202. | The accident occurred because the old lady lost her balance just as she bent over and reached down to pick up what she had dropped. | |
老婦人が落とし物を拾おうと、屈んで手を伸ばしたときにバランスを崩したためにその事故が起こった。 | ||
203. | The story of Hamlet revolves around his obligation to avenge his father's murder. | |
『ハムレット』の物語は、彼の父親が殺されたことに復讐する義務をテーマにしている。 | ||
204. | This summer the weather in Tokyo turned hot a few weeks later than usual, due to the longer-than-usual rainy season. | |
東京の今年の夏の天候は、暑くなるのがいつもより数週間遅かった。これは普通より梅雨の季節が長かったためである。 | ||
205. | Even as a child, that famous trapeze artist could keep his balance on nearly any surface. | |
子供の時ですら、その有名な空中ブランコの曲芸者は殆ど如何なる物の上でもバランスを保つことができた。 | ||
206. | When everyone disagreed about the best place to eat lunch, we decided to take a vote. | |
どこで昼食を食べたらいいか、すべての人の意見が合わなかったので、私たちは採決することにした。 | ||
212. | For much of his adult life, the great scholar, Roland Bartlett, seemed haunted by the los of his mother. | |
大人になってからの大部分の間、ローランド・バートレットという偉大な学者は、母親の死に付き纏われているようだった。 | ||
215. | She felt so tense after her long day that she decided to soak in a hot bath to help her relax. | |
長かった一日の後、彼女は非常に緊張していたので、リラックスするために暑い風呂に浸かることにした。 | ||
218. | He made many friends at his workplace but found no one he could confide in. | |
彼は職場でたくさんの友人ができたが、秘密を打ち明けるような人は誰も見つけられなかった。 | ||
221. | What the boss said to me won't bear repeating, but it was the usual sort of diatribe we had come to expect from him. | |
上司が私に行ったことは口に出して言うのも憚られるほどのものだったが、それは彼の口から出ることが予測できるようになったいつもの類の痛烈な非難だった。 | ||
223. | A thorough examination of the evidence will bear witness to the veracity of his testimony at the trial. | |
証拠をよく調べれば、彼の裁判での証言が嘘でないことが証明されるだろう。 |
またはを引いています。語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
trapeze | [trəˈpiːz] | a wooden or metal bar hanging from two pieces of rope high above the groud, used especially by CIRCUS performers | 意味 | |
instill | [ɪnˈstɪl] | to gradually makes sb feel, think or behave in a particular way over a period of time | 意味 | |
chestnut | [ˈtʃesnʌt] | 1. (also chestnut tree) [countable] a large tree with spreading branches that produces smooth brown nuts inside cases that are covered with spikes. There are several types of chestnut tree.2. enlarge image[countable] a smooth brown nut of a chestnut tree, some types of which can be eaten3. [uncountable] a deep red-brown colour4. [countable] a horse of a red-brown colour5. old chestnut [countable] (informal) an old joke or story that has been told so many | 意味 | |
ordeal | [ɔːˈdiːl] | a difficult or unpleasant experience | 意味 | |
forage | [ˈfɒrɪdʒ] | 1. to search for food2. to search for for sth, especiallyusing the hands | 意味 | |
confide | [kənˈfaɪd] | to tell sb secrets and personal information that you do not want other people to know | 意味 | |
diatribe | [ˈdaɪətraɪb] | a long and angry speech or piece of writing attacking and criticizing sb/sth | 意味 | |
veracity | [vəˈræsəti] | (formal)the quality of being true; the habit of telling the truth | 意味 |