学部長との面談の約束があったが、部長室に招き入れられるまで1時間もの長い間待たされた。 | ||
523. | The road seemed perfectly sage but soon she realized that there were some scattered patches of ice here and there. | |
道路は全く安全に見えたが、間もなく彼女は氷が張ってあちこちに残っている所があるのに気付いた。 | ||
524. | After three weeks of almost no sleep anyone might begin to doubt his or her own sanity. | |
3週間殆ど眠らずに過ごした後では、誰でも恐らく自分の正気を疑い始めるだろう。 | ||
525. | The classic hero is often depicted as a lonely courageous person who sets out on a quest for justice at the risk of great personal danger. | |
古典的な英雄は、しばしば、自分への大きな危険を覚悟しながら正義を探し求めて旅立つ孤独な勇気ある人物として描かれる。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 91-92の倒置形について*1。
5.3 例題(2) No doubt throughout all past time there actually occurred a series of events which constitutes history in some ultimate sense. Nevertheless, much the greater part of these events we can know nothing about, not even that they occurred; many of them we can know only imperfectly; and even the few events that we think we know for sure we can never be absolutely certain of, since we can never revive them, never observe or test them directly.
No doubt throughout all past time there actually occurred a series of events which constitutes history in some ultimate sense. | |
過去の全時代を通じてある究極の意味で歴史を構成する一連の出来事が実際に生じたことは疑いない。 | |
Nevertheless, much the greater part of these events we can know nothing about, not even that they occurred; | |
それにもかかわらず、こうした出来事の大多数については何も、実際に起こったということでさえも我々は知る由もない。 | |
many of them we can know only imperfectly; | |
多くの出来事について不完全にしか知り得ない。 | |
and even the few events that we think we know for sure we can never be absolutely certain of, since we can never revive them, never observe or test them directly. | |
そして確かに知っていると思う僅かな出来事であっても絶対的な確信を持つことは決してできない。なぜならば我々はそうした出来事を再現したり、直接見ることも試すことも決してできないからだ。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
foreman | [fɔːmən] | 1. a male worker who is in charge of a group of other factory or building workers2. a man who acts as the leader of a jury in court | 意味 |
swarm | [swɔːm] | 1. swarm (of something) a large group of insects, especially bees, moving together in the same direction2. a large group of people, especially when they are all moving quickly in the same direction | 意味 |
specimen | [ˈspesɪmən] | 1. a small amount of something that shows what the rest of it is like2. a single example of something, especially an animal or a plant3. a small quantity of blood, urine, etc. that is taken from somebody and tested by a doctor | 意味 |
impasse | [ˈɪmpæs] | a difficult situation in which no progress can be made because the people involved cannot agree what to do | 意味 |
exasperation | [ɪɡˌzæspəˈreɪʃn] | the feeling of being extremely annoyed, especially because you cannot do anything to improve a situation | 意味 |
lurch | [lɜːtʃ] | 1. [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) to make a sudden, unsteady movement forward or to one side2. [intransitive] if your heart or stomach lurches, you have a sudden feeling of fear or excitement | 意味 |
expedite | [ˈekspədaɪt] | expedite something to make a process happen more quickly | 意味 |
depict | [dɪˈpɪkt] | 1. to show an image of somebody/something in a picture2. to describe something in words, or give an impression of something in words or with a picture | 意味 |