
一流の大人(ビジネスマン、政治家、リーダー…)として知っておきたい、教養・社会動向を意外なところから取り上げ学ぶことで“気付く力”を伸ばすブログです。データ分析・語学に力点を置いています。 →現在、コンサルタントの雛になるべく、少しずつ勉強中です(※2024年1月21日改訂)。





 今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 107-110を参照。


  626. The biggest challenge in organ transplantation is overcoming the problem of the body's natural tendency to reject any foreign element as an intruder.
  627. He had a close call when his car spun on the ice and nearly went off the edge of a cliff.
  630. Farmers in the Midwest remained doubtful about the prospects of a good yield this year due to sporadic rainfall.
  633. He was known for his loud ties and baggy pants. When Professor Norton walked down the hall, no one could miss him.
  634. I am often so engrossed in my work that I don't notice that it is time to go home.
  636. Many Japanese students, thinking that Americans are informal, don't realize that it is often discourteous to address an American teacher by his or her first name without a specific invitation to do so.
  638. There were many cheaper boots to choose from, but I got a heavy-duty pair at a slightly higher price.
  640. Thomas Edison was inquisitive even as a child, performing his first experiment at the age of three.
  641. Some yogis recommend we drink mostly tepid liquids, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and practicing their own version of moderation in all things.
  643. A number of weapons experts warned the White House that an attack was imminent, but their words were ignored, and the terror of September 11, 2001 proceeded with little impediment.
  644. Although he lives and works in Tokyo, he also has a home in a rustic Malaysian village, where he does much of his personal writing.
  645. I wanted to talk to my mother about a serious issue but she seemed pensive and distracted; so I decided to wait till a more appropriate moment.
  646. After his stroke he regained his abilities to speak but he moves in a sluggish manner and is still partly paralyzed on his left side.
  647. He decided to take his time looking for a job, wanting to make sure he made a prudent decision.
  649. He was truly a master of impromptu speaking, capable of being witty and to the point on virtually any topic at the drop of a hat.
  650. The tempestuous weather was finally over and we woke to a bright limpid sky without a single cloud overhead.


 今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)

PP. 98-99の倒置形について*1

5.4 例題(2)   As culture advances, the role of playful and artistic activities tends to grow ever greater. The increase of leisure is recognized by most of us as a desirable social aim, but leisure activities usually contain a greater element of mental activities than do those that come under the heading of work.

  As culture advances, the role of playful and artistic activities tends to grow ever greater.
  The increase of leisure is recognized by most of us as a desirable social aim, but leisure activities usually contain a greater element of mental activities than do those that come under the heading of work.

5.4 例題(3)   In my life anxiety, trouble, and sorrow have been allotted to me at times in such abundant measure that had my nerves not been so strong. I must have broken down under the weight. Heavy is the burden of fatigue and responsibility which has lain upon me without a break for years. I have not much of life for myself, not even the hours I should like to devote to my wife and child.

  In my life anxiety, trouble, and sorrow have been allotted to me at times in such abundant measure that had my nerves not been so strong, I must have broken down under the weight.
  Heavy is the burden of fatigue and responsibility which has lain upon me without a break for years.
  I have not much of life for myself, not even the hours I should like to devote to my wife and child.






intruder [ɪnˈtruːdə(r)] 1. a person who enters a building or an area illegally

2. a person who is somewhere where they are not wanted
taut [tɔːt] 1. stretched tightly

2.showing that you are anxious or tense

3. (of a person or their body) with hard muscles; not fat

4. (of a piece of writing, etc.) carefully written with no unnecessary parts in it
afflict [əˈflɪkt] to affect somebody/something in an unpleasant or harmful way 意味
sporadic [spəˈrædɪk] happening only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular 意味
clamorous [ˈklæmərəs] 1. (especially of a lot of people or animals) making a loud noise

2. (of a lot of people) making demands for something
engross [ɪnˈɡrəʊs] engross somebody if something engrosses you, it is so interesting that you give it all your attention and time 意味
entwine [ɪnˈtwaɪn] 1. to twist or wind something around something else

be entwined (with something) to be very closely involved or connected with something
discourteous [dɪsˈkɜːtiəs] having bad manners and not showing respect for other people 意味
stale [steɪl] 1. (of food, especially bread and cake) no longer fresh and therefore unpleasant to eat

2. (of air, smoke, etc.) no longer fresh; smelling unpleasant

3. something that is stale has been said or done too many times before and is no longer interesting or exciting

4. a person who is stale has done the same thing for too long and so is unable to do it well or produce any new ideas
stagnant [ˈstæɡnənt] 1. stagnant water or air is not moving and therefore smells unpleasant

2. not developing, growing or changing
inquisitive [ɪnˈkwɪzətɪv] 1. (disapproving) asking too many questions and trying to find out about what other people are doing, etc.

2. very interested in learning about many different things
meddlesome [ˈmedlsəm] (of people) enjoying getting involved in situations that have nothing to do with them 意味
torrid [ˈtɒrɪd] 1. full of strong emotions, especially connected with sex and love

2. (formal) (of a climate or country) very hot or dry

3. (British English) very difficult
tepid [ˈtepɪd] 1. slightly warm, sometimes in a way that is not pleasant

2. not enthusiastic
imminent [ˈɪmɪnənt] (especially of something unpleasant) likely to happen very soon 意味
impetuous [ɪmˈpetʃuəs] acting or done quickly and without thinking carefully about the results 意味
impertinent [ɪmˈpɜːtɪnənt] rude and not showing respect for somebody who is older or more important 意味
impediment [ɪmˈpedɪmənt] 1. impediment (to something) (formal) something that delays or stops the progress of something

2. (becoming old-fashioned) a problem, for example a stammer, that makes it more difficult for somebody to speak, hear, etc.
ruinous [ˈruːɪnəs] 1. costing a lot of money and more than you can afford

2. causing serious problems or damage

3. (of a town, building, etc.) destroyed or severely damaged
rustic [ˈrʌstɪk] 1. (approving) typical of the country or of country people; simple

2. made very simply of rough wood
ritualistic [ˌrɪtʃuəˈlɪstɪk] 1. connected with the rituals performed as part of a ceremony

2. always done or said in the same way, especially when this is not sincere
pensive [ˈpensɪv] thinking deeply about something, especially because you are sad or worried 意味
sluggish [ˈslʌɡɪʃ] moving, reacting or working more slowly than normal 意味
priggish [ˈprɪɡɪʃ] behaving in a morally correct way and showing disapproval of what other people do 意味
trenchant [ˈtrentʃənt] (of criticism, remarks, etc.) expressed strongly and effectively, in a clear way 意味
prudent [ˈpruːdnt] sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks 意味
instantaneous [ˌɪnstənˈteɪniəs] happening immediately 意味
impromptu [ɪmˈprɒmptjuː] without preparation or planning 意味
tempestuous [temˈpestʃuəs] 1. (formal) full of extreme emotions

2. (formal or literary) caused by or affected by a violent storm
limpid [ˈlɪmpɪd] (of liquids, etc.) clear 意味
lustrous [ˈlʌstrəs] soft and shining 意味
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