54. | A woman approached me, and, speaking with a strong Irish accent, asked me to direct her to the nearest police station. |
1人の女性が私に近づき、強いアイルランド訛りで一番近い警察署を教えてくれと尋ねた。 | |
56. | At first he said “no,” but she finally talked him into buying her an enormous diamond ring. |
最初私は嫌だと言ったが、ついに彼女は彼を説得し、大きなダイヤモンドの指輪を買わせた。 | |
60. | An Indonesian dessert that will make your mouth water is fried bananas with vanilla ice cream, topped with cinnamon. |
涎が出るようなインドネシアのデザートはシナモンをのせた揚げバナナのバニラアイスクリーム添えだ。 | |
61. | It is sometimes not well known that once you endorse a check, it can be cashed by anyone who happens to find it. |
一旦小切手に裏書したら、見つけた人がだれであっても現金に換えられるということはあまり知られていない。 | |
66. | When plaque accumulates on the teeth due to bacteria, it causes gum damage that can lead to bleeding in the gums. |
バクテリアによって歯垢が溜まると歯茎にダメージを与えて歯茎の出血を招くことになる。 | |
69. | At first he hated the taste of sake, but eventually he discovered it was an acquired taste. |
最初、彼は酒の味が嫌いだったが、結局、その味が身についていることが分かった。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
例題1.4 To learn to read Dante in the original may or may not be worth the effort - that depends. To be able to address, to understand, a French professor at the Sorbonne may be of the utmost moment - that depends. But to say that no one can call himself educated without learning a foreign language is not true.
- ダンテを原書で読むのに勉強することは努力する価値があるかもしれないし無いかもしれない。それは状況による。
- ソルボンヌ大学でフランス人教授に話しかけることができ、話を理解できることは努力する価値があるかもしれないし無いかもしれない。それは状況による。
- しかしは外国語を学んで初めて教養があると自称することは正しいとは言えない。
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
abstain | [əbˈsteɪn] | to choose not to use a vote, either in favour of or against sth | 意味 | |
retain | [rɪˈteɪn] | 1. retain something to keep something; to continue to have something2. retain something to continue to hold or contain something3. retain somebody/something (law) if a member of the public retains somebody such as a lawyer, they pay money regularly or in advance so the lawyer, etc. will do work for them | 意味 | |
detain | [dɪˈteɪn] | to keep sb in an official place, such as a police station, a prison or a hospital, and prevent them from leaving. | 意味 | |
direct one to | tell one the way to | 意味 | ||
talk out of ...ing | to persuade sb not to do sth | 意味 | ||
with flying colours | very well;with a very high mark/grade | 意味 | ||
alienate | [ˈeɪliəneɪt] | 1. alienate somebody to make somebody less friendly towards you2. alienate somebody (from something/somebody) to make somebody feel that they do not belong in a particular group | 意味 | |
stagecoach | [steɪdʒkəʊtʃ] | a large carriage pulled by horses, that was used in the past to carry passengers, and often mail, along a regular route | 意味 | |
gig | [ɡɪɡ] | 1. a performance by musicians playing popular music or jazz in front of an audience; a similar performance by a comedian2. (especially North American English, informal) a job, especially a temporary one | 意味 | |
virtually | [ˈvɜːtʃuəli] | almost or very nearly, so that any slight difference is not important | 意味 | |
utmost | [ˈʌtməʊst] | greatest/ most extreme | 意味 | |
that depends. | used to say that you are not certain about sth because other things have to be considered. | 意味 |