今回は古沢寛行・小宮山浩光・レコード,カービィ(2004)「コロケーション徹底演習II」(泰文堂)PP. 8-11を参照。
2. | After the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, medical workers have noted a huge increase in congenital birth defects in children in the region. | |
チェルノブイリでの原発事故の後、医療関係者はその地域の子供たちの中に先天性障害が際立って増加していることに気付いた。 | ||
3. | According to the theory of entropy, increased efficiency in one are in achieved only at the expenditure of greater chaos overall. | |
エントロピー理論によると、一分野での効率増価は全体でのより大きな混乱の犠牲の上にのみ成り立つ。 | ||
4. | The witness was so important to the prosecution's case that the police put her under armed guard around the clock. | |
その商人は検察側の主張にとって非常に重要であったので、警察は彼女に24時間武装した警護を付けた。 | ||
8. | Many people have come to believe that the only long term answer to depleted fossil fuels is the development of solar, water and wind power, each of which is basically limitless. | |
枯渇した化石燃料に対する唯一の長期の解決策は、基本的に無限である太陽、水そして風の力を開発することだと多くの人が信じるようになった。 | ||
9. | The destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure by Coalition Forces has played havoc with its economy and destroyed any semblance of social order. | |
合同軍によるイラクのインフラ設備の破壊はイラク経済を混乱させ、そして社会秩序らしきもの一切を崩壊させた。 | ||
15. | In the 1980s Saddam Hussein attempted to take advantage of the chaos following the Islamic Revolution in Iran to seize disputed territory there. | |
1980年代、サダム・フセインは、イランと係争中の領土を占拠するのに、イスラム革命に続くイラン内の混乱を利用しようとした。 | ||
17. | Even in the early 21st century world leaders can't get it into their heads that narrow national interest must sometimes take a back seat to international stability. | |
21世紀初頭においてさえ、世界のリーダーたちは、偏狭な国益は時に国際間の安定に一歩譲らねばならないということが十分理解できていない。 | ||
19. | No matter how hard we try to come to grips with the need to reduce nationalism and self-interest, chauvinistic attitudes often dominate the international political arena. | |
国家主義や利己主義の影響力を弱めなければと我々が懸命に取り組んでみても、熱烈な愛国的姿勢が往々にして国際政治の舞台を支配する。 | ||
21. | He was sure of passing the test but decided to leave nothing to chance by reviewing the exams written by the same professor the previous year. | |
彼はそのテストに合格すると確信していたが、前年同じ教授によって書かれた試験問題を復習して、何事も運任せにはしまいと決心した。 | ||
23. | He was supposed to be an expert in the field, but his theories of language-learning flew in the face of common sense. | |
彼はその分野での権威者という事になっていたが、彼の言語学習理論は常識に真っ向から対立するものだった。 | ||
25. | Their job was to sweep the sordid truth of the scandal under the rug, but someone leaked the facts anyway. | |
彼らの仕事はそのスキャンダルの浅ましい真実を覆い隠すことであったが、誰かがとにかく事実を漏らしたのだった。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
PP. 51-3まででの用法について*1。
By having a defined role in society each individual may cultivate his ability in that role that it better , tothe advantage of the community. | |
社会における明確な役割を持つことによって、各個人はその役割における自らの能力を伸ばし、それが巧みに果たされ地域社会における利益となるようにすることができる。 |
3.4 例題(1) We all know by instinct that it is unnatural to marry for money or social position instead of for love; yet we have arranged matter so that we must all marry more or less for money or social position or both.
We all know by instinct that it is unnatural to marry for money or social position instead of for love; | |
我々は皆、愛のためではなく金銭もしくは社会的地位のために結婚することが不自然であると本能的に理解している。 | |
yet we have arranged matter so that we must all marry more or less for money or social position or both. | |
しかし世の中の仕組みから言って、実質的に金銭、社会的地位もしくはそれら両方のために結婚しなければならないようになっている。 |
3.4 例題(2) It is now almost a century since a literate woman was sufficiently a curiosity to have the fact of her sex noted every time her literary activities were mentioned, and so is going out of use. No one couldhave foreseen, fifty years ago, that women were soon to do so much that men had thought they alone could do taht to attempt to call attention to it would burden the language.
It is now almost a century since a literate woman was sufficiently a curiosity to have the fact of her sex noted every time her literary activities were mentioned, and so is going out of use. | |
学のある女性が充分に希少価値のある存在で、彼女の文学活動について言及されると常に女性であることが話題になるようになって以来今や1世紀近くになり、女流作家という呼称は使われなくなりつつある。 | |
No one could have foreseen, fifty years ago, that women were soon to do so much that men had thought they alone could do taht to attempt to call attention to it would burden the language. | |
男性が自分たちだけにしかできないと思っていた仕事を女性がまもなくするようになるために、それに目を向けさせようとすれば言語に無用の負担を負わせることになるとは、50年前でも誰も予想し得なかった。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
congenital | [kənˈdʒenɪtl] | 1. (of a disease or medical condition) existing since or before birth2. [only before noun] existing as part of a person’s character and not likely to change3. [only before noun] (of a person) born with a particular illness | 意味 |
deficiency | [dɪˈfɪʃnsi] | 1. [uncountable, countable] the state of not having, or not having enough of, something that is essential2. [countable] deficiency (in something) a fault or a weakness in something/somebody that makes it or them less successful | 意味 |
defect | [ˈdiːfekt] | 1. a fault in something or in the way it has been made that means that it is not perfect2. (sometimes offensive) a physical problem with part of somebody’s body or the way that it works | 意味 |
utensil | [juːˈtensl] | a tool that is used in the house | 意味 |
recipient | [rɪˈsɪpiənt] | a person who receives something | 意味 |
bolster | [ˈbəʊlstə(r)] | to improve something or make it stronger | 意味 |
sordid | [ˈsɔːdɪd] | 1. not moral or honest2. very dirty and unpleasant | 意味 |
semblance | [ˈsembləns] | semblance of something a situation in which something seems to exist although this may not, in fact, be the case | 意味 |