今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 134-7を参照。
801. | People in the small town were shocked when the man, convicted of murder in one of their local courts, we released after he won an appeal to a higher court. | |
地元の裁判所の1つで殺人の有罪を宣告された男が、上級裁判所に控訴した後釈放されると、その小さな町の人たちは衝撃を受けた。 | ||
802. | He seemed to be a jack-of-all-trades, proficient in everything he did, from race driving to carpentry. | |
競走車の運転から大工仕事までやる全てに巧みで、彼は何でも屋のようであった。 | ||
803. | Psychiatrists say that solitary confinement is one of the most difficult hardships to endure for a long period of time and still remain sane.. | |
精神病医学者に言わせると、独房換金は長時間耐えてなおかつ正常でいるのに最も苦しい苦難の1つである。 | ||
804. | I am very fond of Gauguin's painting, but I do not find the still lifes as interesting as the nudes and landscapes. | |
私はゴーギャンの絵がとても好きだが、裸体画や風景画に比べて静物画はそれほど面白いと思わない。 | ||
805. | One notices immediately a striking difference between Egyptian and Greek sculptures. The former are stylised and abstract; the later are idealised, but the treatment of the human body is sensuous and even erotic. | |
人はエジプトとギリシアの彫刻の顕著な違いにすぐ気づく。前者は様式化していて抽象的である。一方で後者は理想化されているが、人体の扱いは感覚的でエロティックでさえある。 | ||
807. | The little old lady seemed sweet and kind, but she had a kind of morbid obsession with the obituary pages of the newspaper, and with death in general. | |
その小さな老婦人は気立てが良く親切に見えたが、彼女は新聞の死亡告示掲載欄、そして死全般に関してある種の病的な執念を持っていた。 | ||
808. | When we told my aunt that Mr Morgan had died two years ago, she looked upset and replied, "That's funny . I was certain I saw him last week, in fact, standing right behind me, where we were waiting for the bus. | |
私たちがモーガンさんは2年前に亡くなったと叔母に言うと、彼女は狼狽した顔つきになり答えた。「そりゃ変だね。確かに私は彼を先週見かけたよ。事実、バスを待っているところで、私のすぐ後ろに立っているのを見たんだから。」 | ||
811. | The man and his family were in real danger when their car stalled in the middle of a terrible snow storm on a deserted road in northern Minnesota. | |
北部ミネソタの人気のない道路上で雪嵐の最中、車が立ち往生したとき、その男と彼の家族は本当に危険な状態にあった。 | ||
813. | Blind adulation of public heroes leads the common person to believe anything they say, regardless of how far-fetched it might actually be. | |
大衆的英雄に盲目的に追従すると、凡人は、彼らの言うことがたとえどんなにこじつけであろうが、その発言をすべて信じてしまう。 | ||
815. | The Senator refused to lie about smoking pot, although it was akin to committing political suicide. | |
政治的自殺をするのに等しい行為だったが、その上院議員はマリファナを吸っていたことについて嘘をつくのを拒否した。 | ||
817. | He painted in a style reminiscent of the old masters, but nonetheless, he still produced something totally interesting and unique. | |
彼は昔の巨匠たちを思い出させる方法で絵を描いたが、それにもかかわらず全くもって面白く独特なものを創作した。 | ||
818. | In the wake of the earthquake, doctors had set up a makeshift operating room in the lobby of a hotel that had not been too badly damaged by the original impact or the aftershocks. | |
自身の後に続いて、石たちは最初の衝撃あるいはその後の余震でもあまり酷く損害を受けなかったホテルのロビーに一時しのぎの手術室を設置していた。 | ||
819. | I one asked my boss how he could remain so impervious to criticism from all sides. He replied simply, "It's like water off a duck's back". | |
私はかつての上司にどうしたらあらゆる側からの批判にそのように鈍感でいられるのか聞いたことがある。彼は単にこう答えた。「アヒルの背中からはじける水のようなもの(馬耳東風)さ。」 | ||
820. | The great young hitter has now safely hit in twenty-three consecutive games, a new record for the franchise. | |
その若い大打者は今や23連続試合で安打を打った。それはフランチャイズにとって新記録だった。 | ||
821. | The parole committee agreed to grant the prisoner an early release as long as he found legitimate employment. | |
仮釈放委員会は、正当な職に就く限りその囚人に早期の釈放を認めることで意見が一致した。 | ||
822. | As soon as her husband finally granted her a divorce, she left and scarcely gave him a fleeting through again. | |
夫が遂に離婚を認めるや否か、彼女は彼の許を去り彼のことを一瞬たりとの二度と思うことは殆ど無かった。 | ||
823. | One sometimes thinks that the special vocabulary of law or medicine is intentionally aimed at making perfectly understandable concepts unintelligible to anyone without special training. | |
法律や医学の特殊な語彙は、完全に理解可能な概念を特別な訓練を受けていない者には理解不可能になるように意図的に仕向けられていると時々思えることがある。 | ||
824. | It is ironic that certain ethnic slurs, considered derogatory to members of a minority when used by outsiders, are often used within the minority group as terms of affection or in jest. | |
よそ者が使うと少数民族には軽蔑的だと考えられるある民族特有の軽蔑語が、愛情表現の言葉として、または冗談で当の仲間内で使われることがあるのは皮肉なことだ。 | ||
825. | Even highly contagious diseases may be transmitted in different ways. For example, some diseases, like flu, are airborne, while AIDS can only be contracted through sexual contact or blood contact with a carrier. | |
極めて伝染性の強い病気でさえ様々に異なる伝染の仕方があるようだ。たてばインフルエンザのように空中伝染するものもある一方、エイズは保菌者との性的接触または血液接触を通してのみ罹る。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
P. 107の同格構文について*1。
There is one that the most powerful of men or the most extreme system cannot do: to enslave a cat. | |
最大の権力者でも最も過激な制度でも出来ないことが1つある。それは猫を思いのままにすることである。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
contrive | [kənˈtraɪv] | 1. contrive to do something to manage to do something despite difficulties2. contrive something to succeed in making something happen despite difficulties3. contrive something to think of or make something, for example a plan or a machine, in a clever way | 意味 |
carpentry | [ˈkɑːpəntri] | 1. the work of a carpenter2. things made by a carpenter | 意味 |
prosperous | [ˈprɒspərəs] | rich and successful | 意味 |
proficient | [prəˈfɪʃnt] | able to do something well because of training and practice | 意味 |
prolific | [prəˈlɪfɪk] | 1. (of an artist, a writer, etc.) producing many works, etc.2. (of plants, animals, etc.) producing a lot of fruit, flowers, young, etc.3. able to produce enough food, etc. to keep many animals and plants alive4. existing in large numbers | 意味 |
solitary | [ˈsɒlətri] | 1. [usually before noun] done alone; without other people2. (of a person or an animal) enjoying being alone; frequently spending time alone3. (of a person, thing or place) alone, with no other people or things around4. [usually before noun] (especially in negative sentences and questions) only one | 意味 |
sensuous | [ˈsenʃuəs] | 1. giving pleasure to your senses2. suggesting an interest in sexual pleasure | 意味 |
knack | [næk] | 1. a special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn2. knack of doing something a habit of doing something | 意味 |
petty | [ˈpeti] | 1. [usually before noun] (disapproving) small and unimportant2. (disapproving) caring too much about small and unimportant matters, especially when this is unkind to other people3. (law) (of a crime or criminal) not very serious | 意味 |
morbid | [ˈmɔːbɪd] | 1. having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things, especially disease or death2. (medical) connected with disease | 意味 |
funerary | [ˈfjuːnərəri] | connected with a funeral (= ceremony for a dead person) or remembering the dead | 意味 |
obituary | [əˈbɪtʃuəri] | an article about somebody’s life and achievements, that is printed in a newspaper soon after they have died | 意味 |
mortuary | [ˈmɔːtʃəri] | 1. a room or building, for example part of a hospital, in which dead bodies are kept before they are buried or cremated (= burned)2. (North American English) (British English funeral parlour, US English also funeral parlor, funeral home North American English, British English) a place where dead people are prepared for being buried or cremated (= burned) and where visitors can see the body | 意味 |
submissive | [səbˈmɪsɪv] | too willing to accept somebody else’s authority and willing to obey them without questioning anything they want you to do | 意味 |
pervasive | [pəˈveɪsɪv] | existing in all parts of a place or thing; spreading gradually to affect all parts of a place or thing | 意味 |
perverse | [pəˈvɜːs] | showing a deliberate and determined desire to behave in a way that most people think is wrong, unacceptable or unreasonable | 意味 |
persuasive | [pəˈsweɪsɪv] | able to persuade somebody to do or believe something | 意味 |
adulation | [ˌædjuˈleɪʃn] | great praise, especially when it is greater than necessary | 意味 |
retrospective | [ˌretrəˈspektɪv] | 1. thinking about or connected with something that happened in the past2. (also less frequent, formal retroactive) (of a new law or decision) intended to take effect from a particular date in the past rather than from the present date | 意味 |
reminiscent | [,remɪˈnɪsnt] | 1. reminiscent of somebody/something reminding you of somebody/something2. [only before noun] (formal) showing that you are thinking about the past, especially in a way that causes you pleasure | 意味 |
provident | [ˈprɒvɪdənt] | careful in planning for the future, especially by saving money | 意味 |
impertinent | [ɪmˈpɜːtɪnənt] | rude and not showing respect for somebody who is older or more important | 意味 |
impervious | [ɪmˈpɜːviəs] | 1. impervious to something not affected or influenced by something | 意味 |
legitimate | [lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət] | 1. for which there is a fair and acceptable reason2. allowed and acceptable according to the law3. (of a child) born when its parents are legally married to each other | 意味発音 |
slur | [slɜː(r)] | slur something / + speech to pronounce words in a way that is not clear so that they2. slur something (music) to play or sing a group of two or more musical notes so that each one runs smoothly into the next3. slur somebody/something to harm somebody’s reputation by making unfair or false statements about them | 意味 |
deplorable | [dɪˈplɔːrəbl] | very bad and unacceptable, often in a way that shocks people | 意味 |
derogatory | [dɪˈrɒɡətri] | showing a critical attitude and lack of respect for somebody | 意味 |
jest | [dʒest] | something said or done to make people laugh | 意味 |