401. | The wood was so hard that when he tried to drive a nail into it, it bent like a pretzel. | |
その木はとても堅かったため、彼が釘を打ち込もうとするとプレッツェルのように曲がってしまった。 | ||
405. | The Emancipation Proclamation issued in 1863 only marked the beginning of a long, difficult struggle by Afro-Americans to share the freedom and benefits enjoyed by white Americans. | |
奴隷解放宣言は1863年に出されたが、それは白人が享受していた自由や各種の恩恵をアフリカ系米国人も受けることを目指した彼らの長い困難な闘争の始まりに過ぎなかった。 | ||
406. | The President's speech was well-calculated to bring about the policy change he desired. | |
大統領のスピーチは、彼が願う政策変更をもたらすためによく計算されたものであった。 | ||
408. | After being accused of malfeasance in office, the Prime Minister issued an indignant denial. | |
就任中の悪事を責められて、首相は憤慨して否定した。 | ||
409. | His constant talking throughout the lecture was beginning to drive me crazy. | |
彼らはその広義の間中お喋りし続けたため、私は頭にき始めていた。 | ||
411. | Doctors made every effort to save the little girl's life, but it was all to no avail. | |
医者たちはその少女の命を救おうと努力の限りを尽くしたが、結局はその甲斐がなく終わった。 | ||
415. | The Government's harsh treatment of dissidents was intended to serve as a warning to others who might want to follow their example. | |
政府の反体制者に対する厳しい扱いは、彼らに追随する他の者への警告として役割を果たすよう意図されたものであった。 | ||
417. | We were so busy talking among each other we didn't even notice that the teacher had already called the roll. | |
私たちはお喋りするのに夢中だったため、先生が出席を既に取ったことに気付きさえしなかった。 | ||
418. | No matter how many times we did the experiment, it failed to yield the desired result. | |
何度実験を試みようとも、望んでいるような結果を得られることは無かった。 | ||
419. | He was gifted as a young man but perhaps because he had been indulged so much, he never achieved the greatness that had been expected of him. | |
彼は若者としては才能があったが、多分甘やかされたのだろうか、期待されていたほどの偉業を達成することは出来なかった。 | ||
420. | With victory hanging in the balance, he stepped up to the plate and hit the ball out of the park. | |
勝利が定まらない中、彼はホームプレートに歩み寄るとボールを球場外に打ち飛ばした。 | ||
421. | Due to his long illness, a blazer that had been tailored to fit him perfectly now appeared to flap loosely around his shoulders. | |
長期に渡る病気のため、かつてぴったりに作ってもらったブレザーは今や彼の肩のあたりでダブついているようだ。 | ||
424. | After a series of suspicious business transactions, the government decided to have him watched. | |
一連の疑わしい取引があったため、政府は彼を監視することに決めた。 | ||
425. | Every year snakes must cast their skins and grow new ones. | |
蛇は毎年脱皮して新しい皮を身に付ける。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
2.2 例題(3) It is easiest to teach mathematics to very young children, for they have inquiring minds and they are self-reliant and they want to understand things for themselves.
It is much harder to teach adults, because so many adults have had their confidence shaken by bad teaching. They feel they are failures at mathematics, and
we all shrink from attempting something at which we are likely to fail. This sense of embarrassment leads people to make remarks such as, 'Mathematics? Oh no. I could never do that at school. None of us could.' The object of this remark is to excuse oneself. I failed, but I was not to blame; you see, everyone fails; it is only human not to be able to do mathematics. Parents sometimes talk to their children like this, and they often fail to notice that, in trying to keep themselves honoured, they are making it extremely likely that their children will fail in the same way. For a person who expects to fail does fail.
It is easiest to teach mathematics to very young children, for they have inquiring minds and they are self-reliant and they want to understand things for themselves. | |
非常に幼い子供たちに数学を教えるのは最も簡単である。というのも子供は探究心に富み自信があり、自力でものを理解したがるからである。 | |
It is much harder to teach adults, because so many adults have had their confidence shaken by bad teaching. | |
大人の場合、下手な教授法により実に多くの大人が自信を揺さぶられてきたから、教えることがずっと難しい。 | |
They feel they are failures at mathematics, and we all shrink from attempting something at which we are likely to fail. | |
大人は数学については落伍者だと感じておいる。我々は皆、失敗するであろうことに挑戦するのには委縮するものである。 | |
This sense of embarrassment leads people to make remarks such as, 'Mathematics? Oh no. I could never do that at school. None of us could.' | |
この困惑の意識により人は「数学?だめだ、学校では決してできなかった。数学ができる人は誰もいなかった。」といった発言をすることになる。 | |
The object of this remark is to excuse oneself. I failed, but I was not to blame; you see, everyone fails; it is only human not to be able to do mathematics. | |
この発言の目的は言い訳である。自分は失敗した、しかし責めを受ける筋合いはない。分かるだろう、誰もが失敗しているのだ。数学ができるなんて人間ではない。 | |
Parents sometimes talk to their children like this, and they often fail to notice that, in trying to keep themselves honoured, they are making it extremely likely that their children will fail in the same way. | |
親は自分の子供にこのように話すことがあり、自身の威厳を保とうとして、子供が同じように失敗する可能性を著しく高めていることに気付かないことが度々ある。 | |
For a person who expects to fail does fail. | |
なぜならば失敗を予期している人はそのとおりに失敗するからである。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
defy | [dɪˈfaɪ] | 1. to refuse obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc | 意味 | |
malfeasance | [ˌmælˈfiːzns] | illegal actions, especially those of a government official or large business company | 意味 | |
stride | [straɪd] | 1. one long step; the distance covered by a step2. your way of walking or running3. an improvement in the way sth is developing. | 意味 | |
indulge | [ɪnˈdʌldʒ] | 1. to allow yourself to have or do something that you like, especially something that is considered bad for you2. indulge something to satisfy a particular desire, interest, etc.3. to be too generous in allowing somebody to have or do whatever they like4. indulge in something to take part in an activity, especially one that is illegal | 意味 |