128. | Despite his talents, the young man was impetuous and sometimes impudent, and I felt it was necessary for me to have words with him. |
才能があるにもかかわらず、その若い男性は衝動的で、ときに厚かましかった、そのため、私は彼と議論する必要があると感じていた。 | |
133. | As the lion charged, the leader of our African safari coolly took aim with his high-powered rifle and fired. |
ライオンが突進してくると、私たちアフリカ・サファリのリーダーは冷静に彼の高性能ライフルの狙いを定めて撃った。 | |
134. | At the start of the war, the President hastened to assure the nation that its military forces would prevail. |
戦争がはじまったとき、大統領はその国の群が勝つことを国民に取り急ぎ確信させた。 | |
135. | Although the dive was almost perfect, the judges still marked him down a little because of a slightly flawed entry. |
飛び込みは殆ど完璧だったが、それでも審判は着水時に少し問題があったとして彼の点数を下げた。 | |
136. | Even if he realized that he had made a miscalculation regarding future economic growth, he never acknowledged it openly. |
将来の経済成長について間違った予測をしたことに気づいてはいたが、彼はそれをオープンに認めることは決して無かった。 |
またはを引いています。語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
obliterate | [əˈblɪt.ər.eɪt] | to remove all signs of sth, either by destroying or covering it completely | 意味 | |
debate | [dɪˈbeɪt] | 発音 | ||
composure | [kəmˈpəʊ.ʒər] | the state of being calm and in control of your feelings or behaviour | 意味 | |
rendition | [renˈdɪʃ.ən] | the performance of sth, especially a song or piece of music | 意味 | |
impetuous | [ɪmˈpetʃ.u.əs] | acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully about the results | 意味・発音 | |
impudent | [ˈɪm.pjə.dənt] | rude;not showing respect for other people | 意味 | |
prevail | to exist or be very common at a particular time or in a particular place | 意味 | ||
diagnostic | [ˌdaɪ.əɡˈnɒs.tɪk] | connected with identifying sth, especially an illness | 意味 | |
jurisprudence | [ˌdʒʊə.rɪsˈpruː.dəns] | the scientific study of law | 意味 | |
have words with | to have an argument with sb | 意味 | ||
have a word with | to say a thing that you say; a remark or statement | 意味 |