今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 59-62を参照。
327. | We wanted to get as far out of the city as possible, but we learned that the only way to get clear television reception in our valley was through a satellite dish. | |
できるだけ町の外へ遠く離れたいと思ったが、私たちの谷で明瞭なテレビ受像を得る唯一の方法は人工衛星用のパラボラアンテナを使うことだと知った。 | ||
328. | In general I paid little attention to the Olympics, but I did enjoy viewing some of the track and field events. | |
一般的に、私はオリンピックにあまり注意を払わなかったが、ある種のトラックおよびフィールド競技種目は観ていて本当に楽しかった。 | ||
331. | Many teachers agree that not only do Japanese students seem weak in their command of English, their abilities to communicate effectively in Japanese have seen a sharp decline in the last decade. | |
日本の学生は英語が苦手らしいという事だけでなく、日本語で上手に意思の疎通を図る能力がここ10年で著しく逮捕したというのが多くの教師の一致した見解である。 | ||
336. | He felt that he should make sure his position was clear, even at the risk of alienating his audience. | |
自分の聴衆を遠ざける危険を冒してでも、彼は自分の立場を明白にすべきだと思った。 | ||
340. | Her cabinets and other furniture are distinguished by their beautiful finish, usually a dark chestnut-colored varnish of high quality. | |
彼女の飾り棚や他の家具は見事な仕上がりで際立っている。通例、高品質の濃い栗色の上塗りが施してある。 | ||
341. | When I was growing up I seldom saw my father when he was not sleeping, since he always worked the night shift. | |
育ち盛りの頃、私は睡眠中でない父親を見たことは滅多になかった。父はいつも夜間勤務だったからである。 | ||
342. | Many educators object to labels like "slow learner" since they think it is often a stigma that will follow a child throughout his formal education. | |
多くの教育課が「遅速学習者」というようなレッテルに反対している。理由は、こうしたレッテルが公教育を受けている間、子供について回る汚名となることが多いからである。 | ||
344. | The prosecutor decided he would do much better if he opened a private practice as a defense attorney. | |
その検事は弁護士として個人的に開業したら、もっとうまくやれると決めた。 | ||
345. | He may have lacked substance but her certainly had the gift of gab in informal settings. He could hold people spellbound when he talked. | |
彼は中身の乏しい人物だったかもしれない。しかし打ち解けた場面では確かに口達者であった。彼が喋ると、人々はじっと聞き入った。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
P. 81の倒置形について*1。
5.1 例題(1) I have always maintained that by a strenuous effort mankind might defeat the impartial destructiveness of nature, but I have always insisted that only by incessant hard thinking and a better coordination of man's powers of self-sacrifice and heroism is such a victory possible.
I have always maintained that by a strenuous effort mankind might defeat the impartial destructiveness of nature, | |
私は、人類が多大なる努力により自然破壊が無差別に襲い掛かることに打ち勝つかもしれないと常に主張し続けてきた。 | |
but I have always insisted that only by incessant hard thinking and a better coordination of man's powers of self-sacrifice and heroism is such a victory possible. | |
しかし、熟考し続け人類の自己犠牲と英雄的行為という力をより巧みに調整し合うことによってはじめてそうした勝利が可能になるともずっと主張してきた。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
discipline | [ˈdɪsəplɪn] | 1. discipline somebody (for something) to punish somebody for something they have done2. discipline somebody to train somebody, especially a child, to obey particular rules and control the way they behave3. to control the way you behave and make yourself do things that you believe you should do | 意味 |
credentials | [krəˈdenʃlz] | 1. credentials (as/for something) the qualities, training or experience that make you suitable to do something2. documents such as letters that prove that you are who you claim to be, and can therefore be trusted | 意味 |
alienate | [ˈeɪliəneɪt] | 1. alienate somebody to make somebody less friendly towards you2. alienate somebody (from something/somebody) to make somebody feel that they do not belong in a particular group | 意味 |
intermission | [ˌɪntəˈmɪʃn] | 1. (especially North American English) a short period of time between the parts of a play, film, etc2. a period of time during which something stops before continuing again | 意味 |
spellbound | [ˈspelbaʊnd] | with your attention completely held by what you are listening to or watching | 意味 |
hearse | [hɜːs] | a long vehicle used for carrying the coffin (= the box for the dead body) at a funeral | 意味 |
adorn | [əˈdɔːn] | to make something/somebody look more attractive by decorating it or them with something | 意味 |
garland | [ˈɡɑːlənd] | a circle of flowers and leaves that is worn on the head or around the neck or is hung in a room as decoration | 意味 |
strenuous | [ˈstrenjuəs] | 1. needing great effort and energy2. determined and showing great energy | 意味 |
impartial | [ɪmˈpɑːʃl] | not supporting one person or group more than another | 意味 |
incessant | [ɪnˈsesnt] | never stopping | 意味 |