878. | Some show allergic reactions to aspirin or other medicines that are supposed to relieve headaches, and in some cases, internal bleeding might occur without warning. | |
頭痛を和らげるとされるアスピリンや他の薬にアレルギー反応を起こす者がいるが、ときには、何の前触れもなしに内出血を起こすこともある。 | ||
880. | The hotel we stayed at was expensive and exclusive. The owner's commitment to wealth and prestige was apparently inspired by his vision of "the right sort of people". | |
私たちが滞在したホテルは高くて特権階級に限られたものだった。オーナーの富と名声へのこだわりは明らかに「ふさわしい人々」という彼の見解によるものであった。 | ||
881. | Some of Soseki's novels read more like a narrative or an account of happenings given by an intellectual - aloof or disengaged. | |
漱石の小説のいくつかは、インテリ、すなわちよそよそしいか高踏的な、そんな人による事件の話あるいは記述に一層近い感じで読める。 | ||
882. | The extraordinary heat and humidity of some parts of India make existence too ardent for many living creatures. | |
インドのある地方では異常なほどの暑さと湿気のために、多くの生物にとって生きるのが困難になっている。 | ||
888. | When an automobile engine is running, it turns a generator, which supplies direct current for charging the battery. | |
車のエンジンが動いているときは、ジェネレーターを動かし、バッテリーを補充するための直流電力を供給する。 | ||
889. | According to Roman Catholic faith, purgatory exists somewhere between heaven and hell, where those who die in venial sin are rendered fit to enter heaven. | |
ローマ・カトリック教会の信仰によれば、天国と地獄の間のどこかに煉獄があり、そこでは小罪を犯して死ぬ人が結局、天国に入れるようにしてもらえることになっている。 | ||
890. | This nonprofit and mom-and-pop organisation pioneered "A Home for Autistic Children". In a manner of speaking, the couple prepared the way for local governments as early as in the 80s. | |
この非営利で夫婦のみでやっている組織は「自閉症の子供の家」の先頭に立った。ある意味では、その夫婦は早くも80年代に地方自治体への道を用意したと言えよう。 | ||
892. | The family set a good table for us in order to live up to their long tradition of home cooking. | |
その家族は家庭料理の長い伝統に沿うために、私たちに素晴らしい食事を用意してくれた。 | ||
896. | The complicated red-tape mechanisms of the Japanese government may seem baffling to foreign visitors. | |
複雑で官僚主義的な日本政府の仕組みは外国人訪問者にとって当惑的に見えるかもしれない。 | ||
897. | What sources supply energy to run machines in our daily life? And how is energy from each of these sources harnessed? | |
日常生活において機械を動かすエネルギーの供給源は何が元でしょうか。そしてこうしたエネルギー源の1つ1つはどうやって動力化されているのか。 | ||
899. | In his Tokyo office, seated before a huge wooden desk, George started dictating a letter to his secretary. | |
東京のオフィスで大きな木の机の前に腰を下ろしながら、ジョージは秘書に手紙を書き取らせた。 |
今回は伊藤和夫(2017)「英文解釈教室 新装版」(研究社)
3.2 例題(1) Let me assure you, you gentlemen who sit comfortably in your armchairs and attribute no worthy motives to us climbers, that there is something more than self-satisfaction in placing our feet upon a summit where no foot has ever trod before.
肘掛椅子にゆったりと座って私たち登山家に価値のある動機などないとする紳士諸君に、これまでに人の足が踏み入れたことのない山頂に足を運ぶことに自己満足以上の何かが存在することを確約しましょう。 | |
模範例 | 皆さん、皆さんは肘掛椅子にゆったりと座っておられて、私たち登山家には貴重な動機があるなどとは思ってもみられませんが、前人未到の山頂に足跡を印すことには自己満足以上の何かがあることを、私ははっきりと申し上げます。 |
3.2 例題2 It is hard, indeed, to discern what pleasure they derived from their summer jouney. The probability is that their principal satisfaction lay in proving to their neighbours that they could afford to remove themselves and their children to the sea for a month every summer.
It is hard, indeed, to discern what pleasure they derived from their summer jouney. | |
彼らが夏の旅行からどのような喜びを得ていたかを見知るのはかなり難しい。 | |
The probability is that their principal satisfaction lay in proving to their neighbours that they could afford to remove themselves and their children to the sea for a month every summer. | |
恐らくは、毎夏1か月間自分と子供たちを海に連れて行くだけの余裕があることをその近所に示すことに主な満足を見出していたのではないか。 |
語彙 |
発音記号 |
意味・内容 |
調べた理由 |
overrate | [ˌəʊvəˈreɪt] | to have too high an opinion of somebody/something; to put too high a value on somebody/something | 意味 | |
protracted | [prəˈtræktɪd] | lasting longer than expected or longer than usual | 意味 | |
aloof | [əˈluːf] | not friendly or interested in other people | 意味 | |
arduous | [ˈɑːdʒuəs] | involving a lot of effort and energy, especially over a period of time | 意味 | |
audacious | [ɔːˈdeɪʃəs] | willing to take risks or to do something that shocks people | 意味 | |
ardent | [ˈɑːdnt] | very enthusiastic and showing strong feelings about something/somebody | 意味 | |
purgatory | [ˈpɜːɡətri] | 1. (in Roman Catholic teaching) a place or state in which the souls of dead people suffer for the bad things they did when they were living, so that they can become pure enough to go to heaven2. (informal, humorous) any place or state in which somebody suffers | 意味 | |
venial | [ˈviːniəl] | (of a sin or mistake) not very serious and therefore able to be forgiven | 意味 | |
venal | [ˈviːnl] | prepared to do things that are not honest or moral in return for money | 意味 | |
vindictive | [vɪnˈdɪktɪv] | showing a strong and unreasonable desire to harm or upset somebody because you think that they have harmed you | 意味 | |
red tape | [ˌred ˈteɪp] | official rules that seem more complicated than necessary and prevent things from being done quickly | 意味 | |
spontaneity | [ˌspɒntəˈneɪəti] | the quality of being spontaneous | 意味 |