








28. 前置詞

28.1 前置詞の種類

  単一前置詞 at, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, with; about, above, across, after, against, along, among, between, before, behind, below, beside, besides, beyond, but, inside, into, off, over, (a)round, since, through, throughout, towards, under, underneath, until, till, up, within, without
  複合前置詞 along with, apart from, as for, as to, away from, into, instead of, on to, out of, together with, up to, due to, next to, owing to, because of, at odds with, by means of, etc.

28.2 前置詞の機能


  E.g. The people on the bus were singing.
  E.g. The people were singing on the bus.

28.3 前置詞の目的語


  名詞句: He is staying at a hotel.
  代名詞: He got angry with me.
  形容詞: He was given up for dead.
  副詞: He will come before long.
  動名詞 He went out without saying a word.
  不定詞: We had no choice but to submit.
  前置詞句: He stayed till after supper.
  wh節*1 Tell me (about) where you went.

28.4 前置詞の後置


  疑問詞が目的語の場合 Where do you come from?
  関係詞が目的語の場合 This is the house (which/that) I told you about.
  擬似分裂文 What I was surprised at was his arrogance.
  感嘆文 What an awful state he was in!
  to不定 There was no chair to sit on.

His insolence cannot be put up with.
  worth -ing構文 He's worth listening to.
  倒置文 That I don't care for.

28.5 前置詞の省略

28.5.1 時間の前置詞句

 last, next, this, thatのような①直示語ないしsome, any, every, one, allのような②数量詞のつく名詞句③today, yesterday, tomorrow morningでは前置詞を常に省略する。ただし省略できるのはat, on, inに限られ、before, sinceなどは多義であるため省略できない。


  現在時の前または後のときを表す直示句:  E.g. (on) Monday week
  過去または未来の基準時の前または後を示す句:  E.g. (in) the previous spring
  the+名詞+前置詞:  英国では義務的で、米国では随意的である。


  E.g. I will see her on Sunday next.
28.5.2 頻度の前置詞句


28.5.3 期間の前置詞句

 状態動詞ではforをしばしば省略する。all dayなどallを含む語では省略は義務的である。動作動詞では省略できない。また文頭の位置でもforは省略されない。

  E.g. We have lived there (for) three years.
    We stayed in Rome all (the) week.
    I taught her for three years.
    For 600 years, the castle stood on a hill.

28.4 場所の前置詞


28.4.1 場所と方向


  方向 (その結果) 場所
  (a) Tom went to York. Tom was at York.
  (b) Tom fell onto the floor. Tom was on the floor.
  (c) Tom dived into the water. Tom was in the water.
28.4.2 at, in, on

 話し手が<容器>と捉える場合はin, <地点>と捉える場合はatを用いる。

  E.g. I'm in Kamakura now.
  I was at Kamakura last year.
  E.g. He stayed in London.
  Our plane refueled at London.

 建物の場合、atとinのいずれも用いられ、建物を<内部>を指す場合にはin, <地点>を指す場合にはatを用いる。

  E.g. John is at home today.
  John is in the house now.


      英国 米国
  He is at school. 彼は生徒だ。 彼は(いま)学校にいる。
  He is in school. 彼は(いま)学校にいる。 彼は生徒だ。
  He is in the school. 彼は校舎の中にいる。 (同左)


  There was a new coat of paint on the door.
  John stood at the door.
  There were woodworms in the door.
28.4.3 above/below; over/under; in front of/behind


  above :「…よりも高い所に」  ⇔  「…よりも低い所に」 below
  over :「…の真上に」  ⇔  「…の真下に」 under
  in front of :「…の前に」  ⇔  「…の後ろに」behind


 in front of/beforeについて、<場所>を示す場合はあまりbeforeを用いず、普通はin front ofが用いる。beforeを用いるのは以下の場合である:

  「<重要人物>の前に」 He was brought before the magistrate.
  before a person’s (very) eyesという成句で The accident happened before my (very) eyes.
28.4.4 between/among


  E.g. Mary was sitting between Ann and Susan.
    Switzerland lies between France, Italy, Austria, and Germany.
    Mary was standing among the crowd.
    He divided his money between his wife, his daughter and his sister.

なおamongst=amongは主に英で用いられる。amid, amidstは格式語である。

28.4.5 up/down; across/along


  E.g. He ran up/down the hill.
    He walked across the street.
28.4.6 around, round, about


  E.g. The earth goes around/round the sun.
    The live around/round the corner.
    We travelled around/round Japan.
    Is there a pub anywhere <米>around/<英>round/about here?
    We left around/about 8 o'clock.
28.4.7 by, beside, near

 by, besideは「…の傍に」という意味では同義的に用いられるものの、byは「…の近くに」、besideは「…と並んで」という含みがあるため、完全な同義ではない。nearはbyよりも距離があるときに用いられる。

  E.g. He sat by the fire. 彼は暖炉の側に座っていた。
    I walked beside him. 私は彼と並んで歩いた。
    We live near the sea. 海の近くに住んでいる*3
    We live by the sea. 海の側に住んでいる*4
28.4.8 after, behind


  E.g. She slammed the door after (=behind) her.
    Don't forget to lock the door behind you.
28.4.9 from, to


  E.g. He came to London from Rome.
    He went from Rome to London.


  E.g. Much to his own astonishment, Peter slept till noon that day.
28.4.10 out(=out of)

 米でoutをout ofの意味で用いる場合は、目的語がドア・窓である場合に限られる。

28.4.11 by way of


  E.g. I went to Europe by way of Siberia.
    She rolled her eyes by way of an answer and left.

28.5 時間の前置詞


28.5.1 at, in, on



onの場合はある出来事が特定の折と<接触>して起こったこと(=ある特定のタイミングに接触したこと)を表す。ただし特定の折であっても時刻表現やearly, middle, lateと共起するときはinが用いられる。
 inは否定文中またはfirst, lastなどのあとで用いて「特定の期間中で」の意味になる。肯定文ではforを用いる。

  E.g. at ten o'clock
    in the afternoon
  E.g. on Monday
    on the afternoon of Friday 15 December, the rain stopped, the sun came out.
    It was seven in the evening of a lovely summer's day.
  E.g. On arrival in London I deposited my luggage at an hotel.
    On arriving home I discovered they had gone.
  E.g. She hadn't been in London in years.
    I felt as though we'd known each other for years.
28.5.2 from, since

 sinceは「今/その時まで」の意味であり、過去から現在まで、もしくは(それよりも前の)過去からある過去の基準時までの継続を表すため、通常、完了形と共起する。これに対してfromは起点を表すのみで着点を示さないので(完了形を除く)任意の時制と共起可能である。ただしIt is ... sinceでは<英>だと現在形が用いられる場合がある。

  E.g. It’s been raining sincefrom two o'clock.
    He began/begins/will begin work from Monday.
  E.g. I've been here since three o'clock, but nobody has come yet.
    I've been here from three o'clock, but nobody came.
  E.g. (米)It's been a long time since the last meeting.
    (英)It's a long time since the last meeting.
  E.g. I met Mary last year, but I had known her since 1975.
28.5.3 in, after


  E.g. I’ll be with you in a minute.
    After months of argument they decided to divorce.
  E.g. 〇He learned English in two years.
    ×He learned English after two years.
28.5.4 within


  E.g. I shall be back within an hour.
28.5.5 by, till/until


  E.g. Can you finish the work by tommorow?
    Let's wait till four o'clock.

距離を用いる場合、till/untilは不可でas far as/up toを用いる。

28.5.6 until/before

 not ... until/tillとnot ... beforeは同じ意味を成す。

  E.g. I won't be seeing Judy until/before Tuesday.
    There's only six weeks left until/before Christmas.
28.5.7 during, for, in


  E.g. The sun gives out light during the day.
    I met John during my stay in London.
  E.g. It rained during the night for two or three hours.
  E.g. I stayed there during the week.
    I stayed there for a week.
  E.g. 〇Mary slept during the lecture.
    ×Mary slept for the lecture.
  E.g. I woke up during/in the night.

28.6 その他の前置詞

28.6.1 行為者・手段・道具:by, with


  E.g. He was killed by his enemy.
    He was killed with a sword.
  E.g. 〇 We were driven indoors by the rain.
    ×We were driven indoors with the rain.
  E.g. You can go Dutch Express, or you can go by foot.
28.6.2 向かい側:across from, opposite


  E.g. He felt uneasy sitting across from her.
    Jenny had sat opposite her at breakfast.
28.6.3 除外:but, except, except for, save

 except forは「…があるのを除いて」「…を除いて」「…が無かったならば」の3つの意味で用いられる。saveは格式体かつ古風でexceptと同義である。

  E.g. Everyone was there but him.
    Every one was tired except John.
    We can do nothing except wait.
  E.g. The road was empty except for a few cars.
    Except for John, everyone was tired.
    She would have left her husband except for the children.
  E.g. They knew nothing about her save her name.
28.6.4 主題:about, on


  aboutを用いる teach a person, read, hear, quarrel, keep quiet, inform a person, find out, be reasonable, tell … about*6
  about/on双方あり speak, argue, lecture, preach, confer, write, communicate, be knowledgeable, learn


  E.g. She spoke on butterflies.
    She spoke about butterflies.
28.6.5 刺激:at, with


  E.g. I was furious with John.
    I was delighted with the present.
  E.g. I was furious at John's behaviour.
28.6.6 成分・材料・製品:with, of, out of, from, into

 「作る」を意味する動詞の後で、withは複数の成分、(out) ofは唯一の材料を表す。makeとofが語句として離れている場合、out ofとすることが多い。

  E.g. This cake is made with lots of eggs.
    This desk is made of wood.
  E.g. He made the frame out of wood.
  E.g. What material is this dress made from?
  E.g. bread: a common food made of baked flour
    Bread is made from flour.
  E.g. We made milk into butter and cheese.
28.6.7 死因:die of/ die from

 通例、die ofは病気など内的な原因で死亡することを意味し、die fromは外傷など外的な要因で死亡することを表す。ただし近年はこれらを区別しないものも増えている。

  E.g. die of a malady, hunger, old age, or the like
    die from a wound, inattention, overwork, a blow, eating too much, etc.
28.6.8 備え:for, against


  E.g. I must prepare myself for(*against) the examination.
  They stored up their grain against famine.
28.6.9 価格:for, at:for


  E.g. I bought this book for ten dollars.
  The car was going at about 50 mph.
28.6.10 譲歩:in spite of, despite, for all, with all, notwithstanding

 譲歩の前置詞としては、in spite ofが最も普通である。despiteはより格式的である。with all, for allはdespiteよりも略式体で用法も限定的である。notwithstandingは格式語で、特に後置された場合は法律文のスタイルになる。

  E.g. I admire him, in spite of his faults.
  With all/For all his wealth, he is not happy.
  The EC nations embarked upon the trade agreement, a few exceptions notwithstanding.
28.6.11 関連:with regard to, with reference to, as to, as for

 with regard to, with reference toはかなり格式的で特に商業文に用いられる。as for, as toはこれらよりは格式性に欠ける。as forは文頭に用いられて話題を導入し、as toが節の終わりに用いられて関連を表す。regarding, concerning, touchingなども関連の前置詞として用いられる。

  E.g. The company's position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts.
  With reference to your recent advertisement, I am writing to request further details.
  As for me, I'd rather walk.
  There is some doubt as to whether the information is totally accurate.
  She has said nothing regarding/concerning/touching your request.
28.6.12 原因・理由・動機:for, from, because of, on account of

Why...?に答えるために原因・理由・動機を表す前置詞句がある。この中でもon account ofはbecause ofよりも格式的である。from, out ofはおもに心理的原因(=動機)を表す。forは主に限られた表現に用いる。

  E.g. We had to drive slowly because of the heavy rain.
  She felt sick from tiredness.
  We were all volunteers, working just for love.
28.6.13 目的・目的地:for

 forは「目的」を表す場合がある。他方でstart, headなどの出発の動詞と共起して目的地を表す場合もある。

  E.g. He'll do anything for money.
  He left for America yesterday.
28.6.14 様態:with, in ... manner/fashion

 様態は「with+抽象名詞」または「in ... manner/ fashion」の前置詞句で表せる。

  E.g. He behaved with great dignity.
  Voting was conducted in a peaceful and orderly fashion.
28.6.15 支持・反対:for, against, with


  E.g. Are you for or against the plan?
  I'm with you all the way on this point.


  E.g. "Are you with me?" "Nom could you explain that last part again?"
  As a child, she fought with her younger sister.
28.6.16 所属:at, of, on, with


  E.g. He's been at the bank longer than anyone else.
  the director of the company
  The pupils of a school are the children who go to it.
  He is on the committee.
  He has been with the company since 1980.

*1:tell, ask, depend, sure, lookなどの日常語の後ではwh節の前で前置詞を落とすことができる。





*6:tell ... of/speak of/ inform ... ofよりもaboutを用いる方が普通である。

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