
一流の大人(ビジネスマン、政治家、リーダー…)として知っておきたい、教養・社会動向を意外なところから取り上げ学ぶことで“気付く力”を伸ばすブログです。データ分析・語学に力点を置いています。 →現在、コンサルタントの雛になるべく、少しずつ勉強中です(※2024年1月21日改訂)。





 今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 16-9を参照。


  55. Despite the stroke he suffered last year, he has not completely lost all his mental faculties.
  61. Possession is nine points of the law. This saying means that in some cases the practical reality of a situation is more important than the abstract words of law.
  64. One thing our parents always taught us is never to go back on your word. "A man's word is his bond", they would tell us.
  68. When police questioned the man after the accident, he told them that he was suffering from blurred vision and could not see the car coming in his direction.
  70. When I was sitting on the train, I noticed a woman who seemed to be looking at me out of the corner of her eyes.
  71. In some places in the Middle Ages, a hunted man could claim sanctuary inside a place of worship, where he could not be harmed.
  72. At first Christopher Columbus's proposal to sail his ships around the world to India was not given the consideration it deserved. Many refused to believe that the world was round.
  73. By rule of thumb, it is wise to answer every question on a multiple choice examination even if one has to guess, as long as the test is not scored by subtracting wrong answers from right answers.
  74. The word "no" is often indicated by a lateral shake of the head while nodding it up and down usually means "yes".


 今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)

PP. 59-までで\mathrm{what}の用法について*1

4.1 例題(1)   The Greek civilization was the first, so far as we know, which was not ruled by gods and priests. In all previous civilizations, men asked what the gods wished them to do or say, before they did it; and the priests were there to tell them. But in Greece, for the first time, men began to do what it seemed right or sensible to themselves to do, and to discuss among themselves why some things seemed right and others wrong, how the world had come to be what it was, and how it could be altered.

  The Greek civilization was the first, so far as we know, which was not ruled by gods and priests.
  In all previous civilizations, men asked what the gods wished them to do or say, before they did it; and the priests were there to tell them.
  But in Greece, for the first time, men began to do what it seemed right or sensible to themselves to do, and to discuss among themselves why some things seemed right and others wrong, how the world had come to be what it was, and how it could be altered.

4.1 例題(2)   She who dressed for her children's and for her husband's homecoming is sure to greet them with greater charm than she who thinks whatever she happens to have on is good enough.

  She who dressed for her children's and for her husband's homecoming is sure to greet them with greater charm than she who thinks whatever she happens to have on is good enough.






premise [ˈpremɪs] a statement or an idea that forms the basis for a reasonable line of argument 意味
slate [sleɪt] 1. [uncountable] a type of dark grey stone that splits easily into thin flat layers

2. [countable] a small thin piece of slate, used for covering roofs

3. [countable] (North American English) a list of the candidates in an election

4. [countable] a small sheet of slate in a wooden frame, used in the past in schools for children to write on
subsidy [ˈsʌbsədi] money that is paid by a government or an organization to reduce the costs of services or of producing goods so that their prices can be kept low 意味
subsidiary [səbˈsɪdiəri] 1. subsidiary (to something) connected with something but less important than it

2. (of a business company) owned or controlled by another company
blur [blɜː(r)] 1. a shape that you cannot see clearly, often because it is moving too fast

2. something that you cannot remember clearly
sanctity [ˈsæŋktəti] 1. sanctity (of something) the state of being very important and worth protecting

2. the state of being holy
she who The woman (Women) who... 意味
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