551. | When our commanding officer and sergeant were both killed in action, a mere corporal was forced to play the role of the leader. | |
戦闘中、指揮官と軍曹が2人とも殺されてしまったため、単なる伍長がリーダー役を務めなければならなくなった。 | ||
552. | Although claims were made concerning the successful development of cold fusion nuclear power, many scientists suspected blatant falsification of the experimental data. | |
常温核融合による原子力の開発に関して成功したという主張がなされたが、多くの科学者は実験データの見え透いた歪曲を疑った。 | ||
553. | A shocking number of criminals convicted of capital crimes and sentenced to death were later cleared of the charges by the use of DNA testing. | |
大きな犯罪で有罪となり死刑とされた犯罪者の驚くべき数の人たちが、後にDNA鑑定で罪から免れたのであった。 | ||
556. | Since we knew our boss would never listen to our opinions anyway, we learned not to waste our breath and just follow the policies. | |
上司がどうしても我々の意見を決して聞かないことが分かっていたため、無駄な事を言うのは止めて、ただ方針に従うことを身に付けていった。 | ||
557. | Many of the rioters were out of control and had to be forcibly subdued by the police. | |
多くの暴徒は手に負えない状態になっていて、強制的に警察が制圧するしかなかった。 | ||
558. | Braving harsh winds and driving sleet, the intrepid explorers pressed forward on their arctic trek. | |
厳しい風や猛烈なみぞれに立ち向かいながら、勇敢な探検家たちは北極の旅を続けた。 | ||
561. | During rush hours in Tokyo, the trains are so tightly packed that people can be crushed against the doors and injured. | |
東京のラッシュアワーでは、列車は完全にぎゅうぎゅう詰めなので、人々はドアに押し付けられ怪我をすることもある。 | ||
562. | It became clearer as time went on that his policies were designed only to serve his own interests rather than ours. | |
時が経つにつれて、彼の政策は我々のためというより、自分の利益のためだけにつくられたものであるということがはっきりしてきた。 | ||
563. | We sent her a card on her birthday to wish her all the best for a wonderful day and a fulfilling future. | |
私たちは彼女にとって素晴らしい1日を、そして将来に幸あれと願いを込めて彼女の誕生日にカードを送った。 | ||
564. | When we heard of the tragedy we immediately called our friend in order to extend our sympathies at the loss of her brother. | |
その悲劇的事件のことを聞くと、彼女の兄の死にお悔やみを表すため、私たちはすぐに友人に電話を掛けた。 | ||
565. | Ancient Greece comprised a collection of city-states including Sparta and Athens, but was not the single, unified nation we know as modern Greece. | |
古代ギリシアはスパルタやアテネを含む都市国家の集合体から成っていたが、それは我々が現代ギリシアとして知っているような1つの統一された国ではなかった。 | ||
567. | When her stubbornness asserted itself, there was no point in reasoning with her. Once she became sullen, it took time for her to get over it. | |
彼女の頑固さが一度出始めると、説得しても無駄であった。一度機嫌を損ねると直すのに時間が掛かった。 | ||
568. | An angry crowd surrounded the soldiers, calling them names and throwing rocks at them. | |
怒り狂った群衆が兵士を囲み、罵声を浴びせ石を投げつけた。 | ||
569. | It was a shock to see a once-prosperous man reduced to begging on the street in order to survive. | |
かつて繁栄を極めていた人が、生きるために通りで物乞いを余儀なくされているのを見るのはショックであった。 | ||
570. | All applicants were required to submit the completed forms and two copies of their resumes by the stated date. | |
すべての応募者は記入済みの申込書と履歴書を2部、指定日までに提出しなければならなかった。 | ||
572. | The more he tried to concentrate on what to do next, the more his chaotic thoughts shot off in every direction. | |
次にすべきことに集中しようとすればするほど、彼の混乱した考えはあらゆる方向に散ってしまった。 | ||
574. | The Department of English and Communication first offers programs designed to acquaint students with the nature and importance of communication in today's complex society. | |
英語コミュニケーション学科は最初に、今日の複雑な社会におけるコミュニケーションの内容と重要性を学生に熟知させるように計画された講義プログラムを提供します。 | ||
575. | He seems very capable, but it remains to be seen how well he will stand up to our scrutiny under pressure. | |
彼はとても有能そうだが、プレッシャーの中でどれだけ我々の綿密な調査に答えられるかどうかはまだ分からない。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
3.1 例題 There can be no denying that examples of an architecture entirely different from what our fathers were accustomed to have appeared on the scene during the last twenty years. The designers of modern architecture believe that in developing and perfecting it so as to answer this century's problems and to be in tune with its outlook, they are helping at the revival of architecture as a live art. For it is a mistake to suppose that, because modern architects are particularly concerned to relate buildings more closely to the needs they have to serve, they are only interested in the practical side of architecture. They know that they are practicing an art and therefore are concerned with the pursuit of beauty.
There can be no denying that examples of an architecture entirely different from what our fathers were accustomed to have appeared on the scene during the last twenty years. | |
私たちの祖先が見慣れていたものと完全に異なる建築の例が過去20年の間に現われていることは全くもって否定できない。 | |
The designers of modern architecture believe that in developing and perfecting it so as to answer this century's problems and to be in tune with its outlook, they are helping at the revival of architecture as a live art. | |
現代建築のデザイナーは、建築を発展進歩させて今世紀の問題に答え、時代のあるべき姿に合わせようとすることで生きた芸術として建築を復興させる役に立っているのだと信じている。 | |
For it is a mistake to suppose that, because modern architects are particularly concerned to relate buildings more closely to the needs they have to serve, they are only interested in the practical side of architecture. | |
というのも、現代建築家が建築物をその本来の満たさなければならないものをより満たすことに特に努めているからといって、建築物の実用的な面にのみ興味を持つと想定するのは誤りなのである。 | |
They know that they are practicing an art and therefore are concerned with the pursuit of beauty. | |
建築家は自の営みが芸術であり、したがって美の追求に携わっているのだと理解している。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
corporal | [ˈkɔːpərəl] | a member of one of the lower ranks in the army, the marines or the British air force | 意味 | |
blatant | [ˈbleɪtnt] | (of actions that are considered bad) done in an obvious and open way without caring if people are shocked | 意味 | |
rioter | [ˈraɪətə(r)] | one of a group of people who behave in a violent way in a public place, often as a protest | 意味 | |
subdue | [səbˈdjuː] | 1. to bring somebody/something under control, especially by using force2. to calm or control your feelings | 意味 | |
incensed | [ɪnˈsenst] | very angry | 意味 | |
sleet | [sliːt] | a mixture of rain and snow | 意味 | |
rambling | [ˈræmblɪŋ] | 1. (of a building) spreading in various directions with no particular pattern2. (of a speech or piece of writing) very long and confused | 意味 | |
incoherent | [ˌɪnkəʊˈhɪərənt] | 1. (of people) unable to express yourself clearly, often because of emotion2. (of sounds) not clear and hard to understand3. not logical or well organized | 意味 | |
render | [ˈrendə(r)] | 1. formal) to cause somebody/something to be in a particular state or condition2. (formal) to give somebody something, especially in return for something or because it is expected | 意味 | |
sullen | [ˈsʌlən] | in a bad mood and not speaking, either on a particular occasion or because it is part of your character | 意味 | |
prosperous | [ˈprɒspərəs] | rich and successful | 意味 | |
resuscitation | [rɪˌsʌsɪˈteɪʃn] | an act of making somebody start breathing again or become conscious again after they have almost died | 意味 | |
scruting | [ˈskruːtəni] | careful and complete examination | 意味 |