476. | Although he had waited for hours to have his say, the chairperson suddenly announced that the meeting was adjourned. | |
彼は何時間も言いたいことを言うために待ったものの、議長は急に会議は終わりだと告げた。 | ||
477. | After getting caught in the rain, we stood in front of the fireplace shivering for a few minutes. | |
雨に遭ってしまったので、我々は数分間暖炉の前で震えながら立っていた。 | ||
478. | It had rained for a solid week and the child could only press his face against the window pane sadly and wait for his father. | |
まる1週間雨が降っていたが、その子供は顔を窓ガラスに悲しそうに押し付けながら父を待つしかなかった。 | ||
479. | When we were faced with overwhelming force, we couldn't choose but to submit to his demands. | |
圧倒的な力を目の前にしたとき、我々は彼の要求に従うより他に無かった。 | ||
481. | To prevail in the fight against terrorism it will be necessary for all nations to cooperate fully. | |
テロに対する戦いに勝利するには、すべての国が完全に協力し合う必要があるだろう。 | ||
486. | He was not only often late for dinner, he would never even take the trouble to call and tell his wife about it. | |
彼は良く夕食に遅れるだけでなく、電話して妻にそのことを連絡する手間さえ惜しむのであった。 | ||
488. | The keynote speaker took the mike, cleared his throat, and began to speak. | |
基調演説者はマイクを取ると、咳ばらいをし、話し始めた。 | ||
494. | Anyone wanting to proceed to graduate study must earn a grade average of at least 3.5 on a 4 point scale. | |
大学院での研究にまで進みたい者は、4点のスケールで少なくとも平均3.5以上の成績を修めなければならない。 | ||
495. | Despite a few setbacks recently, we remain convinced that the current policy is the best option available. | |
最近のいくつかの停滞にもかかわらず、我々は現行の政策が考えられる中で最良の選択肢だと確信している。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
He said that twenty-five years before, when in India, he had fallen in love with an Indian women. | |
彼は、25年前インドにいたときにインド人女性と恋に落ちた。 | |
Young people often imagine that in order to gain the necessary experience to write, they must travel and see the world; but it is not true. | |
若者は、ものを書くのに必要な経験を得るためには世界を旅して見分を広めなければならないと想像することがある。しかしこれは正しくない。 | |
You have probably noticed that nowadays, when you talk to young men and women of college age they do not hear you very well. Their thoughts are elsewhere. | |
現代では、大学に通うような年の若者に話かけても、彼らがこちらの言うことをあまり聞いていないことに十中八九気付くことになるだろう。彼らは他のことを考えているのだ。 | |
Many people are persuadedthat if thirteen people sit down to dinner, one of them will come to grief within the year. | |
夕食に着席している人が13人ならば、そのうちの1人がその年のうちに悲痛なことに遭うと信じている人は多い。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
adjourn | [əˈdʒɜːn] | (formal)to stop a meeting or an official process, especially a trial, for a period of time | 意味 | |
quiver | [ˈkwɪvə(r)] | to shake slightly; to make a slight movement | 意味 | |
shiver | [ˈʃɪvə(r)] | (of a person) to shake slightly because you are cold, frightened, excited, etc. | 意味 | |
oppress | [əˈpres] | 1. to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair way, especially by not giving them the same freedom, rights, etc. as other people2. to make somebody only able to think about things that make them sad or worried | 意味 | |
pane | [peɪn] | a single sheet of glass in a window | 意味 | |
overwhelming | [ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋ] | very great or very strong; so powerful that you cannot resist it or decide how to react | 意味 | |
prosper | [ˈprɒspə(r)] | to develop in a successful way; to be successful, especially in making money | 意味 | |
mugging | [ˈmʌɡɪŋ] | the crime of attacking somebody violently, or threatening to do so, in order to steal their money, especially in a public place | 意味 | |
bequeath | [bɪˈkwiːð] | 1. to say in a will that you want somebody to have your property, money, etc. after you die2. to leave the results of your work, knowledge, etc. for other people to use or deal with, especially after you have died | 意味 | |
setback | [ˈsetbæk] | a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents something, or makes a situation worse | 意味 | |
disfigure | [dɪsˈfɪɡə(r)] | to damage the appearance of a person, thing or place | 意味 |